Microsoft Excel Workbook
Microsoft Corporation

_XLS is a file extension associated with files created by the popular Microsoft Excel application. _XLS files are identical to Excel’s default file format XLS. The added ‘_’is a part of practice to prevent malicious macros sometimes included in spreadsheets sent via email from damaging user’s computer.

In order to open _XLS files user must change its filename suffix to XLS. _XLS is nothing more than a standard spreadsheet document that stores data as cells organized in rows and columns.

.aws Ability Spreadsheet Spredsheet Format
.dfg Data Flask Grid Format
.dis Oracle Discoverer Workbook Format
.edx EDraw Max Drawing Format
.edxz Edraw Compressed XML FIle
.fcs First Choice Spreadsheet
.fods OpenDocument Flat XML Spreadsheet Format
.gsheet Link To Google Sheets Web Application Spreadsheet Document

Last updated

.mmf 04/13/2023
.mup 04/13/2023
.itl 04/13/2023
.scs 04/10/2023
.crypt 04/10/2023
.pnp 04/10/2023
.tap 04/10/2023
.btr 04/03/2023