.r | R Script Format |
.r*ch | BBEdit |
.r0 | WinRAR Compressed Archive Format |
.r00 | WinRAR Compressed Archive Format |
.r01 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 3) |
.r02 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 4) |
.r03 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 5) |
.r04 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 6) |
.r05 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 7) |
.r06 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 8) |
.r07 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 9) |
.r08 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 10) |
.r09 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 11) |
.r0f | RingCentral Fax Document |
.r1 | WinRAR Multi-Volume Archive Part 1 |
.r10 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 12) |
.r11 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 13) |
.r12 | Norton Ghost Rar |
.r13 | Norton Ghost Rar |
.r14 | Norton Ghost Rar |
.r15 | Norton Ghost Rar |
.r16 | Norton Ghost Rar |
.r17 | Norton Ghost Rar |
.r18 | Norton Ghost Rar |
.r19 | Norton Ghost Rar |
.r1m | RealOne Streaming Media Format |
.r1w | Reflection Setting |
.r2 | WinRAR Multi-Volume Archive Part 2 |
.r20 | Norton Ghost Rar |
.r21 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 23) |
.r22 | Norton Ghost Rar |
.r23 | Norton Ghost Rar |
.r24 | Norton Ghost Rar |
.r25 | Norton Ghost Rar |
.r26 | Norton Ghost Rar |
.r27 | Norton Ghost Rar |
.r28 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 30) |
.r29 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 31) |
.r2d | RISA-2D |
.r2k | Repertoire 2000 Music Database |
.r2w | Reflection Settings |
.r30 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 32) |
.r31 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 33) |
.r32 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 34) |
.r33 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 35) |
.r34 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 36) |
.r35 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 37) |
.r36 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 38) |
.r37 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 39) |
.r38 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 40) |
.r39 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 41) |
.r3d | REDCODE Multimedia Format |
.r3t | RealNetworks RealText |
.r40 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 42) |
.r41 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 43) |
.r42 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 44) |
.r43 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 45) |
.r44 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 46) |
.r45 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 47) |
.r46 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 48) |
.r47 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 49) |
.r48 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 50) |
.r49 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 51) |
.r50 | Split Multi-volume RAR Compressed File Archive (part 52) |
.r51 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r52 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r53 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r54 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r55 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r56 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r57 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r58 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r59 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r60 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r61 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r62 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r63 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r64 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r65 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r66 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r67 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r68 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r69 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r70 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r71 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r72 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r73 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r74 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r75 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r76 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r77 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r78 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r79 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r8 | Microsoft Flight Simulator Texture |
.r80 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r81 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r82 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r83 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r84 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r85 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r86 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r87 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r88 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r89 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r8? | Microsoft Word For DOS Font |
.r90 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r91 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r92 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r93 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r94 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r95 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r96 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r97 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r98 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.r99 | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.ra | RealAudio Audio Format |
.ra2 | Flare RAW |
.RA3Autosave | Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Save Game |
.RA3Campaign | Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Save Game |
.ra3replay | Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Replay |
.ra3skirmish | Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Skirmish Map |
.rac | Venue Race Application |
.rad | Reality AdLib Tracker 2 Format |
.radiumkey2 | Radium Registration Format |
.radius | Ruby-Radius Scipt |
.radq | Need For Madness Game Archive |
.rae | TrueZIP Encrypted ZIP Archive |
.raes | TrueZIP Encrypted ZIP Archive |
.raf | Fuji CCD-RAW Graphic Format |
.rag | RAM Advanse Generator |
.rai | SPEFO |
.rake | Ruby Makefile |
.rakefile | Ruby Makefile |
.ral | WinRail Track Design Format |
.ram | Real Audio Metafile |
.ramd | Repeat After Me Document |
.ran | Dexterpen |
.rap | Magix Music Studio Rap |
.rapc | Java 2 ME Unit |
.rar | WinRAR Compressed Archive Format |
.rar1 | RAR Archive |
.rar5 | WinRAR Compressed Archive Format |
.rarenx | Egis Encrypted RAR |
.rarx | Renamed RAR |
.ras | Sun Raster Bitmap Format |
.raskinlicense | Raskin For Mac License Format |
.raskinplace | Raskin Place Settings Format |
.rast | Sun Raster Bitmap Image |
.rat | PICS Platform For Internet Content Selection Format |
.ratdvd | RatDVD Commpressed DVD Movie |
.rav | FIFA 2001 Data Environment Format |
.raw | Digital Camera Photo RAW Image Format |
.rax | RealMedia Streaming Format |
.ray | Rayshade Picture Image Format |
.ra_ | Resco Photo Viewer Thumbnail Cache |
.rb | Ruby Script Format |
.rb0 | Trend AntiVirus Backup |
.rb1 | R:Base Data Format |
.rb2 | R:Base Data Format |
.rb3 | R:BASE Data |
.rb4 | Trend AntiVirus Backup Format |
.rba | RegexBuddy Regular Expression |
.rbb | Top Secret Crypto Gold Random Bits Bin |
.rbc | Easy Resume Creator Pro Resume Format |
.rbdf | Reading For The Blind And Dyslexic Audio Book With Text |
.rbf | Microsoft Windows Rollback Script Format |
.rbg | RegexBuddy GREP Action |
.rbi | EBahn Reader |
.rbj | Extra Redcode Kit Compiled Redcode Object Format |
.rbk | Microsoft Windows 95 Registry Backup Format |
.rbl | RegexBuddy Library |
.rbm | Propellerhead ReBirth Modulation V2.0 |
.rbo | REALbasic Class |
.rbp | REALbasic Project Format |
.rbs | Rebirth Song Format |
.rbt | Lego MINDSTORMS NXT Program Format |
.rbtx | NXT Create Pack & Go Package |
.rbvcp | Real Studio Project Format |
.rbw | Ruby |
.rbx | IBM Rembo-C Compiled Script Format |
.rbxl | ROBLOX Game Format |
.rbxm | ROBLOX Model Format |
.rbxs | ROBLOX Script |
.rbz | Rail Baron Player Saved Game Format |
.rc | Microsoft Visual Studio Visual C/C++ Resource Script Format |
.rc1 | Samsung S5230 Firmware Format |
.rc2 | Microsoft Visual Studio Visual C/C++ Non-compilable Resource Script Format |
.rc3 | Visual C Resource |
.rcb | Ripple Chat Bot Document |
.rcd | PcAnywhere Recorded Session Format |
.rcf | Prototype Game Format |
.rcg | Netscape Newsgroup Format |
.rch | SWAT Reach Output |
.rcl | Easy CD And DVD Creator Project Format |
.rcn | QRacing Track |
.rco | Sony PlayStation Portable PSP Resource Format |
.rcp | Rich Chart Builder Project |
.rcproject | Apple IMovie Project Format |
.rcs | RandomControl Scene Format |
.rct | Microsoft Visual Studio Resource Template Format |
.rcu | RealWorld Layered Cursor Image |
.rcv | Eudora Temporary Download |
.rcx | REDCINE-X Project Format |
.rcy | ReCycle Audio Loop Format |
.rd | R Document |
.rd2 | TOCA Race Driver 2 Saved Game |
.rd3 | CorelDRAW CorelDream 3D |
.rd3f | CorelDRAW CorelDream 3D |
.rd5 | Autodesk Road Aligment |
.rda | Oracle Storage Area Format |
.rdat | RNA Data (RDAT) |
.rdata | R Workspace Format |
.rdb | N64 Nintendo 64 ROM Database Format |
.rdc | IDRISI Raster Documentation Format |
.rdd | ALTA |
.rde | Painkiller Overdose Game |
.rdf | Resource Description Framework RSS Feed Format |
.rdg | Morae Recorded Video |
.rdi | Device Independent Bitmap Format |
.rdl | Corel Paradox Format |
.rdlc | Microsoft Visual Studio Report Definition Format |
.rdlx | Microsoft Power View Project Format |
.rdm | Ragdoll Masters Preference |
.rdo | Xerox Rawster Document Object Format |
.rdoc | RubyDoc Script |
.rdp | Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Connection Settings Format |
.rds | Ray Dream 3D Animation Format |
.rdt | Adobe Captivate RoboDemo Template |
.rdv | NTgraph |
.rdw | Real-DRAW Project |
.rdx | Borland Reflex Database Format |
.rdy | INet-Server |
.rdz | Mandrake Linux Install |
.re | Python Regular Expressions Source Code |
.re2 | NEK5000 Mesh |
.re4 | Resident Evil 4 |
.rea | Readme Text |
.readme | Visual FoxPro Documenting Wizard List |
.real | Gnome Desktop |
.reapeaks | REAPER Scratch |
.reb | REBOL Script Format |
.rec | Recorded Format |
.reco | Evernote |
.record | Recorded Audio Format |
.red | CADViewer Redline Markup Format |
.redir | Spotify Redirect Format |
.ref | Reference Format |
.reference | Budget In Brief Application Reference Format |
.refi | E-Sword Reference IOS Notes |
.refresh | Microsoft Visual Studio Refresh Format |
.refx | E-Sword Reference Library Note |
.reg | Windows Registry Data Format |
.regi | Kagi Registration Module |
.regs | Netscape Registry |
.regtrans-ms | Microsoft Windows Vista And Windows 7 Registry Format |
.regularizer | SAM Transition Regularizer |
.rej | Mercurial Reject |
.rel | Norton Internet Security 2001 Log Format |
.reloc | Microsoft Windows EXE Relocation Format |
.rels | Microsoft Open Office XML Relationships Format |
.rem | BlackBerry Encrypted Data Format |
.renderman | Pixar RenderMan 3.1 Specification |
.rep | BusinessObjects Report Format |
.repatch | Reason DCAM EnvShaper Effect Preset |
.repx | XtraReports Report Definition |
.req | SSL Certificate Request Format |
.res | Microsoft C, C++ Compiled Resource Format |
.resdex | Stronghold 3 Resource |
.resjson | Microsoft Windows 8 Metro JavaScript Format |
.resmoncfg | Microsoft Windows Resource Monitor Settings Format |
.resourceconfig | Visual Studio Resource Configuration |
.resources | Microsoft Visual Studio Resource Format |
.resp | Microsoft Windows Report Log |
.rest | ReStructuredText |
.resw | Microsoft Windows 8 Resources Format |
.resx | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET XML Resource Template Format |
.ret | RETScreen Project Format |
.rev | WinRAR Recovery Volume Format |
.rew | MRMC Markov Reward Model Checker Definition |
.rewi | MRMC Markov Reward Model Checker Definition |
.rex | ReCycle Audio Loop Export Format |
.rez | LithTech Game Engine Resource Format |
.rf | Sun Bitmap Image |
.rf0 | SmartWare Runtime Project |
.rf1 | Retirement Forecast Format |
.rf2 | SmartWare Runtime Project |
.rf3 | SmartWare Runtime Project |
.rf4 | SmartWare Runtime Project |
.rf5 | Tektronix |
.rfa | Autodesk Revit Architecture Family Format |
.rfb | RoboForm Bookmarks Format |
.rfc | RoboForm Contact Format |
.rfd | RecogniFORM Form Definition Format |
.rfe | RockFlow Log |
.rfg | RFG Integrator System Database |
.rfgs_pc | Red Faction: Guerilla Saved Game Format |
.rfh | RFG Integrator Householding Database |
.rfi | SPEFO Stellar Spectra Analysis |
.rfl | ANSYS Format |
.rfm | RFactor Modification Format |
.rfmod | RFactor 2 Mod |
.rfn | RoboForm SafeNote Files |
.rfo | RoboForm License And Options Format |
.rfp | RoboForm Passcard Format |
.rfq | RoboForm SearchCard Format |
.rfr | Adobe Photoshop Frame Filter |
.rfs | RealFlow Script |
.rft | Revit Template Format |
.rfv | Restricted Focus Viewer Input |
.rfw | Rockchip Firmware Format |
.rfx | RoboForm Blocked Passcard |
.rg | Rosegarden Music |
.rgb | SGI RGB Bitmap Format |
.rgba | Silicon Graphics Image File Format |
.rgbe | Radiance Map |
.rgd | Rosegarden Device Definition |
.rgdb | Adobe Registration Database |
.rge | Microsoft Outlook For Mac Archive Format, Entourage Personal Folder Format |
.rgf | Advanced Registry Tracer Scan Data |
.rgh | ZZ RouGH Image |
.rgi | RealArcade Game Installer |
.rgm | Essence Game Engine Model |
.rgmb | RootsMagic Backup Format |
.rgmc | RootsMagic Genealogy Project Format |
.rgn | Garmin Region Format |
.rgo | RepliGo Virtual Print Format |
.rgp | RealArcade Game Package |
.rgrp | Pro Tools Region Group Format |
.rgs | InstallShield Script For Windows Registry |
.rgss2a | RPG Maker VX RGSS Encrypted Archive Format |
.rgss3a | RPG Maker VX RGSS Version 3 Encrypted Archive |
.rgssad | RPG Maker VX RGSS Encrypted Archive |
.rgu | Microsoft Windows Mobile Registry Entry |
.rguninst | RealArcade Uninstall Script |
.rgz | Ragnarok EXE And BGM Patch Archive |
.rh | C++ Resource Header |
.rha | Adobe RoboHelp AIR Help Project |
.rhistory | R History Format |
.rhk | Backdoor.Win32.Rbot.rhk Trojan Virus |
.rhl | EdgeSounds RatHole Compressed Audio |
.rhm | Right Hemisphere Material |
.rhp | Encore Format Format Format |
.rhtml | Ruby HTML Web Page Format |
.ri | Lotus 1-2-3 Data |
.ribbons | Ribbons |
.ric | Lego NXT Image Format |
.rid | GerbMagic Raster Image |
.rif | Corel Painter Raster Image Format |
.riff | Painter Raster Image |
.rig | LightWave 3D RIG Function Format |
.rik | SharpMap |
.rim | BioWare Resource Image Format |
.rio | IBM AIX System |
.rip | Lotus Notes Error |
.ripxr | RipXR Compressed Archive |
.ris | Research Information Systems Citation Format |
.riscos | Acorn RISC OS |
.rise | RISE Information Model Format |
.riv | CRiSP Harvest |
.rix | ColoRix Bitmap Image |
.rjs | RealJukebox Skin |
.rjt | RealPlayer Track Info Style |
.rk | WinRK Archive Format |
.rkc | Mario Kart Wii Competition Data |
.rkg | Mario Kart Wii Ghost Data |
.rkp | Rockchip MP4 Player Game |
.rkr | Rakarrack |
.rkt | Racket Information Module |
.rkv | Star Wars The Clone Wars Republic Heroes Game Archive |
.rkw | RockWorks Graphics |
.rl | R.viewer Format |
.rl1 | Descent 1 Registered Level |
.rl2 | Descent 2 Registered Level |
.rl4 | Device-independent Bitmap |
.rla | Alias/Wavefront Bitmap Image |
.rlb | Alias/Wavefront Bitmap Image |
.rlc | ArcView Image |
.rld | Norton Commander Temporary |
.rle | Run Length Encoded Bitmap |
.rle.gz | Golly Compressed Pattern Format |
.rlf | ArcGIS Report Layout Format |
.rlg | Weibull++ |
.rli | RealWorld Graphics Layered Image |
.rll | Resource Hacker Resource Library Format |
.rln | Alpha Four Database |
.rlog | MPICH Log |
.rls | RadLight Skin Format |
.rlst | Sims 3 Data |
.rlt | ReliaSoft BlockSim & Weibull++ |
.rlw | Ricochet Lost Worlds: Recharged |
.rlx | XMetaL Compiled Form |
.rm | RealMedia Format |
.rm3d | RiskMetrics RiskManager |
.rma | RealMedia Audio |
.rman | Oracle Datafile Backup |
.rmap | CompeGPS Land Raster Map |
.rmb | SafeGuard RemovableMedia Keyring Backup |
.rmbak | Registry Mechanic Backup Format |
.rmc | RMCalc |
.rmd | Microsoft RegMaid Document Format |
.rmdp | Alan Wake Game Data |
.rme | Final Fantasy Audio |
.rmf | Adobe Acrobat Rights Management Document Format |
.rmg | Rimage Image |
.rmgc | RootsMagic Genealogy Database |
.rmi | MIDI-sequention Music (RIFF RMID Format) |
.rmid | RIFF RMID Midi Format |
.rmj | RealAudio Media Format |
.rmk | CA Clipper RMake Makefile |
.rml | Redline Markup Language Format |
.rmm | RAM Meta Format |
.rmn | Oracle Recovery Manager Script |
.rmp | RealAudio Audio Format |
.rmr | ResumeMaker Format |
.rms | RealMedia Secure Media File Format |
.rmskin | Rainmeter Skin Format |
.rmt | Linksys Router Firmware Format |
.rmuf | Alpha Five Runtime Format |
.rmv | The Simpsons Hit & Run Video Format |
.rmvb | RealMedia Variable Bitrate Format |
.rmw | RAM Commander Database |
.rmx | RealMedia Secure Media Clip |
.rna | Malware |
.rnc | RNC ProPack Archive Format |
.rnd | AutoCAD Autoshade Rendering Slide Format |
.rng | Random Number Generator Data Format |
.rnk | Dial-up Shortcut |
.rnl | GTX Runlength Encoded Bitmap Graphics |
.rnq | Renque Model Format |
.rnr | The 11th Hour Game Data |
.rns | Reason Audio Format |
.rnt | EdgeCAM Licensing Data |
.rnw | Sweave Source |
.rnx | RealPlayer Audio Or Settings Format |
.ro | ROwin Project |
.roacj | Call Of Juarez Game Resource Data |
.rob | Wintask Compiled Program |
.robo | RoboMind Source Code |
.roc | SpaceCAD Rocket Design |
.roca | RIB Office Compressed Archive Format |
.rock | Rockbox Installation Format |
.rockwell | Rockwell (modem) |
.rockwell-2 | Rockwell 2-bit ADPCM Data |
.rockwell-3 | Rockwell 3-bit ADPCM Data |
.rockwell-4 | Rockwell 4-bit ADPCM Data |
.rod | Actuate E.Report Designer Report Object Design |
.rodl | RemObjects Definition Language Format |
.roff | Unformatted Manual Page (Roff/nroff/troff/groff) |
.rofl | Leagues Of Legends Replay |
.rog | Roger 2 Data Format |
.roh | Avantes |
.roi | Report Object Instance |
.rol | AdLib Visual Composer Music Data Format |
.rom | Read Only Memory Image (emulators/AONs) |
.roo | WinRAR Archive |
.roq | Id Software Game Video |
.ros | Dynamite VSP Rail Object Style Format |
.rot | Homeworld 2 Game Graphics Data Format |
.rotest | RemObjects SDK Test Format |
.rotestresult | RemObjects SDK Test Results Format |
.rou | Gerber Route Format |
.rov | Actuate E.Report Designer Report Object Value |
.row | Actuate E.Report HTML Report Document |
.rox | Actuate E.Report Designer Report Object Executable Format |
.roxio | Roxio Creator Project Format |
.roz | ASc TimeTables Timetable |
.rp | Axure RP Project Format |
.rp2 | RetroPlatform Player (Amiga Forever) Format |
.rp3 | Need For Speed Game |
.rp9 | RetroPlatform Format |
.rpa | RIB ITWO Project Archive Format |
.rpack | Call Of Juarez Game Data |
.rpb | Radmin Phonebook Format |
.rpbm | Portable Bitmap Image |
.rpc | Visual Basic Crystal Reports |
.rpd | Roleplay Designer Data Format |
.rpe | Performance Analyzer |
.rpf | 3ds Max Rich Pixel Format |
.rpg | The RPG Programming Language |
.rpgm | Portable Greyscale Image |
.rpi | Render Extension |
.rpj | RealPlayer JavaScript Format |
.rpk | NeverForget Backup Reminder Format |
.rpl | Toribash Replay Game Format |
.rplib | Axure Widget Library Format |
.rpln | Adobe InDesign Required Function Library |
.rpm | Linux Package Manager Format |
.rpmsg | Microsoft Restricted Permission Message Format |
.rpn | ACT! 2.0 Report |
.rpnm | Portable Image Image |
.rpo | IBM XL C/C++ For Linux Compiler |
.rpp | REAPER Project Format |
.rppm | Portable Image Image Format |
.rpprj | Axure RP Shared Project Format |
.rpr | IBM Voice Type Languages Vocabels |
.rprofile | Quick-R R Programming Language Configuration |
.rps | 3D Studio Max Render Preset Settings Format |
.rpt | Report Format |
.rpt2 | ESignal Report |
.rptproj | Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Report Project |
.rptr | RafflePrinter Document Format |
.rptx | Spiceworks Report |
.rpv | RealPlayer Visualization |
.rpw | RPWiz Project |
.rpx | Repute Tutorial |
.rpy | Python Script Format |
.rpym | RenPy Module |
.rpz | Crystal Reports ZIP Compressed And Encrypted Report |
.rqc | Micro Focus Revolve |
.rqi | TrueNet R-Quest Disc Image |
.rqm | IBM RequisitePro Metrics Report |
.rqt | Report Quality Plotting Module |
.rqy | Microsoft Excel OLE DB Query |
.rra | Windows Installer Temporary Format Format |
.rrc | BlackBerry Java Resource Content |
.rrd | Reduced Resolution Dataset Format |
.rrd4j | RRD4J Graph |
.rrf | Raytech |
.rrg | JRiver Media Center License |
.rrh | BlackBerry Resource Header |
.rri | RealWorld Icon Editor Picture Image Format |
.rrpa | Oracle Reports Remote Printing Utility PDF Report |
.rrr | Registry Mechanic Backup Format |
.rrt | Rhapzode Resource Template Format |
.rrx | IBM Datacap Define |
.rs | Sun Raster Bitmap Image Format |
.rs1 | RETScreen Spreadsheet |
.rs2 | RailSim2 Layout Format |
.rs7 | LightTools Radiant Source Model |
.rs8 | ProSource |
.rsa | RSA Digital Certificate Format |
.rsb | Red Storm Bitmap Format |
.rsc | Resource Format |
.rsd | Database Format |
.rsd-journal | REALSQLDatabase Journal |
.rsdb | Resort Software Database |
.rsdf | RapidShare Download Settings Format |
.rsds | SharePoint Shared Data Source |
.rsed | ResEdit |
.rsf | Mediafour MacDrive Macintosh Resource Fork |
.rsfx | Reflection |
.rsg | Drakan Order Of The Flame |
.rsh | Warhammer 40,000 Texture |
.rsi | Reactis |
.rsl | Robot Scripting Language |
.rsm | ReliaSoft MPC 3 Format |
.rsml | RealPlayer ML |
.rsn | Propellerhead Reason Audio Format |
.rso | LEGO NXT Brick Audio Format |
.rsp | Linker Response Format |
.rsq | IBM 4690 Operating System |
.rsr | Poser Model Preview Format |
.rsrc | MAC OS Resource Format |
.rsrs | Buddy API |
.rss | Really Simple Syndication - RSS File Format |
.rst | ReStructuredText Format |
.rsu | Reflection For IBM Updated Settings |
.rsv | RSView32 Project Format |
.rsw | R&R SQL Report Writer Report Format |
.rsx | RED Metadata XML Format |
.rsym | ArchiCAD For MAC Geometric Description Language |
.rs_ | Macintosh Resource Fork |
.rt | RealText Subtitle Format |
.rt2 | OziExplorerCE Route |
.rta | IBM Voice Type Languages Vocabulary Format |
.rtab | Randy Tab Guitar Tablature |
.rtb | Rhino 3D Toolbar Collection |
.rtc | AutoCAD Civil Rating Curve Data Format |
.rtd | Retina Network Security Scanner Output Format |
.rte | OziExplorer Route Format |
.rtf | Rich Text Format Document |
.rtfd | Rich Text With Graphic Document Format |
.rtg | Autodesk Maya 3D Scene Data |
.rth | ANSYS Results |
.rti | Real Tracker Instrument Format |
.rtk | Adobe RoboHelp Configuration |
.rtkt | Royaltek Binary Data |
.rtl | Text |
.rtm | Real Tracker Music Module (MOD) Format |
.rtmap | CompeGPS Land Raster Map |
.rtn | MeasureMind 3D |
.rtp | Microsoft Software Update Format |
.rtpi | 3rdTech Scanner |
.rtr | Astrotite 200X Offline Data Repair |
.rts | Resource Tuner Console Script Format |
.rtsl | RealAudio RTSL Document |
.rtsp | Apple QuickTime Real-time Streaming Protocol |
.rtstn | Audials Station Format |
.rtsx | Royal TS Document Settings |
.rtt | Ragtime |
.rtttl | RTTTL / Nokring Mobile Ring-tone Format |
.rtu | RivaTuner Update |
.rtw | Real-Time Workshop Database |
.rtwsh | Radiotracker Wishlist Format |
.rtx | Mobile Phone Ringtone |
.rt_ | Microsoft Windows Winhelp Compressed |
.ru | Russian Text Or Localization Format |
.rub | JQuery Rules |
.ruf | ProWORX Tables Reference Format |
.ruj | Oracle Recovery-Unit Journal |
.rul | Rule Format |
.rule | Visual C++ Project Rules |
.ruleset | Microsoft Visual Studio Code Analysis Ruleset Format |
.rum | Bink Video Subtitle Format |
.run | Linux Executable Format |
.rup | IBM Rational Unified Process |
.rus | Navitel Navigator Map |
.rv | RealVideo Video Format |
.rv3 | Newsbin Pro |
.rv9 | RealVideo Movie |
.rvb | Rhinoceros 3D Visual Basic Script |
.rvc | TNTmips Windows Version Project |
.rvd | VPHybridCAD Native Drawing Format |
.rvdata | RPG Maker Data Format |
.rvdata2 | RPG Maker VX Data |
.rvf | RichView Document |
.rvg | Revit External Group |
.rvi | Revenant Game Archive |
.rvid | Snapz Pro X Video Format |
.rvl | Muvee Project |
.rvm | Revenant Game Archive |
.rvmat | Armed Assault Texture |
.rvp | Microsoft Scan Configuration |
.rvproj | RPG Maker VX Project Format |
.rvproj2 | RPG Maker VX Project |
.rvr | Revenant Game Archive |
.rvs | Revenant Game Archive |
.rvt | Autodesk Revit Architecture Project Format |
.rvw | ReviewMate Review |
.rvx | Real Protected Video Format |
.rw | Navicat For MySQL |
.rw2 | Panasonic Lumix RAW Image Format |
.rw3 | RapidWeaver Site Design Format |
.rw5 | Survey Pro Data |
.rwa | Weibull++ |
.rwc | WAsP Regional Wind Climate |
.rwd | RWD Compressed Game Archive |
.rwg | Random Word Generator File Format |
.rwk | Bentley InRoads Project |
.rwl | D-Lux 4 RAW Image Format |
.rwlibrary | Paperless Receipt Library Format |
.rwm | Windows Imaging Resource Only |
.rwo | Matlab Output |
.rwp | RapidWeaver Web Package Format |
.rwplugin | RapidWeaver Plugin Format |
.rwr | RiffWorks IntelliRiffer |
.rws | Borland C++ Resource Workshop Symbol Format |
.rwsnippet | RapidWeaver Snippet Format |
.rwstyle | RapidWeaver Style Format |
.rwsw | RapidWeaver Website Saved Project |
.rwtheme | RapidWeaver Theme Format |
.rwtl | HyperRESEARCH |
.rwx | Netscape Live 3D |
.rwz | Microsoft Outlook Internet Rules Settings Format |
.rx | MS-DOS 7 |
.rx2 | ReCycle! Audio Loop Format |
.rx3 | FIFA 11 Texture |
.rxc | Roxio Certificate Format |
.rxd | Attachmate Reflection X Manager Definition |
.rxdata | RPG Maker RMXP Data Format |
.rxe | Lego Mindstorms NXT Executable Format |
.rxl | Seetrax Ranger CAD Drawing |
.rxm | Reflection X Multi Session |
.rxml | Roxen Macro Language |
.rxp | Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 Playlist |
.rxproj | RPG Maker Project |
.rxs | RSIGuard RSIScript |
.rxx | RAR Compressed Files From A Multi-volume Archive |
.rz | Rzip Compressed Archive |
.rzb | Red Zion E-book Book Format |
.rzk | File Crypt Password Format |
.rzn | Red Zion E-book Notes Format |
.rzr | Renamed WinRAR Archive |
.rzs | Red Zion Security Format |
.rzx | File Crypt Encrypted Format |
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