Neko Bytecode Format
Nicolas Cannasse

N is the extension given to files associated with the scripting programming language called Neko. N files are used to store compiled source code written in that language. It is written in the form of a byte code. A virtual machine is used to run such files, which is a similar solution to the Java language. N files are created as a result of compiling the code contained in NEKO files.

Neko virtual tool to run N files is available for Mac, Windows and Linux operating systems.

Mac OS

Updated 09/28/2021

.a6p Adobe Authorware Application Format
.action Mac OS X Automator Action Format
.actm Autodesk AutoCAD Action Macro Format
.ahk AutoHotkey Script Format
.air Adobe AIR Rich Internet Applications
.apk Google Android Package Format
.app MAC Application Package Or Core System Service Format
.applescript AppleScript Script Format

Last updated

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