Image PrintFox / PageFox

PG files are associated with PageFox and PrintFox publishing software. PageFox was created by German company Scanntronik Mugrauer GmbH, while PrintFox was developed by Hans Haberl. PageFox and PrintFox were designed to run on C64 and C128 (D) computers.

PG files store bitmap image data. PG files are generated by PageFox / PrintFox based on standard text documents. PG is an old format now considered obsolete.


Updated 03/09/2022

.!s ZX Spectrum Hobetta Picture Format
.$c ZX Spectrum Hobetta Picture Format
.$s ZX Spectrum Hobetta Picture Format
.0-r PNG Image
.00_jpg_srz Wix Compressed Picture Image
.100 Toyota Embroidery Format
.10o Toyota Embroidery Format
.16 ISOLINUX Splash Screen Graphic (LSS16)

Last updated

.mmf 04/13/2023
.mup 04/13/2023
.itl 04/13/2023
.scs 04/10/2023
.crypt 04/10/2023
.pnp 04/10/2023
.tap 04/10/2023
.btr 04/03/2023