Information Readme Text Format

NFO is a document file attached to pirate software distributed on warez or torrent websites. NFO file is typically included as a part of archive or files such as software, computer games, or crack files.

NFO format is used by crackers to include information about them, usually as ASCII Art. Sometimes NFO files contain information on software version or installation guide. NFO files should not be confused with system files that use the same NFO suffix. NFO files can be opened using any text editor.

.abw AbiWord Document Format
.ac AC3D Geometry Format
.aim AIMMS ASCII Model Format
.ans ANSI Text File (ANSI Art)
.apt Almost Plain Text Format
.asc ASCII Text Characters Format
.ascii ASCII Text Characters Format
.aty Association Type Placeholder

Last updated

.mmf 04/13/2023
.mup 04/13/2023
.itl 04/13/2023
.scs 04/10/2023
.crypt 04/10/2023
.pnp 04/10/2023
.tap 04/10/2023
.btr 04/03/2023