DaVis Image

IMX files are associated with DaVis, a paid data acquisition and visualization software developed by LaVision. DaVis can be used to visualize fluid dynamics, combustion or material deformation. IMX files store images used by DaVis program.

In order to fully utilize DaVis capabilities, appropriate external devices are required. There are over 100 various lasers and cameras compatible with DaVis available on the market. DaVis is compatible with 64-bit Linux and Windows operating systems.


.!s ZX Spectrum Hobetta Picture Format
.$c ZX Spectrum Hobetta Picture Format
.$s ZX Spectrum Hobetta Picture Format
.0-r PNG Image
.00_jpg_srz Wix Compressed Picture Image
.100 Toyota Embroidery Format
.10o Toyota Embroidery Format
.16 ISOLINUX Splash Screen Graphic (LSS16)

Last updated

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