.g | Corel Paradox Format |
.g00 | Clannad Picture Image |
.g01 | HEC-RAS Geometry Format |
.g03 | HEC-RAS Geometry |
.g1 | Gerber Inner Routing Layer 1 |
.g10 | Garmin GPS Map |
.g12 | CAMtastic Mid Layer 12 Gerber Data |
.g13 | CAMtastic Mid Layer 13 Gerber Data |
.g14 | CAMtastic Mid Layer 14 Gerber Data |
.g15 | CAMtastic Mid Layer 15 Gerber Data |
.g2 | Gerber Inner Routing Layer 2 |
.g3 | G3 Fax Format |
.g3a | Casio Prizm Program Format |
.g3d | GOM ATOS 3D Scan Format |
.g3f | Zetafax Fax |
.g3n | Imaging Fax Image |
.g3p | Casio Prizm Picture Image |
.g3x | RealFlight Content Format |
.g4 | GTX RasterCAD |
.g41 | Commodore 1541 Disk Image |
.g4b | Sokoban++ Level |
.g5 | CAMtastic Mid Layer Gerber Data |
.g64 | C64 Emulator Disk Image |
.g721 | Raw CCITT/ITU G.721 4-bit ADPCM Sound Format |
.g723 | Raw CCITT/ITU G.723 ADPCM Sound Format |
.G723-3 | Raw CCITT/ITU G.723 3-bit ADPCM Sound |
.g723-5 | Raw CCITT/ITU G.723 5-bit ADPCM Sound |
.g726 | Raw CCITT/ITU G.726 ADPCM Sound Data Format |
.g726-2 | G726-2 - Raw CCITT/ITU G.726 2-bit ADPCM Sound |
.g726-3 | G726-3 - Raw CCITT/ITU G.726 3-bit ADPCM Sound Format |
.g726-4 | G726-4 - Raw CCITT/ITU G.726 4-bit ADPCM Sound Format |
.g726-5 | G726-5 - Raw CCITT/ITU G.726 5-bit ADPCM Sound |
.ga3 | Graphical Analysis Document |
.gab | Dencom Global Address Book Export |
.gac | Groove |
.gad | Geodict |
.gadgeprj | Gadge It Project Format |
.gadget | Windows Sidebar Gadget Format |
.gaf | Total Annihilation Animated Bitmap Format |
.gai | Adobe SING Glyphlet Manager |
.gal | GenePix Array List Format |
.galaxy | Blizzard Starcraft 2 Galaxy Script Format |
.gallery | SMART Notebook Gallery Format |
.gallerycollection | SMART Notebook Gallery Collection Format |
.galleryitem | SMART Notebook Gallery Item Format |
.gam | Game Format |
.gambas | Gambas Application |
.game | Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Format |
.gamedata | Sandlot Game Data Format |
.gameproj | GameSalad Game Project Format |
.gan | GanttProject Project Plan Format |
.gap | PhotoImpact Pencil Style |
.gar | GridGain Archive |
.gas | Grab-a-Site Project |
.gau | Microsoft Flight Simulator Gauge Format |
.gax | Age Of Empires II Save Game |
.gb | Nintendo Gameboy ROM Image |
.gb1 | Game Maker Backup Format |
.gba | Nintendo Game Boy Advance ROM Image |
.gbap | GLBasic Project Format |
.gbas | GLBasic Source File |
.gbaskin | GBA4iOS Controller Skin |
.gbc | Nintendo GameBoy Colour Emulator ROM Image Format |
.gbck | Glary Utilities Backup |
.gbcskin | GBA4iOS Controller Skin |
.gbd | Great Budget Budget Definition |
.gbf | Great Budget Fringe Definition |
.gbh | GigaBar Scheme |
.gbi | GBurner Disk Image Format |
.gbk | Delphi Runimage Iblocal Examples Format |
.gbl | Microsoft Visual Basic Global Definition |
.gblorb | Interactive Fiction |
.gbm | Genie Backup Manager Archive |
.gbo | Gerber Bottom Overlay (silk Screen) |
.gbp | Gerber Bottom Paste Mask Output Format Format |
.gbproj | Apple GarageBand Project Format |
.gbr | GIMP Brush Image Format |
.gbs | Nintendo Game Boy Music Audio Data Format |
.gbt | Adobe Photoshop Format |
.gbx | Nadeo Games Format |
.gbxml | Green Building XML |
.gc | GraphClick Format |
.gc3 | Golden Common Lisp Source Code |
.gca | GCA Compressed Archive Format |
.gca3 | GURPS Character Assistant |
.gca4 | GURPS Character Assistant |
.gca4base | GURPS Character Assistant |
.gca4party | GURPS Character Assistant |
.gccv | PageMaker Filter |
.gcd | Prassi CD Disk Image Format |
.gcda | GCC Gcov Profiling |
.gcdp | Greeting Card Studio Project Format |
.gcf | Steam Client Grid Cache Format |
.gcg | GCG 8 Sequence Chemical Format |
.gch | C++ Precompiled Header |
.gci | Grand Theft Auto 2 Game Format |
.gcm | GameCube Image Format |
.gcno | GCC Gcov Profiling |
.gco | Genbox Family History Chart Options |
.gcode | G-code Source |
.gcp | Spectramap Group Properties |
.gcrd | GnomeCard VCard |
.gcs | GameShark SharkSave For GameCube Format |
.gcsx | Microsoft Office SmartArt Color Variation Package Format |
.gct | Ocarina Cheat Code Manager Exported Cheat Format |
.gcw | Microsoft Math Worksheet Format |
.gcx | Apple Grapher Graph Format |
.gcz | Compressed GameCube/Wii ROM |
.gd | GD Library Picture Image |
.gda | Unix Manual Page Guide |
.gdb | Database Format |
.gdbindexes | ArcGIS Geodatabase Index |
.gdbtable | ArcGIS Geodatabase |
.gdbtablx | ArcGIS Geodatabase |
.gdc | Iconics GraphWorx32 |
.gdd | Gerber Drill Drawing Data |
.gde | GlobalQSL Graphic Editor |
.gdf | GUESS Graph Data Format |
.gdfmakerproject | GDF Editor Project Format |
.gdh | SmartWare High-low Graph |
.gdi | Generic Download Install |
.gdiagramstyle | OmniGraffle Diagram Style Format |
.gdl | ArchiCAD Geometric Description Language Data |
.gdm | Bells, Whistles, And Sound Boards Module |
.gdn | SmartWare Graph Definition |
.gdoc | Link To Google Docs Web Application Document |
.gdp | Scrolling Game Development Kit Project |
.gdq | SmartWare Quick Graph |
.gdr | Symbian OS Bitmap Font Format |
.gdraw | Link To Google Drawings Web Application Drawing |
.gdrive | Gizmo Virtual Drive Format |
.gds | Graphic Data System Format |
.gdsp | Astound |
.gdt | Guitar & Drum Trainer Song Configuration |
.gdv | SmartWare Graphics Screen Driver |
.gdw | Jaws Unleashed Data Format |
.gdx | GAMS Result |
.gdyn | GIMP Pressure Curves Output |
.gdz | Genbox Family History Data Initialization |
.ge2 | Maya 4 GE2 Exporter |
.ge3 | Mastercam Geometry |
.ge6 | WinFamily 6 Genealogy |
.gea | Fifa World Cup Game Data |
.geb | Dr. Hardware |
.ged | GEDCOM Family History Format |
.gedata | Qlucore Omics Explorer Data Format |
.gedcom | GEDCOM Genealogy Format |
.gel | Molecular Dynamics Image |
.gem | GEM Vector Picture Format |
.gemfile | Ruby RubyGems |
.gemspec | Ruby RubyGems Specification Format |
.gen | Ventura Publisher Generated Text Format |
.generictest | Microsoft Visual Studio Generic Test |
.genmodel | Eclipse IDE Domain Gen Model |
.geo | VRML Geography Format |
.geojson | GeoJSON Format |
.gep | GeneXproTools Data |
.geprint | Google Earth Pro Map Setting |
.ger | German Text/html Info |
.ges | PINGO GrADS Description |
.get | Pov-Ray For Windows 3.x |
.getright | GetRight Unfinished Download |
.gexf | Graph Exchange XML Graph Format |
.gf | MetaFont Font Format |
.gfa | GFA-BASIC Tokenized Source |
.gfar | Greenfoot JAVA Archive |
.gfb | GIFBlast Compressed GIF Image Format |
.gfc | Patton&Patton Flow Charting 4 Flowchart |
.gfd | GeForms |
.gff | SignalMap Gene-Finding Format (GFF) Data |
.gfie | Greenfish Icon Editor Pro Graphic |
.gfl | GeForms |
.gform | Link To Google Forms Web Application Form Document |
.gfp | GreenForce-Player Audio Or Video Format |
.gfs | Microsoft SharePoint WorkSpace Groove Remote |
.gft | NeoPaint Font |
.gfw | GIF World Format |
.gfx | Genigraphics Graphics Link Presentation |
.gg | Google Desktop Gadget Format |
.ggb | GeoGebra Document Format |
.ggd | GASTAR Output |
.ggf | GPS Pathfinder Office Geoid Grid |
.ggg | Green Globs & Graphing Equations Game Record |
.ggi | GGI |
.ggm | Green Globs & Graphing Equations Saved State |
.ggp | GemCom Graphic Format |
.ggpk | Grinding Gears Package |
.ggr | GIMP Gradient Format |
.ggs | Gameboy Emulator |
.ggt | GeoGebra User-defined Tool |
.ggz | Garena Skin |
.ghc | Visual Basic Constant Map |
.ghd | Geonaute Keymaze Tracklog |
.gho | Norton Ghost Backup Image Format |
.ghs | Norton Ghost Backup Format |
.ght | Ghost Project |
.ghx | Grasshopper |
.gi | Prassi DVD Disk Image Format |
.gi! | GigaSampler/GigaStudio Split |
.gic | BioWare Aurora Engine Area |
.gid | Microsoft Windows Help General Index Format |
.gif | Graphics Interchange File Format |
.gif2 | Netobjects Fusion Styles Lines |
.gif89a | GIF 89a Image |
.gifenx | Egis Encrypted GIF |
.giff | CompuServe Bitmap Image(Graphics Interchange Format) |
.gig | GigaSampler/GigaStudio Audio Format |
.gih | GIMP Animated Brush |
.gim | Sony Playstation 3 Icon Format |
.gin | GEMS Engine Control Unit Format |
.ginspect_prj | GOM Inspect Project Format |
.gio | Nyquist Midi Test Format |
.gip | Ghost Installer Package |
.gir | Gens Plus! Movie |
.gis | CFS Console Game Installer Settings Format |
.git | Git Repository |
.gitattributes | Pro Git Attribute |
.gitignore | Git Ignore Format |
.gitkeep | Gitkeep |
.gjd | 7th Guest Game Archive |
.gjf | Gaussian Input Data |
.gkf | GAUSS Engine License |
.gkh | Ensoniq EPS Family Disk Floppy Format |
.gko | Gerber Keep Out Layer |
.gkp | GameKeyboard |
.gks | Graphical Kernel System Fle |
.gl | Graphical System For Presentation Animation Format |
.gl2 | HP Graphics Language Plotter |
.gla | Sothink SWF Easy Project Format |
.glad | GenePattern GLAD |
.glade | Glade Project Format |
.glb | STK Globe Format |
.glc | IGIS Data |
.gld | MPLAB C Compiler Linker Script Format |
.glf | Space Engine Shader Format |
.glif | Glyph Interchange Format |
.glink | Link To Third-party Google Drive Web Application Document |
.glk | Microsoft SharePoint WorkSpace Groove Shortcut |
.gll | EASE SpeakerLab Compiled Text |
.glm | DInsight Modeling Studio 3D CAM Model |
.glo | Adobe RoboHelp Glossary Format |
.global | Global Makefile |
.glos | Microsoft Word For Mac Glossary |
.glox | Microsoft Office SmartArt Graphic Layout Definitions Package Format |
.glp | NaviEdit Geoconsult Long Profile |
.gls | GLScript Format |
.glu | Cyberglue |
.glue | GlueMon Audio |
.glut | OpenGL GLUT |
.glut2 | OpenGL Glut-3.6 |
.glut3 | OpenGL GLUT |
.glx | DataStudio Experiment |
.gly | Microsoft Word Glossary Format |
.glz | Crossword Power Tools Crossword Library |
.gm | Transport Tycoon Game Music Format |
.gm1 | Heroes Of Might & Magic 3 Saved Game |
.gm2 | Heroes Of Might & Magic III Saved Game |
.gm3 | Heroes Of Might & Magic III Saved Game |
.gm4 | Autologic Bitmap Image |
.gm6 | Game Maker Project Format |
.gm81 | GameMaker Data Format |
.gmanifest | Google Desktop Gadget Control |
.gmap | Garmin Map Format |
.gmbck | Game Maker Background Image Format |
.gmc | Global Mapper Catalog |
.gmd | Game Maker Stored Game |
.gme | Interact DexDrive Sony Playstation Memory Card Save |
.gmf | Robot Arena Design And Destroy Graphic Format |
.gmi | GPS Tuner Map Calibration Data |
.gmk | Game Maker Project Format |
.gml | Geography Markup Language |
.gmm | Global Mobile Media |
.gmmod | Game Maker 3D Model Format |
.gmmp | WCS GMMP Gamut Mapping Profile |
.gmo | GNU Gettext Machine Object Format |
.gmp | Geomorph Tile Map |
.gmr | Game Maker Compiled Game |
.gmres | Game Maker Resource Format |
.gms | LibGMS Gesture And Motion Signal Format |
.gmspr | GameMaker Sprite Format |
.gmt | Global Mobile Television Multimedia Format |
.gmv | Gens Movie Capture Format |
.gmw | Global Mapper Workspace |
.gmx | GroupMail Message |
.gmz | GameMaker Complete Source |
.gnc | Great Notions Embroidery |
.gnd | Geography Network Document |
.gne | Flickr PHP Format |
.gnm | GNM Output Music |
.gno | GenoPro Genealogy Document Format |
.gnp | GNXAS GNPeak Output Format |
.gns | Sound Health Abacus Genesis |
.gnt | Micro Focus COBOL Generated Code |
.gnumakefile | GNU Make Makefile |
.gnutar | TAR Archive Format |
.go | Google Go Programming Language Source Code |
.go! | Go!Zilla Unfinished Download |
.goa | SpiceCAD |
.gob | LucasArts Game Resource |
.goc | GEOS GOC Source Code |
.god | Populous 2 Saved Game Format |
.gof | GameExchange Raw Object Definition |
.gofin | Druki Gofin Document |
.gog | Drumagog Sample |
.gold | Gnome Desktop |
.gom | GOpenMol Model Format |
.goomod | World Of Goo Add-on |
.gor | Myth: The Fallen Lords Game Data |
.gorm | Gorm Interface Resource Format |
.gox | The Games Factory Extension |
.gp | Guitar Pro |
.gp1 | Street Atlas GPS Log |
.gp2 | Gerber Inner Plane 2 (negative) |
.gp3 | Guitar Pro 3 Project Format |
.gp4 | Guitar Pro 4 Project Format |
.gp5 | Guitar Pro 5 Project File Format |
.gpb | Gerber Bottom Pad Master |
.gpbank | Guitar Pro Audio Bank Format |
.gpc | Genie Backup Manager Plugin |
.gpd | Microsoft Windows Universal Printer Unidrv Minidriver Format |
.gpe | GP2X Video Game Executable Format |
.gpf | Ragnarok Online Gravity Re-packed Format |
.gpg | GNU Privacy Guard Public Keyring Format |
.gph | Lotus 1-2-3 Graph |
.gpi | Garmin Point Of Interest Format |
.gpj | GINT Project Format |
.gpk | GEOS Compressed Omnigo Format Archive |
.gpl | GNU Public Licence Text |
.gpm | Ragnarok Online Update |
.gpn | GlidePlan Map Document Format |
.gpp | Serif GraphicsPlus Object Format |
.gpr | GenePix Results Format |
.gprj | Gearotic Motion Project |
.gprx | Geoxa Project Format |
.gps | GOM Player Skin Format |
.gpt | Gerber Top Pad Master |
.gpu | GP2X Utility Program Format |
.gpw | Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension |
.gpx | Guitar Pro 6 Format |
.gpz | IBM DB2 Document Manager Document History |
.gqf | GrafEq Data |
.gqs | GrafEq Data |
.gqsx | Microsoft Office SmartArt Style Definitions Package Format |
.gr2 | Granny 3D Format |
.gr4 | Pathloss Sharing |
.gra | Microsoft Graph Chart Format |
.grade | GradeStat Document Format |
.grads | PINGO GrADS Data |
.graffle | OmniGraffle Drawing Format |
.graphml | Graph Markup Language Format |
.graphmlz | Compressed GraphML Source Format |
.grasp | Graphical System For Presentation Animation Format |
.gray | RAW Gray Samples Bitmap Image |
.grb | GRIB Meteorological Data Format |
.grbdropfile | GetRight |
.grc | Affymetrix Grid Control |
.grd | Adobe Photoshop Image Ready Gradient Format |
.grdecl | Eclipse Specific |
.greenfoot | Greenfoot Project |
.grey | Raw Image Format |
.grf | DPlot Graph Format |
.grg | GreatFamily Graphic Gallery |
.gri | Petrosys Grid |
.grib | WMO CBS FM 92-VIII Ext. Gridded Binary Format |
.grid | GridMove Grid Settings |
.grk | Gradekeeper Document |
.grl | Microsoft Windows Update Status Format |
.grle | Farming Simulator Save Game |
.grm | NovaLogic Game Facial Expressions |
.grn | Granny 3D Format |
.gro | HP-48/49 Grob Graphic Image Format |
.grob | Graphic Object Bitmap Format |
.groove | Sony ACID Groove Format |
.groovy | Groovy Programming Language Script Format |
.group | Windows Mail Group Format |
.groupproj | Delphi Project Group Format |
.groups | WM Keeper CLASSIC Group |
.growlregdict | Growl Temp Format |
.growlstyle | Growl WebKit Style |
.growlticket | Growl Notification Format |
.growlview | Growl Display Plugin |
.grp | Microsoft Windows Program Group Format |
.grr | Gradekeeper Class Roster Format |
.grs | GetRight Skin |
.grt | Grapher Template |
.gru | Geist Preset |
.grv | Microsoft SharePoint WorkSpace Groove Format |
.grw | SeeYou Waypoint |
.grx | GetRight File List |
.grxml | Grammar |
.gry | Raw Image (Raw GREY) |
.gs | Haskell Gofer Script Format |
.gs0 | Sega Genesis (Megadrive) Emulator Quick Slot 0 Save Format |
.gs1 | Genecyst Save State 1 |
.gs3 | Genecyst Game Save State 1 Format |
.gs4 | Genecyst Saved State Slot 4 |
.gsa | Microsoft SharePoint WorkSpace Groove Working Space Archive Or Template |
.gsb | Golden Software Boundary Data Format |
.gsba | GameSave Manager Save Backup |
.gsc | Call Of Duty Script Format |
.gscript | Link To Google Scripts Web Application Script |
.gscx | Microsoft Office Diagram |
.gsd | Generic Station Description Format |
.gsdu | GameSave Manager Database Update |
.gse | GeneSys Export |
.gsf | Ghostscript Fonts |
.gsflib | Game Boy Advance Song Library |
.gsheet | Link To Google Sheets Web Application Spreadsheet Document |
.gsi | Golden Software Interchange Format |
.gsl | GoodSync Job List |
.gslides | Link To Google Slides Web Application Presentation |
.gsm | GSM Sound Format |
.gsp | IMail Server Returned Mail |
.gsproj | GameSalad Project Format |
.gsr | Golden Software GIS Format |
.gsr2 | Golden Software GIS Format |
.gss | Multi Game Memory Editor Memory Snapshot |
.gst | MapInfo Geoset Format |
.gstencil | OmniGraffle Stencil |
.gsvr | Ghostscript |
.gsx | Gens Sega Emulator Save State Format |
.gsym | ArchiCAD For MAC Geometric Description Language |
.gsz | GeoStudio Project |
.gszip | GameSalad Market Asset Format |
.gt | Gold Thread Embroidery Format |
.gt2 | Graoumf Tracker Music Module (MOD) |
.gta | Microsoft SharePoint WorkSpace Groove Tool Archive Format |
.gtable | Link To Google Fusion Tables Web Application Table |
.gtar | GNU Tar Compressed Archive Format |
.gtc | Graitec Exchange Format |
.gte | GigaTrust Protected |
.gtemplate | OmniGraffle Template |
.gth | Bibexcel |
.gthr | Gather Log Format |
.gti | STRUDL Input |
.gtkrc | GTK+ Skin Format |
.gtl | Gerber Top Layer |
.gtm | GreekToMe Data Format |
.gto | Quicken Online Data |
.gtp | Guitar Pro Project |
.gts | CaptiveWorks PVR Video Recording Format |
.gtx | Genetica Seamless Texture Format |
.gui | Dr.Explain Project Format |
.guide | AmigaGuide Hypertext |
.guides | The Iconfactory XScope Guides Format |
.gul | JungUm Global Viewer Korean Language |
.gus | Universal Score Poster Script |
.gv | Graphviz DOT Language Format |
.gvg | Kompass Map |
.gvi | Google Video Format |
.gvimrc | GVim Settings Format |
.gvm | Phantasy Star Online |
.gvn | GeoVisu Navigation Data |
.gvp | Google Video Player Google Video Pointer Playlist Format |
.gvr | GeoVisu Routes |
.gvt | GeoVisu Tracklogs |
.gvw | GeoVisu Waypoints |
.gvy | Groovy Script Format |
.gw | SWAT Groundwater Input |
.gwb | GenStat Book |
.gwf | Benthic Golden |
.gwi | GroupWise Link Information Format |
.gwk | GC-Prevue GraphiCode PCB Job Format |
.gwl | Nanoscribe General Writing Language |
.gwp | Greetings WorkShop Format |
.gws | GeoMedia Geoworkspace Format |
.gwt | SpaceStat Generalized Weights Format |
.gwv | Groundwater Vistas Packaged Model |
.gx2 | Generic Cadd |
.gxa | General CADD Attribute Data |
.gxc | General CADD Pro Component Data Format |
.gxd | General CADD Pro Drawing Format |
.gxf | General CADD Pro Font Data Format |
.gxh | General CADD Pro Hatch Pattern Format |
.gxk | Galaxkey File Manager Encrypted Format |
.gxl | Graph Exchange Language Format |
.gxm | General CADD Pro Format |
.gxr | GeneXus Report |
.gxt | Grand Theft Auto 2 Game Format |
.gxw | GRASS GIS Workspace Layout Definition |
.gym | Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Music Logged |
.gyp | Google Chromium GYP Input Configuration |
.gypi | Chrome/Chromium Include |
.gz | GZIP Compressed Archive Format |
.gz1 | Orgadata LogiKal |
.gz2 | Misnamed BZ2 Format |
.gza | Bzip2 Compressed File Archive |
.gzf | Webcopier |
.gzi | GZip Compressed Archive |
.gzip | GNU ZIP Gzip Compressed Archive Format |
.gzl | Go!Zillalist |
.gzp | Giants Citizen Kabuto Game |
.gzquar | BitDefender Quarantine |
.gzr | GunZ |
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