.a | Unix Static Object Code Library Format |
.a$v | QuarkXpress Automatically Saved Project |
.a00 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 2) |
.a01 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 3) |
.a02 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 4) |
.a03 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 5) |
.a04 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 6) |
.a05 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 7) |
.a06 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 8) |
.a07 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 9) |
.a08 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 10) |
.a09 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 11) |
.a1 | Free Pascal Archive |
.a10 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 12) |
.a11 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 13) |
.a12 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 14) |
.a13 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 15) |
.a14 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 16) |
.a15 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 17) |
.a16 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 18) |
.a17 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 19) |
.a18 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 20) |
.a19 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 21) |
.a1wish | Audials Wishlist Format |
.a20 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 22) |
.a21 | Soundweb Firmware |
.a26 | Atari 2600 ROM Image Format |
.a2a | IBM Voice Type Languages Vocabels |
.a2b | Adlib Tracker II Instrument Bank |
.a2c | Alice Scene Format |
.a2desktop | Aston Desktop Desktop Skin |
.a2i | Adlib Tracker Instrument Format |
.a2l | ASAP2 Description Format |
.a2m | AdLib Tracker 2 Format |
.a2menu | Aston Desktop Start Menu Skin |
.a2p | Adlib Tracker Pattern Format |
.a2panel | Aston Desktop Panel Skin |
.a2r | KittyXplorer Encrypted Archive |
.a2t | Adlib Tracker Tiny Module Format |
.a2theme | Aston 2 Theme Format |
.a2w | Alice Program World Format |
.a31 | Adobe Authorware Library |
.a32 | Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 34) |
.a3d | Amapi 3D Modeling |
.a3g | Photo! 3D Gallery |
.a3k | Yamaha A3000 Sampler |
.a3l | Adobe Authorware Library Format |
.a3m | Adobe Authorware Unpackaged Format |
.a3p | Alice 3 Project |
.a3s | Yamaha A3000 Sample |
.a3w | Adobe Authorware Unpackaged Format |
.a3x | AccuLoad III.net Settings |
.a41 | Adobe Authorware Library |
.a4l | Adobe Authorware Library Format |
.a4m | Adobe Authorware Unpackaged Format |
.a4p | Adobe Authorware Package Without Runtime |
.a4r | Adobe Authorware Package Course |
.a4w | Adobe Authorware Unpackaged Format |
.a51 | Adobe Authorware Library |
.a52 | Atari 5200 Game Image Format |
.a5d | Adobe Authorware Model |
.a5l | Adobe Authorware Library Format |
.a5m | Adobe Authorware Unpackaged |
.a5p | Adobe Authorware Package Without Runtime |
.a5r | Adobe Authorware Packaged File Without Runtime |
.a5rpt | Alpha Five Project Report |
.a5w | Adobe Authorware Unpackaged Format |
.a5wcmp | Alpha Five Web Publishing |
.a64 | Artist 64 |
.a65 | Adobe Authorware Library Format |
.a66 | µVision Assembler Source |
.a6d | Adobe Authorware Model |
.a6l | Adobe Authorware Library |
.a6m | Adobe Authorware Unpackaged |
.a6p | Adobe Authorware Application Format |
.a6r | Adobe Authorware Packaged File Without Runtime |
.a6w | Adobe Authorware Unpackaged |
.a78 | Atari 7800 Image |
.a7d | Adobe Authorware Model |
.a7e | Adobe Authorware Packaged Library |
.a7l | Adobe Authorware Library |
.a7m | Adobe Authorware Unpackaged |
.a7p | Adobe Authorware Packaged File Without Runtime |
.a7r | Adobe Authorware Packaged File Without Runtime |
.a7w | Adobe Authorware Unpackaged |
.a86 | A86 Assembly Language Source Code |
.a8s | Anim8or Script Format |
.aa | Audible Audio Format |
.aa3 | Sony ATRAC Audio Format |
.aaa | Sybase SQLAnywhere Temporary |
.aab | Adobe Authorware Binary |
.aac | Advanced Audio Coding Format |
.aad | FreeBSD |
.aaf | Advanced Authoring Format Multimedia Format |
.aam | Adobe Authorware Shocked Format |
.aao | Agenda At Once Format |
.aap | Apollo Advanced Playlist |
.aapkg | ArchestrA IDE Package |
.aar | Apache Axis2 Archive |
.aas | Adobe Authorware Shocked Packet |
.aat | ArcInfo Line Data |
.aatrend | ActiveFactory Trend |
.aaui | Adobe Acrobat UI Settings Format |
.aaw | Lavasoft Ad-Aware 2007 Settings |
.aawdef | Ad-Aware Definitions Format |
.aax | Audible Enhanced Audio Format |
.ab | Google Android Debug Bridge Backup Format |
.ab$ | Autodesk AutoCAD Plot Spooling |
.ab1 | DNA Electropherogram Format |
.ab2 | Print Shop Address Book File |
.ab3 | Photoimpact 3 Album Format |
.ab4 | AB4 Accounting & Business Data |
.ab6 | ABStat Data |
.ab65 | Adobe PageMaker Document |
.ab8 | ABStat Data |
.aba | Palm Address Book Archive Format |
.abbu | Apple Address Book Archive Format |
.abc | Musical Notation Language Format |
.abcd | AudioVisual Book Data Format |
.abcddb | Apple Address Book Database |
.abcdg | Apple AddessBook |
.abcdmr | Apple Address Book Mail Recent |
.abcdp | Address Book Card Data |
.abd | The Bat! Mail Processing System |
.abdata | Adobe Bridge Data Format |
.abe | Application Boundaries Enforcer |
.abf | Adobe Binary Screen Font Format |
.abg | FIFA World Cup Game Data Beart |
.abi | Chromatogram Editor Format |
.abicollab | AbiWord Collaborative File Descriptor |
.abk | Ability Write Backup Format |
.abkprj | Ashampoo Burning Studio Backup Project Format |
.abl | ABEL Hardware Description Language |
.abm | Music Album Format |
.abn | Alpha Five |
.abp | AVS Barcode Profile |
.abr | Adobe Photoshop Brush Format |
.abs | Absolute Database Single-file Database Format |
.abt | The Arbiter Game Schedule |
.abu | ACT! E-mail Address Book |
.abw | AbiWord Document Format |
.abx | Corel WordPerfect Mail Address Book |
.aby | AOL Directory Format |
.abz | Alpha Black Zero Game |
.ac | AC3D Geometry Format |
.ac$ | AutoCAD Undo Info Format |
.ac0 | SPICE AC/frequence Domain Output |
.ac1 | SPICE AC/frequence Domain Output |
.ac2 | SPICE AC/frequency Domain Output |
.ac3 | Dolby Digital Sound Format |
.ac3d | 3d Format Data |
.ac4 | SPICE AC/frequence Domain Output |
.ac5 | ArtCut 5 Document Format |
.ac6 | Artcut Software Graphics Design Format |
.ac7 | SPICE AC/frequence Domain Output |
.ac8 | SPICE AC/frequence Domain Output |
.ac9 | SPICE AC/frequence Domain Output |
.aca | Microsoft Agent Character Format |
.aca2 | Fontographer |
.acad | AutoCAD Database |
.acb | Adobe Color Book Format |
.acbl | Adobe Color Book Format |
.acc | DR DOS - ViewMax Format |
.accda | Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Add-in Format |
.accdb | Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Database Format |
.accdc | Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Digitally Signed Database Format |
.accde | Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Compiled Execute Only Format |
.accdp | Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Project |
.accdr | Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Runtime Mode Database Format |
.accdt | Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Database Template Format |
.accdu | Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Database Wizard Format |
.accdw | Microsoft Access Link Format |
.access | Java Access Control |
.accessor | Microsoft Visual Studio Accessor |
.accfl | Microsoft Access Field Template |
.accft | Microsoft Access Template Format |
.accountpicture-ms | Microsoft Windows 8 Account Picture Format |
.acct | IBM AIX System |
.acd | Sonic Foundry ACID Audio Format |
.acd-bak | Sony ACID Project Backup Format |
.acd-zip | Sony ACID Compressed Project Format |
.ace | WinACE Compressed Ace Archive Format |
.acf | Microsoft Agent HTTP Character Format |
.acfm | Adobe Composite Font Metrics Format |
.acg | Age Of Wonders Saved Game |
.acgd | ACG System Predictive Model |
.acgi | ACGI Script (WWW) |
.acgl | ACG System Licence |
.ach | Medlin Payroll Software Automated Clearing House |
.aci | ACI Development Appraisal |
.ack | Swifty |
.acl | Microsoft Office Automatic Correction List |
.aclock | Amazing Clock |
.acm | ACM Compressed Sound Format |
.acmd | Apache Commander Project |
.aco | Adobe Photoshop Color Palette And Swatches Format |
.acorn | Acorn Draw Format |
.acp | Alfresco Exported Repository Format |
.acq | AcqURL Bookmark Manager |
.acr | Bitmap Graphics |
.acrobatsecuritysettings | Adobe Acrobat Security Settings Format |
.acrodata | Adobe Acrobat Data Format |
.acroplugin | Adobe Acrobat Plug-in Format |
.acrs | Adobe Authorware |
.acrypt | AutoCrypt Encrypted Document |
.acs | Microsoft Agent Character Structured Storage Format |
.acs2 | AIMP Media Player Skin |
.acs3 | AIMP Skin Package |
.acsm | Adobe Content Server Message Format |
.act | Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator Color Table |
.act! | ACT! |
.action | Mac OS X Automator Action Format |
.actions | Photoline 4 Defaults |
.actionScriptProperties | Adobe Flex Settings |
.activitydiagram | Microsoft Visual Studio Activity Diagram |
.actm | Autodesk AutoCAD Action Macro Format |
.actproj | Microsoft Visual Studio Visual SourceSafe ACT Project |
.actx | DS Game Maker Action Description Format |
.acu | Machine Independent COBOL Object |
.acv | Adobe Photoshop Colour Curves Format |
.acw | Microsoft Accessibility Wizard Format |
.acx | Atari ST Program Format |
.ad | After Dark Screen Saver Format |
.ad1 | Forensic Toolkit FTK Imager Image |
.ad3e | Adobe Dimensions Mac |
.ad65 | PageMaker 6.5 |
.ada | ADA Language Source Code Format |
.adadownload | Adobe Download Assistant Partially Completed Download |
.adb | Ability Database Database Format |
.adba | AIMSS Author Project Configuration |
.adblock | Alpha Five Temporary |
.adc | Lingvo Dictionary Format |
.adcp | Adobe Device Centra Project |
.add | Microsoft Dynamics AX Developer Documentation Format |
.addin | Microsoft Visual Studio Addin Format |
.addon | CFS Console Add-on Format |
.addr | Metin2 Data |
.ade | Microsoft Access Compiled Project Format |
.adf | ArcView ARC/INFO Coverage Data Format |
.adg | Ableton Live Device Group Format |
.adh | Audible Manager |
.adi | Active@ Disk Image Format |
.adiumemoticon | Adium Dock Icon |
.adiumemoticonset | Adium Emoticon Set |
.adiumhtmllog | Adium HTML Log |
.adiumicon | Adium Icon |
.adiumlibpurpleplugin | Adium Lib Purple Plugin |
.adiumlistlayout | Adium List Layout |
.adiumlisttheme | Adium List Theme |
.adiumlog | Adium Log |
.adiummenubaricons | Adium Menu Bar Icon |
.adiummessagestyle | Adium Message Style |
.adiumplugin | Adium Plugin |
.adiumscripts | Adium AppleScripts |
.adiumserviceicons | Adium Service Icons |
.adiumsoundset | Adium Sound Set |
.adiumstatusicons | Adium Status Icon |
.adj | LISCAD Adjustment |
.AdjustmentPresets | Apple Aperture Preset |
.adk | OS/2 Saved SKF Format |
.adl | ADONIS Models And Model Groups Export |
.adls | ADL Workbench |
.adm | Administrator Policy Template Format |
.adml | Microsoft Administrative Language-specific XML Template Format |
.admx | Microsoft Administrative XML Template Format |
.adn | Microsoft Access Blank Project Template |
.ado | Adobe Photoshop Duotone Format |
.adobebridge | Adobe Bridge |
.adobenet | Adobe Production Studio |
.adoc | Authentica Secure Office Encoded Word Document |
.ados | Compound Document |
.adox | ActivDox Document Format |
.adp | Microsoft Access Project Format |
.adpp | Adobe Device Central Package Profile |
.adr | Opera Bookmarks Format |
.adrg | ARC Digitized Raster Graphics |
.ads | Ada Package Specification |
.adsk | Autodesk Exchange |
.adsm | Advanced Split Machine Split |
.adt | Lingvo Dictionary Format |
.adtg | Advanced Data TableGram |
.adts | Audio Data Transport Stream |
.adu | Dictionary Format |
.adv | Nortek Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter Format |
.advs | Adobe Device Central Format |
.adw | Tamil Transliterater/font Converter |
.adx | Approach Database Index Format |
.adz | Amiga Emulator Compressed ADF Format |
.ad_asm | Alibre Design CAD |
.ad_prt | Alibre Design CAD |
.ae0 | NetBSD Ethernet Configuration |
.ae1 | FileMaker Pro Runtime Database |
.aea | Ae Timer Alarm Document Format |
.aeb | Alphacam Wire EDM VB Macro |
.aec | DataCAD Drawing Format |
.aed | Alphacam Wire EDM Drawing |
.aee | ASUS Data Security Manager Encoded |
.aef | ELECTRICAL Designer Related |
.aeh | IPer Advanced Embedded Hypertext |
.aem | Alphacam Wire EDM Parameter Macro |
.aep | Adobe After Effects Project Format |
.aepkey | Advanced Encryption Package Key Format |
.aepx | Adobe After Effects XML Project Format |
.aer | Adobe Atmosphere |
.aes | AES Crypt Encrypted Format |
.aet | Adobe After Effects Template Format |
.aetx | Adobe After Effects Format |
.aeu | Microsoft AutoRoute Express Europe Route |
.aex | Greetings Card Format |
.aexpk | PGP Armored Extracted Public Key |
.af | 3DPlus Model |
.af2 | Micrografx FlowCharter 2.0 Flowchart Format |
.af3 | Micrografx FlowCharter Flowchart Format |
.afa | Astrotite Compressed Data |
.afb | Alphacam Flame VB Macro |
.afc | Compressed Audio Interchange Format Format |
.afd | Alphacam Flame Drawing Format |
.afe | Avid Media Metadata Format |
.aff | Advanced Forensics Format Disk Image |
.afg | Tablet Assembly |
.afl | XMap Related |
.afm | Adobe Font Metrics Format |
.afn | ArtCAM Font |
.afo | Advanced File Organizer Catalog |
.afo-xvid | Compressed Video |
.afp | FileProtector Encrypted Format |
.afploc | Apple Mac OS X Filing Protocol Location Format |
.afpp | Mac Apple Share |
.afr | FreeBSD |
.afs | STAAD.foundation Project Format |
.afs3 | AFS 3 Basic Encrypted |
.aft | Family Tree Data Format |
.afw | Micrografx FlowCharter Work Area |
.afx | Auto F/X Image Format |
.afz | Family Tree Backup |
.ag | Applix Graphics |
.ag4 | Microsoft Access G4 |
.aga | ArcGIS ArcGlobe |
.agb | Nintendo Game Boy Advance ROM Image |
.agc | Compiled Script |
.agd | Agile Advantage Format |
.agd1 | Adobe FreeHand For Mac Drawing |
.agd2 | Adobe FreeHand 7 For Mac |
.agdb | ANSYS DesignSpace |
.age3rec | Age Of Empires III Recorded Game |
.age3sav | Age Of Empires III Save Game |
.age3scn | Age Of Empires III Scenario Format |
.age3Xrec | Age Of Empires III: The WarChiefs Recorded |
.age3xsav | Age Of Empires III: The WarChiefs Save Game |
.age3Xscn | Age Of Empires III: The WarChiefs Scenario |
.age3yrec | Age Of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties Recorded Game |
.age3ysav | Age Of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties Save Game |
.age3Yscn | Age Of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties Scenario |
.agent | Forte Agent And FreeAgent Data |
.ageo | Dream Aquarium Fish Model |
.agf | Atlas GIS Native Binary Geodataset |
.agg | AggFlow Plant Flow Analysis |
.aggr | Adobe Captivate Aggregator Format |
.agi | Asterisk Gateway Interface Format |
.agif | Active GIF Creator Project Format |
.agilekeychain | 1Password Data |
.agl | ArgusLab Molecular Graphics Modelling |
.agldei | Adobe GoLive Template |
.agls | Adobe GoLive Snippet |
.aglsl | Adobe GoLive Site |
.agm | Audio Format |
.agmodule | Adobe Lightroom Module |
.ago | Autolog Script |
.agp | ArtGem Project Format |
.agprefs | Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Preferences |
.agr | Ableton Live Groove Format |
.ags | AfterGRASP Script |
.agtemplate | Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Preset |
.agtoolkit | Adobe Photoshop Lightroom |
.agv | ArcGlobe Video Metadata |
.agw | Aspen Graphics |
.agwl | Abstract Grid Workflow Language |
.agx | Rational XDE |
.agx1 | Adobe FreeHand For Mac Extension |
.agz | AggFlow Aggregate Plant Flow Diagram |
.ah | FreeBSD |
.ahb | AIM High Briefcase Report |
.ahc | Resident Evil 4 |
.ahd | Microsoft Dynamics AX On-line Help Data Format |
.ahf | Aces High Film |
.ahi | Microsoft Dynamics AX Online Help Index Format |
.ahk | AutoHotkey Script Format |
.ahl | EMule Metadata Format |
.ahod | Homeworld |
.ahp | AutoCAD Help |
.ahs | Adobe Photoshop Halftone Screens Format |
.ahtm | HTML |
.ahtml | HTML |
.ahu | Adobe Photoshop Hue Saturation Lightness Format |
.ahx | WinAHX Tracker Module Format |
.ai | Adobe Illustrator Graphics Format |
.ai3 | Generic Encapsulated PostScript Graphic Format |
.ai4 | Generic Encapsulated PostScript Graphic |
.ai5 | Generic Encapsulated PostScript Graphic |
.ai6 | Generic Encapsulated PostScript Graphic |
.ai65 | Adobe PageMaker For Mac Extension |
.ai7 | Generic Encapsulated PostScript Graphic |
.ai8 | Generic Encapsulated PostScript Graphic Format |
.aia | Adobe Illustrator Action Format |
.aic | Advanced Image Coding Format |
.aid | Star Trek Armada Arficicial Intelligence Parameters |
.aidl | AIDL Interface |
.aif | Audio Interchange File Format Sound Format |
.aifb | AIF Builder Project Format |
.aifc | Audio Interchange File Format Sound File With Compression |
.aiff | Audio Interchange File Format |
.aifr | Audio Interchange File Format |
.aig | Architecture Drawing |
.aih | Attribute Index |
.aij | Oracle After-Image Journal |
.ail | AutoImager |
.aim | AIMMS ASCII Model Format |
.aimppl | AIMP Media Player Playlist Format |
.ain | ArcView Attribute Index Format |
.aio | Bitmap |
.aip | Adobe Illustrator Plugin Format |
.air | Adobe AIR Rich Internet Applications |
.airapplication | Adobe AIR Application |
.airi | Adobe AIR Intermediate |
.airport | RealFlight Simulator |
.airports | RealFlight Airports Data |
.ais | ACDSee Album Image Sequence Format |
.ait | Adobe Illustrator Template Format |
.aiu | Advanced Installer Updates Configuration Format |
.aiv | AIVault Data Format |
.aiw | Formula One 2001 Game |
.aix | IBM AIX |
.aja | Backup Revision Control Archive |
.ajb | Alphacam Water Jet VB Macro |
.ajd | Alphacam Water Jet Drawing |
.ajg | AJC Grep Project |
.ajl | CA ARCserve Backup Journal |
.ajm | Alphacam Water Jet Parameter Macro |
.ajp | AJP Player Video Format |
.akai | Akai S-series Floppy Disk Image |
.akf | Adobe Acrobat Key |
.akm | Aksharamala Keymap Binary |
.akp | Akai S5000, S6000 Program Format |
.aks | Aksharamala Keymap Binary |
.akt | Aksharamala Keymap Source |
.akw | Adobe RoboHelp Help Project Index Designer |
.al | A-Law Compressed Sound Format |
.al3 | Electronic Data Interchange |
.al8 | AAA Logo Project |
.ala | Alan Interactive Fiction Language |
.alac | Apple Lossless Audio Codec Audio Format |
.alarmz | Alarmz Alarm |
.alaw | A-Law Compressed Sound Format |
.alb | Alpha Five Data Dictionary |
.alb3 | Adobe PageMaker Document |
.alb4 | Adobe PageMaker For Mac Document |
.alb5 | Adobe PageMaker 5 Document |
.alb6 | Adobe PageMaker For Mac |
.albm | Photo Album Format |
.album | Thumbnail Cache |
.alc | Visual MP3 Embedded Dynamic Lyrics |
.alc4 | Adobe PageMaker For Mac Dictionary |
.alco | URL Manager Pro |
.ald | Microsoft Dynamics AX Application Label Data Format |
.ald2 | Adobe PageMaker For Mac |
.ald3 | Adobe PageMaker 3 For Mac |
.ald4 | Adobe Pagemaker 4 For Mac |
.ald5 | Adobe PageMaker 6 For Mac |
.ald6 | Adobe PageMaker 6 For Mac |
.aldf | Aldefaer Data |
.ale | Avid Log File Format |
.alf | ACT! Lookup Format |
.alf6 | PageMaker Default |
.alg | ER Mapper Algorithm |
.alh5 | Adobe PageMaker Add-in |
.ali | BlackBerry Application Loader Format |
.alias | Alias Image |
.aliases | LabVIEW IP Adresses Map |
.all | Cubasis Project Format |
.allow | Linux Access |
.alm | Alpha Five Database Information |
.almb | Mac OS 8.1 Action Module Data |
.almn | Location Manager Module |
.aln | LexNavigator Database Update |
.alo | Star Wars: Empire At War Game |
.alp | Ableton Live Pack Format |
.alr | ADRIFT Language Resource Format |
.als | Ableton Live Project Format |
.alt | Microsoft Dynamics AX Temporary Format |
.alt3 | Adobe PageMaker Template |
.alt4 | Adobe PageMaker For Mac |
.alt5 | Adobe Pagemaker 5 For Mac Document |
.alt6 | Adobe PageMaker 6 |
.alth | QuickHelp For Mac |
.altp | QuickHelp |
.altq | QuickView Settings |
.altv | QuickView Help |
.alv | Adobe Photoshop Levels Format |
.alw | A-law G.711 European Telephony Format |
.alx | BlackBerry Application Loader Format |
.aly | Sage ACT! |
.alz | ALZip Compressed Format |
.am | GLPK Automake/autoconf Makefile Definitions Format |
.am1 | Adventure Maker Project Format |
.am2 | AutoPlay Menu Studio Ver.2 Data |
.am3 | AutoPlay Menu Studio Ver.3 Data |
.am4 | AutoPlay Menu Studio Version 4 Project Format |
.am5 | AutoPlay Menu Studio Ver.5 Data Format |
.am6 | AutoPlay Menu Studio Ver.6 Data Format |
.am7 | AutoPlay Menu Studio Ver.7 Data Format |
.ama | ArcGIS ArcMap |
.amaya | Amaya |
.amb | Alphacam 3D Mill Or 2D Mill VB Macro Format |
.amc | Ant Movie Catalog Format |
.amd | Alphacam 3D Mill, 2D Mill Drawing |
.ame | ACT! E-mail System Library |
.amf | DSMIA/Asylum Module Music Format |
.amfm | Adobe Multiple Font Metrics Format |
.ami | Amica Paint |
.amipro | Ami Pro Table Structure |
.amj | AceMoney |
.amk | AceMoney Backup |
.aml | Microsoft Assistance Markup Language |
.amm | Abbyy Format |
.amo | AIM AOL Instant Messenger UI Extension |
.amodel | ActiveModeler Project |
.amos | AMOS Basic Code |
.amp | Adobe Photoshop Arbitrary Map Settings Format |
.amr | Adaptive Multi-Rate Compressed Audio Format |
.ams | Velvet Studio Module Format |
.amsm | Atomic Mail Sender Project |
.amsorm | OnLine Ringman Format |
.amst | Atomic Mail Sender Template |
.amt | ABBYY Finereader 5.0 Pro |
.amt50 | BERNINA V5.0 Embroidery Software Template |
.amt60 | BERNINA V6.0 Embroidery Software Template |
.amu | Sony PictureGear Studio Photo Album Format |
.amv | AMV Video File Format |
.amw | Alcorn McBride Show Controller |
.amx | Adobe Motion Exchange Format |
.amxd | Max For Live Project Format |
.amxx | AMX Mod X Plug-in Format |
.amz | Amazon MP3 Downloader Format |
.an | Adobe Edge Animate Project Format |
.an1 | DeLorme Street Atlas Drawing Format |
.an2 | Croc Animation Format |
.an8 | Anim8or 3D Animation Format |
.ana | Analysis For Windows |
.anat | XNBC Network Anatomy |
.anc | Alphacam NC Program |
.android | Readme |
.ane | Adobe AIR Native Extension Format |
.anf | ANSYS DesignModeler |
.ang | AIMSUN NG Related |
.anh | ActivTrak Net View History |
.ani | Animated Cursor |
.anim | Amiga Animation Format |
.animset | FaceFX Animation Set Format |
.animset_ingame | FaceFX In-Game Animation Set Format |
.aniso | Chemical Crystallography |
.anjuta | Anjuta DevStudio Project Format |
.anki | Anki Deck |
.anl | Project Analyzer Saved Analysis |
.anm | 3D Animation Format |
.anme | Anime Studio Project Format |
.ann | Microsoft Windows Help Annotation Format |
.annot | Adobe Digital Editions Annotations Format |
.anr | DeLorme Street Atlas Route |
.ans | ANSI Text File (ANSI Art) |
.ansr | AnswerTool Answer Document |
.ansym | Adobe Edge Animate Library Format |
.ant | CalcAnt Saved Calculation |
.antifrag | DC++ Incomplete Download |
.antispam5 | Personal AntiSpam Settings Format |
.antmpl | Adobe Edge Animate Template |
.anv | AirNav Image |
.anx | HotDocs Answer Format |
.any | AnyRail Layout Plan Format |
.anydvdhd | AnyDVD Registration Key |
.ao | ActionOutline Data |
.aob | DVD Audio Object Format |
.aod | Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Data Format |
.aof | Artlantis Object Format |
.aoi | AOI Scene Format |
.aois | CFS Console Add-on Installer Settings Format |
.aol | America On-line Related Format |
.aom | Adobe After Effects Output Settings Format |
.aop | JBoss AS JAR Archive |
.aos | Archos Signed Encrypted Data Format |
.aot | ZenWorks SnAppShot Application Binary Object Template |
.ap | Fifth Generation Systems Active Page Format |
.ap0 | Microsoft Windows APW_data |
.ap2 | ActivInspire Resource Pack |
.ap3 | Asprova Project |
.ap? | LoseThos C+ Source |
.apa | RSView Application Manager Archive |
.apalbum | Apple Aperture Album Format |
.apb | Alphacam Punch VB Macro |
.apc | AiroPeek Wireless Trace Capture |
.apcdoc | Ashampoo Photo Commander |
.apd | ACDSee Photo Document |
.apdb | Apple Aperture Library |
.apdetected | Apple IPhoto |
.apdisk | Apple Mac OS X Related |
.ape | Winamp Plug-ins AVS Format |
.ApertureEdit | Apple Aperture |
.ApertureExport | Apple Aperture |
.apex | AVM Sample Studio Bank |
.apf | Adobe Acrobat Profile Format |
.apfacename | Apple IPhoto Face Data |
.apg | APGen Script |
.aph | Ability Photoalbum Album Database Format |
.api | Adobe Acrobat Plugin Format |
.apin | Adobe InDesign Import/export Filter |
.api_filters | Eclipse API Settings |
.apj | AutoCAD Project |
.apk | Google Android Package Format |
.apl | ArcPad Layer Format |
.aplg | Audials One Add-on Format |
.aplibrary | Aperture Pictures Library Database Format |
.aplmodel | Apple ICal |
.apln | Adobe InDesign 3rd Party Extension |
.aplp | Audials One Add-on Installation Package Format |
.aplt | Mac OS X AppleScript Applet |
.apm | Aldus Placeable Metafile |
.apng | Animated Portable Network Graphics Format |
.apnx | Amazon Kindle Index Format |
.apo | Abacre Paperless Office |
.app | MAC Application Package Or Core System Service Format |
.app-se | Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 |
.appcache | HTML5 Cache Manifest |
.appdata | VMWare Cache |
.appdownload | Mac OS X App Store Incomplete Download Format |
.appicon | VMWare Cache |
.apple | Apple AppleSingle Data |
.appledouble | Apple AppleDouble Resource |
.applescript | AppleScript Script Format |
.AppleSyncInfo | IOS |
.applet | Eclipse IDE For Java Developers Format |
.appletviewer | Java Appletviewer |
.apple_partition_map | Apple Partition Scheme |
.application | ClickOnce Deployment Manifest Format |
.appref-ms | Application Reference Format |
.appup | Erlang Application Upgrade Format |
.appv | App-V Archive |
.appx | Microsoft AppX Application Package Format |
.appxmanifest | Windows Store App Source Manifest |
.appxsym | Microsoft Visual Studio Windows 8 Application Information Format |
.appxupload | Microsoft Visual Studio Windows 8 Application Upload Format |
.apr | ArcView Project Format |
.apref-ms | Application Reference |
.aprj | ApacheConf Project |
.aps | Microsoft Visual C++ Binary Version Of Resource Format |
.apsmartalbum | Apple Aperture |
.apt | Almost Plain Text Format |
.apu | Audacity Audio |
.apv | Acerose Password |
.apvault | Apple Aperture Vault |
.apw | Password |
.apx | Borland C++ Appexpert Database Format |
.apxl | Apple Keynote Presentation XML Document Settings Format |
.apxt | DataLink Setting |
.apz | AMS Shared Project Format |
.ap_ | Google Android Development Resources Package Format |
.aq | Ancestral Quest Genealogy |
.aq1 | AptiQuiz Test |
.aqa | AptiQuiz Result |
.aqc | AquaChem Database |
.aqf | Aquifer-Generated Web Page |
.aql | AOL DLL |
.aqm | AlpineQuest GPS Hiking Map Format |
.aqp | Quizmaker 08 And Older Quiz |
.aqq | AQQ Extension |
.aqt | AQTitle Subtitles Format |
.aqz | Amateur Radio Questionary Data |
.ar | Linux/Unix Command Library Format |
.ar-wmp | BrainVoyager QX Anatomical-resolution Volume Map |
.ara | Archivaldo Resource Archive |
.arb | Alphacam Router VB Macro |
.arbvp1 | Google Earth Shader |
.arc | ARC Lossless Data Compression And Archive Format |
.arch00 | F.E.A.R. Game Archive Format |
.arch01 | F.E.A.R. 2 Game |
.archcfg | F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin Configuration |
.architect | Soundweb London Design |
.archiver | Incredible Bee Archiver Archive |
.arcinfo | ArcInfo Info |
.arcut | Adobe Prelude Rough Cut Format |
.ard | ArtiosCAD Workspace Format |
.are | BioWare Aurora Engine Area |
.arena | Quake 3 Id Tech 3 Game Engine Arena Settings Format |
.arf | WebEx Advanced Recording Format |
.arff | Weka Attribute-relation Format |
.arg | AutoCAD Profile Export Format |
.argo | ArgoUML Project |
.arh | El Airplane Game Archive Format |
.ari | ARRI Raw Image Format |
.aria | Chipsounds Audio Format |
.ariax | Chipsounds XML Sound Format |
.arj | ARJ Compressed Archive Format |
.ark | ARC File Archiver CPM/Port Archive Format |
.arl | AOL Organizer Format |
.arlc | Commandos 2 Men Of Courage Game |
.arm | MySQL Archive Storage Engine Metadata |
.ArmA2OAProfile | ArmA 2 Settings |
.ArmA2Profile | ARMA2 Profile |
.armx | ASP.NET Source |
.army | Impossible Creatures Collection Of Created Creatures |
.arn | Astronomical Research Network Image Format |
.aro | SteelArrow Script Format |
.arp | Alphacam Router Post Format |
.arpack | ArtRage Package |
.arpi | Adobe Extension |
.arq | BSM Action Request System Client Macro |
.arr | Advanced RAR Password Recovery Project Format |
.ars | Adobe After Effects Render Settings Format |
.arsc | Google Android Resource Format |
.arscript | ArtRage Script |
.art | Bernina Artista Embroidery Format |
.art42 | V1.x Explorations Projects |
.art50 | BERNINA V5.0 Embroidery Software Designs |
.art6 | Articulate Presenter Compressed |
.ART60 | BERNINA V6.0 Embroidery Software Designs |
.artb | Artboard Vector Drawing Format |
.artf | Adobe FreeHand Xtra |
.artproj | Artifacts Project Format |
.artwork | ArtStudio Image Format |
.artx | Artisteer Project |
.artz | Adobe Illustrator For Mac |
.aru | Autorun.aru Malicious |
.arv | Microsoft Autoroute User Information |
.arw | Sony Digital Camera RAW Image Format |
.arx | AutoCAD Runtime Extension Format |
.arxml | AUTOSAR XML |
.ary | SmartStart Scripting Toolkit |
.arz | MySQL Archive Storage Engine Data |
.as | Adobe Flash ActionScript Document |
.as$ | Microsoft Word Temporary |
.as2 | ACTIVstudio Resource |
.as2proj | FlashDevelop Project Format |
.as3a | ActivInspire Resource |
.as3proj | FlashDevelop ActionScript 3 Project Format |
.as4 | AskSam Backup Format |
.as4a | ActivInspire Resource Pack |
.as? | LoseThos Assembly Source |
.asa | Active Server Configuration Format |
.asat | Assemble SAT 3D Model Format |
.asax | ASP.NET Application Optional Source Format |
.asb | Alphacam Stone VB Macro Format |
.asbx | Microsoft ASP.Net BridgeHandler |
.asc | ASCII Text Characters Format |
.ascii | ASCII Text Characters Format |
.ascm | Adobe Content Server Message |
.ascs | Adobe Device Central Format |
.ascx | Active Server Pages Web User Control Format |
.asd | Microsoft Word Auto-save Document Format |
.asdb | Asphyre Sphinx Archive |
.asdvdcrtproj | Aimersoft DVD Creator Project |
.ase | Adobe Swatch Exchange Format |
.asec | Google Android Encrypted Application Package Format |
.asef | Adobe Swatch Exchange |
.asep | Separator For Mac |
.asf | Advanced Systems (streaming) Format |
.asg | Airport Tycoon Saved Game |
.asgp | HP-UX NIS Maps Configuration |
.ash | Audiosurf Audio Metadata Format |
.ashbak | Ashampoo Burning Studio Backup Archive Format |
.ashdisc | Ashampoo Disk Image Format |
.ashlang | Ashampoo Media Player+ |
.ashprj | Ashampoo Burning Studio Project Format |
.ashx | ASP.NET Web Handler Format |
.asi | Alpha Five Storage Format |
.asic | ASIC Source |
.asis | Apache As Is |
.ask | AskSam Database Format |
.asl | Adobe Photoshop Layer Style Format |
.asm | Assembler Source Code Format |
.asmdot | SolidWorks Assembly Template |
.asmprp | SolidWorks Assembly Custom Properties Tab Template |
.asmx | Active Server Plus Web Services Source Format |
.asn | GameSpy Arcade Skin |
.asnd | Adobe Soundbooth Sound Document Format |
.aso | Sage Accpac Simply ASO Import |
.asp | Active Server Page Script Page |
.asp+ | ASP.NET ASP+ |
.aspr | ASProtect Related |
.asproj | Microsoft Visual Studio Analysis Services Project |
.aspx | Active Server Page Extended ASP.NET Script Format |
.asr | Adobe Photoshop Scratch Area Format |
.asrp | Arc Standard Raster Product |
.ass | Advanced SubStation Alpha Subtitle Format |
.asset | Unity Asset Format |
.assistant | HP Printer Utility For Mac Assistant Plugin |
.assoc | Associate This Association Database |
.asstrm | Splinter Cell Blacklist Game Data |
.ast | Adobe Photoshop Colour Separation Table |
.ast2 | Astrotite |
.astx | Adobe Story Exported Script |
.asu | ToolBook Package Definition |
.asv | Adobe Photoshop Selective Colour Format |
.asvf | Asphyre Sphinx Archive |
.asw | ACDSee Slideshow Wizard Format |
.aswcs | Avast! Antivirus Skin |
.asws | Avast! Antivirus Skin |
.asx | Microsoft Advanced Streaming Redirector Format |
.asxml | XML Music Playlist |
.asy | LTspice IV Circuit Diagram Format |
.asz | LoseThos Assembly Source |
.as_ | Winhelp Compressed |
.at3 | Airport Tycoon 3 Saved Game |
.at5 | Lowrance Chart Format |
.at65 | Adobe PageMaker For Mac |
.ata | Antenna Project |
.atahd | Puppy Linux ATA Hard Drive Flag Format |
.atak | Soundscape Audio-Take |
.atb | AnetHelp Tools |
.atc | AutoCAD Catalog Format |
.atd | Microsoft Systems Management Server |
.ate | Microsoft Office Accounting Compressed Backup Format |
.atf | Adobe Photoshop Transfer Function Format |
.ath | Alphacam Lathe Thread Format |
.atheme | Amazing Clock Theme |
.ati | Microsoft Office Accounting Updated Company Format |
.atk | Andrew Toolkit Raster Object |
.atl | Artlantis 3D Scene Format |
.atlas | Stronghold 3 Editor |
.atlg | SlimBrowser Auto Login |
.atloc | Apple Mac OS X Finder |
.atm | Vue 3D Environment Format |
.atmc | Adobe Type Manager |
.atmn | Automation Anywhere Macro |
.atmsphr | TerraGen Latmoshpere Andscape Render |
.atn | Adobe Photoshop Actions Settings Format |
.ato | ATO Modeler Project |
.atom | Atom Web Feed Format |
.atoms | Ribbons Atoms |
.atp | Alphacam Lathe Post |
.atpz | Automise Compressed Project |
.atr | Atari 8-bit Disk Image |
.atrac | Sony ATRAC Audio Format |
.ats | Advanced ETL Processor Transformation Script Format |
.att | Web Form Data Format |
.attr | Apple IPhoto Image Attributes |
.attx | Cadence Atribut |
.atv | ACT! |
.atx | Animation Master Plugin Format |
.aty | Association Type Placeholder |
.atz | Aston Compiled Theme |
.atz3 | Automise |
.au | Unix Audio Sound File Format |
.au3 | AutoIt V3 Script Format |
.au? | LoseThos Autofile |
.auc | AUC Database |
.aud | Westwood Studios Audio Format |
.audiblePrefs | Audible Preference |
.audionote | AudioNote |
.auf | Alphacam User Font |
.aug | Red Hat Linux Shellvars |
.aui | AGE3D UI Editor Color Table |
.aum | Adobe Update Manager Data |
.aup | Audacity Project Format |
.aupreset | Apple Logic Studio Preset |
.aur | AutoREALM Map |
.aurx | AutoREALM Project |
.aus | AutoREALM Symbols |
.aut | AutoIt Pre V3 Script Format |
.auth | ShopSite Store Authorization |
.autoconf | Autoconfiguration |
.automaticdestinations-ms | Microsoft Windows 7 Jump List Format |
.autoplay | AutoPlay Media Studio Project Format |
.autoreg | Mozilla Application Suite Auto Registration Clue |
.aux | TeX/LaTeX Auxiliary References Format |
.auz | Ableton Authorization Format |
.av | Final Draft AV Document |
.ava | AvaaBook EBook |
.avastconfig | Avast Configuration |
.avastlic | Avast! License Format |
.avastsounds | Avast! Soundpack Format |
.avatar | Google Talk Avatar Format |
.avb | Avid Binary Image Format |
.avc | MPEG-4 AVC Advanced Video Coding Movie Format |
.avchd | High Definition Video Format |
.avd | MAGIX Movie Edit Pro Video Data Format |
.ave | Avid User Format |
.avenirproj | StoryMill Project Format |
.avery | Avery Design & Print Online Label Format |
.avf | Video Information |
.avg | AVG Antivirus Virus Database |
.avgdx | AVG Diagnostic Format |
.avhd | Microsoft Hyper-V Differencing Disk Format |
.avi | Audio Video Interleave Movie Format |
.avj | Avira Anti-Vir Job Format |
.avl | ArcView Legend Template Format |
.avm | AVG Incremental Persistent |
.avn | AltaVENTE Application User Notes |
.avp | Avid Project Format |
.avr | Audio Visual Research Sound Format |
.avs | Stardent AVS X Bitmap Image Format |
.avsi | Avisynth Script |
.avst | VirtualDub Template |
.avt | Savy Soda Avatar For IPhone Avatar |
.avv | Avid Media Composer Volume Bin Format |
.avw | AnalyzeAVW Image |
.avx | ArcView Extension Plugin Format |
.avz | AviSys Backup |
.aw | Answer Wizard Format |
.awa | ActiveWords |
.awb | Adaptive Multi-rate Wideband ACELP Codec Audio Format |
.awbs | Data Storage |
.awc | Emulex AWC Firmware Update Format |
.awcav | ActiveWorlds Browser User Avatar Format |
.awd | Microsoft Fax Document |
.awdb | Microsoft Works For Mac Database Format |
.awe | Adobe Acrobat Bookmark XML |
.awf | Adobe WorkFlow Workgroup Plugin |
.awg | Activeworlds Object Group Format |
.awh | ActiveWorlds Browser Help |
.awi | AIM Widget Package |
.awk | AWK Programming Language Script Format |
.awkw | Awkwords Word Generator Format |
.awl | Ad-Aware Language |
.awlive | Active WebCam Live Capture Format |
.awm | Likno AllWebMenus Format |
.awp | Ability Write Document Template Format |
.awr | Ad-Aware Reference |
.aws | Ability Spreadsheet Spredsheet Format |
.awshortcut | ActiveWords Shortcut |
.awss | Microsoft Works For Mac Spreadsheet |
.awt | AbiWord Template Document Format |
.aww | Ability Write Document Format |
.awwp | Microsoft Works For Mac Document |
.awx | Microsoft DirectX |
.awzip | ActiveWords Compressed Solution |
.ax | DirectShow Filter Format |
.ax3 | Apex Sketch |
.axa | Annodex Digital Media Format |
.axd | ASP.NET Web Handler Format |
.axe | Microsoft Autoroute Map Format |
.axf | ARM Executable Format |
.axg | Microsoft AutoRoute Trip |
.axl | XML Project |
.axm | Axmedis Object |
.axp | CDBurnerXP Audio Compilation Format |
.axq | Edit Rocket Ada Editor |
.axr | ElcomSoft Adcanced Archive Password Recovery |
.axs | ActiveX Script |
.axt | Adobe Photoshop Replace Color Range Format |
.axv | Annodex Digital Media Format |
.axw | Analyzer StateForms |
.axx | AxCryot Encrypted Format |
.ay | Project Format |
.az | WinDVD Related |
.az! | Vuze Partial Download Format |
.aza | QazaR Archive Compressed |
.azd | Amazon Software Download |
.azf | Secure Format |
.azp | Close Combat Effect |
.azs | Secure Format |
.azw | Amazon Kindle EBook Format |
.azw1 | Amazon Kindle Topaz E-book Format |
.azw2 | Amazon Kindle Program Format |
.azw3 | Amazon Kindle EBook Format |
.azw3f | Amazon Kindle Metadata |
.azw3r | Amazon Kindle Metadata |
.azw4 | Amazon Kindle Print Replica Ebook Format |
.azz | AZZ Cardfile Information Card Format |
.azzx | Uncompressed AZZ Cardfile Data Format |
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