WM Keeper CLASSIC Purse File Backup

SAFE is the file extension associated with the WM Keeper Classic online payment system. This software uses SAFE files to save backups of the customer's electronic wallet, which is originally stored in files with the PWM extension.

WM Keeper Classic is a tool that allows you to pay bills or make purchases online by transferring funds directly to other users' wallets.

Updated 10/29/2021

.!@! Windows Backup Of WIN.INI
.### DoubleSpace Compressed Volume
.$id Steinberg Cubase Compressed
.$ll Steinberg Cubase Compressed
.--- Microsoft Backup File Set
.003 Compressed File From A Multi-volume Archive (part 3)
.004 Compressed File From A Multi-volume Archive (part 4)
.005 Compressed File From A Multi-volume Archive (part 5)

Last updated

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