Hi-Eddi Image

HED is a simple document file that stores graphics data. They store 320 by 200 pixel images. HED is and obsolete format and is no longer supported.

HED is an uncompressed bitmap image file format used by 128 and 64 series of 8-bit Commodore computers produced during the 1980s (last C64 computer left production line in 1994). HED files are sometimes referred to as Hi-Eddi.


Updated 07/04/2022

.!s ZX Spectrum Hobetta Picture Format
.$c ZX Spectrum Hobetta Picture Format
.$s ZX Spectrum Hobetta Picture Format
.0-r PNG Image
.00_jpg_srz Wix Compressed Picture Image
.100 Toyota Embroidery Format
.10o Toyota Embroidery Format
.16 ISOLINUX Splash Screen Graphic (LSS16)

Last updated

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