Apple IMovie Project Format

IMOVIEPROJ is an extension given to files that are used by the program for creating video projects called Apple iMovie. IMOVIEPROJ files allow you to store footage based on a timeline, which can contain video, audio, information about effects, subtitles, etc. in the appropriate places. The IMOVIEPROJ project contains all the multimedia data that will be added to it and sometimes it causes, that it has a considerable size, even in the order of several GB.

The Apple iMovie program works under the control of Apple operating systems, therefore the IMOVIEPROJ files can most often be found in these systems.

Mac OS

Updated 05/12/2022

.aaf Advanced Authoring Format Multimedia Format
.aec DataCAD Drawing Format
.aep Adobe After Effects Project Format
.aepx Adobe After Effects XML Project Format
.aet Adobe After Effects Template Format
.aetx Adobe After Effects Format
.ajp AJP Player Video Format
.ale Avid Log File Format

Last updated

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