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The .EPUB file extension refers to one of the most popular ebook file formats. The .EPUB files are currently widely used on the internet for publishing and distribution of proprietary material and ebook licensing. The .EPUB format has emerged as the single largest competitor to the famous .pdf file format.
.Epub stands for electronic publishing. The file format is specifically designed for book reading purposes. It is licensed as open source and this is gaining wide popularity currently across the globe. It allows the publishers to include the feature of a responsive layout, meaning which the text adjusts itself according to the screen size of the reading device.
EPUB (Electronic Publication) file extension is used by ebooks – electronic books. EPUB file is basically an archive file composed of a ZIP archive storing ebook’s content and XML file describing contents of the ZIP file. EPUB archive can store various type of data, for example, images, table of contents, words, fonts, style templates, metadata, etc.
EPUB is an open standard for book publishing; it uses XML language and some elements of HTML markup language. EPUB is the successor to older Open eBook format. EPUB is currently the most popular ebook file format and is widely supported by most ebook readers currently on the market.
EPUB files can be viewed on various devices (smartphones, tablets, ebook readers, computers) as EPUB is a reflowable format, which means that the document adapts to the output screen. Text and images are scaled for optimum space usage.
EPUB format is based on three standards proposed by International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF):