.o | Object Format |
.o01 | Typhoon Voice |
.o2c | Objects To See 3D |
.o8d | OCTGN Deck |
.o8g | OCTGN Game Definition |
.o8o | Mediator 5 Repository Tabs Vorlagen.006 |
.o8s | OCTGN Set |
.oab | Microsoft Outlook Offline Address Book Format |
.oad | Suite Notaro Document |
.oaf | Microsoft Flight Simulator Texture |
.oam | Adobe Edge Overlay Format |
.oap | Samsung Bada Signed Installation Package |
.oar | OpenSimulator Archive Format |
.oas | Microsoft Outlook Attachment Sniffer |
.oat | Google Android RunTime Code |
.oav | Microsoft Flight Simulator Texture |
.oaw | OpenArchitectureWare Workflow |
.oaz | NetFax Manager OAZ Fax Image |
.ob | IBM LinkWay Object |
.ob! | Orbit Downloader Incomplete Download Format |
.ob3 | ABF Software Outlook Backup Backup |
.ob5 | TopLang OE Backup |
.obak | WinSQL Offline Backup |
.obb | Google Android Opaque Binary Blob Format |
.obd | Microsoft Office Binder Document Format |
.obf | OsmAnd Offline GPS Vector Maps |
.obg | ZBrush Mesh |
.obi | Microsoft Outlook 2007/2010/2013 RSS Subscription Format |
.obj | 3D Object Format |
.objx | Metatools Object Bryce Support |
.obk | OrCAD Capture Design Or Library |
.obl | TrueSpace |
.obml | Opera Mini Saved Web Page Format |
.obml15 | Opera Mini 5.1 Saved Web Page |
.obp | Bryce Object Format |
.obpack | ObjectBar Theme Pack |
.obr | Borland C++ Object Browser Data |
.obs | WAsP Obstacle List |
.obt | Openbox Theme Format |
.obv | 3D Photo Browser Thumbnail Cache |
.obw | Toontrack Superior Drummer Audio Format |
.obx | Rational XDE |
.obyx | Obyx Control |
.obz | Compressed 3D Object Format |
.oc3 | OpenCanvas 3 Event Format |
.oc4 | OpenCanvas 4 Event Format |
.oc5 | OpenCanvas 5 Event Format |
.oc9 | OrgCon Organization |
.oca | Custom Control Library Type Format |
.ocamlmakefile | Caml Programming Language Makefile |
.ocb | Origin Precompiled Origin C |
.occ | Oceanic DataPool Format |
.ocd | OCAD Digitized Map Format |
.ocdc | Mathematica Document |
.ocdf | OneClickDigital Mp3 Audio Book |
.oce | Open Catalog Extension Connection Format |
.ocen | EdGCM Data |
.ocf | OM2 Cipher |
.ocg | Osprey Custom Graph |
.oci | OpenCanvas Image Format |
.ocm | Netscape Communicator Aim |
.ocp | Advanced Art Studio Image |
.ocr | FaxGrapper FAX Transcribed Text Format |
.oct | RADIANCE Octree Format |
.octest | Xcode Objective-C Unit Test Bundle |
.ocv | OCV Training Data |
.ocx | ActiveX Control Format |
.oc_ | Compressed ActiveX Control |
.od | Mascotte Mascopt Request Format |
.od1 | Omnis 5 Database |
.od2 | Omnis 5 Database |
.od3 | Omnis Studio Database |
.od4-9 | Omnis5 Database |
.odb | ArcView Object Database ASCII Format |
.odc | OpenOffice.org OpenDocument Format |
.odccubefile | OpenDocument 1 |
.odcnewfile | Microsoft Office Data Connection |
.odctablefile | Microsoft Office |
.ode | Microsoft Office |
.odex | Google Android Optimized Executalbe |
.odf | Open Document Interchange Format (ODIF) |
.odg | OpenDocument Drawing Format |
.odh | Microsoft Visual Studio Interface Definition Language |
.odi | OpenOffice.org Image Format |
.odif | Open Document Interchange Format |
.odl | Object Description Language Format |
.odm | OpenOffice.org OpenDocument Global Text Document Format |
.odo | ICUBE Online Operating System Write Document Format |
.odp | OpenOffice.org OpenDocument Presentation Format |
.ods | OpenDocument Spreadsheet Format |
.odt | ODF Text Document Format |
.odt# | OpenOffice.org Locked Document |
.odtpc | Oracle User Productivity Kit Presentation |
.odttf | Microsoft Office Document Embedded Font |
.odv | Ocean Data View Data |
.odvi | LaTeX |
.odx | Microsoft BizTalk Server Diagram Format |
.od_ | Oracle Compressed Driver |
.oeaccaount | Windows Mail |
.oeaccount | Windows Mail Account Settings Format |
.oeb | Open EBook Format |
.oecl | Open EDA Component Library |
.oef | Optim Export |
.oem | OEM Install Data Format |
.oemigaccount | Outlook Express Temporary |
.oet | ESignal Order Entry Ticket |
.oex | Opera Add-on Format |
.ofa | Kodak OfotoNow |
.ofb | Oxygen Forensic Suite Backup |
.ofc | Open Financial Connectivity Format |
.ofd | ObjectView Form Definition |
.off | DEC 3D Object File Format |
.officeui | Microsoft Office UI Customization |
.offsets | Offset |
.ofl | OtsTurntables Playlist |
.ofm | Adobe PostScript Font Description Format |
.ofn | MS Office File New (Other Office Documents) |
.ofp | Objecteering Project |
.ofr | OptimFROG Encoded Audio |
.ofs | OptimFROG Dualstream |
.oft | Microsoft Outlook Template Format |
.ofx | Open Financial Exchange Format |
.oga | Ogg Vorbis Audio Profile Format |
.ogd | Oracle Forms Graph |
.ogf | S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Model Format |
.ogg | Ogg Vorbis Audio Format |
.ogl | ATI Overlay Source Code |
.ogm | Ogg Vorbis Media Format |
.ognc | Dynamic Web Page Format |
.ogo | Origin Graphic Object |
.ogr | OGR C++ Open Source Library |
.ogs | Origin Script Format |
.ogv | Ogg Vorbis Video Format |
.ogw | OriginLab Worksheet |
.ogx | Ogg Vorbis Multiplex Profile |
.ogz | Cube 2 Sauerbraten Map Format |
.oh | DrillAssistant List |
.oh4 | Overhoor List |
.ohp | MS-DOS 7 |
.ohs | Bink Outbound History |
.ohw | Overhoor DrillAssistant List |
.oif | QuickBase Web-sharable Database Interchange |
.oil | Open Image Library Format Image Format |
.ojp | 3WayPack |
.ok | Qedit |
.okm | OkMap Map Defining |
.okozo | Okozo Desktop Animation |
.okr | PowerRecover One Key Recovery |
.oks | OKScript |
.okt | Oktalyzer Music Module (MOD) Format |
.okx | OKScript |
.ol | Valve Hammer Object Layout |
.ola | Online Access Format |
.olb | Microsoft Office OLE Object Library Format |
.olb2 | CanOpener Library |
.old | Backup Plus Backup Format |
.ole | Microsoft Object Linking And Embedding |
.ole2 | Microsoft Office Binary Document Container Format |
.olf | OyezForms Legal Documents |
.olk | Microsoft Outlook Address Book Format |
.olk14category | Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Category Format |
.olk14contact | Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Contact Format |
.olk14dbheader | Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Database |
.olk14event | Outlook Calendar Event Format |
.olk14folder | Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Folder |
.olk14group | Outlook Group Format |
.olk14mailaccount | Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Mail Account Settings Format |
.olk14message | Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Message Format |
.olk14msgattach | Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Message Attachment |
.olk14msgsource | Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Message Source Format |
.olk14note | Outlook Note Format |
.olk14pref | Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Preferences Format |
.olk14recent | Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Recent Address |
.olk14rule | Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Rule |
.olk14schedule | Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Schedule |
.olk14search | Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Saved Search |
.olk14signature | Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Signature Format |
.olk14task | Outlook Task Format |
.olk14uid | Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac UID |
.oll | TrialDirector Load |
.olm | Microsoft Outlook For Mac Data Format |
.oln | Microsoft Visual C++ Outline Examples |
.olproj | Adobe OnLocation |
.ols | Microsoft Office List Shortcut |
.olt | Orbit Downloader Download List Format |
.olv | Roller Coaster Tycoon |
.oly | AFP Advanced Function Presentation Overlay Resource |
.oma | Sony OpenMG Music Format |
.omc | Origin Customized Menu |
.omcs | Office Manager Access Format |
.omd | MapInfo Routing J Server Data |
.omeg | Mathematica For Mac |
.omf | Open Media Framework Format |
.omfi | Open Media Framework |
.omg | O&O DiskImage Backup Format |
.oml | TracePro Model |
.omn | Omnipotent Collection |
.omo | OMake Object Format |
.omod | Oblivion Mod Manager Mod Format |
.omp | Office Manager Pro Document Archive |
.omr | OMR Template |
.oms | Order Maven |
.omt | SITH HLA Object Model Template |
.omx | OtsAV Media Library Information Format |
.on2 | On2 Encoded FLV |
.ond | Lotus Notes Format |
.one | Microsoft OneNote Document Format |
.onecache | Microsoft OneNote Cache |
.onepkg | Microsoft OneNote Package Format |
.onetmp | Microsoft OneNote Temporary |
.onetoc | Microsoft OneNote Table Of Contents |
.onetoc2 | Microsoft OneNote Table Of Contents Format |
.onm | Outdoor Navigator Map |
.ont | TheWord Module Format |
.ontx | TheWord Encrypted Module Format |
.onw | Omron HMI NTST |
.onx | OnyxGrass Image |
.oo3 | Omni Group Outliner 3 Format |
.oog | PyGraph Python Graphics Interface Object Oriented Graphics |
.oogl | Geomview Object Oriented Graphics Library |
.ook | Arachne Batch Script Format |
.oos | OpenOffice.org Spreadsheet |
.oot | OpenOffice.org Text |
.op | ESignal OptionsPlus |
.op2 | Outpost 2 Saved Game |
.op4 | Nastran Output |
.opa | Fly! RAW Image Opacity Map |
.opal | Microsoft Office Customization Tool (OCT) Language-specific Settings |
.opax | Microsoft Office Customization Tool (OCT) Standard Settings |
.opb | Bryce Object |
.opc | Microsoft Office 97 Upgrade Control |
.opd | Durango Interferometry Software Document Format |
.opdownload | Opera Next Incomplete Download |
.opef | OmniPass Encrypted Folder |
.openbsd | OpenBSD Readme Format |
.opf | Open Packaging Format |
.opg | Offline Plan Generation Package |
.opi | Adlib OCR Processing Information |
.opj | OrCAD Capture Project Format |
.opk | Sinking Island/LIle Noyée Game |
.oplc | Nokia Logo Format |
.oplm | Outline Processor Markup Language |
.opml | OPML Outline Processor Markup Language File Format |
.opn | Court Opinion |
.opp | IPhotoDVD |
.oppc | Space Marine Game Resource Package |
.opq | Eschalon: Book I Game |
.opr | OPRO X Browser |
.ops | Microsoft Office Profile Settings Format |
.opt | MySQL Database Data Format |
.options | SE-SOFT Configuration Format |
.opts | Linux Configuration Options Format |
.opus | Opus Audio Format |
.opw | OrgPlus For Windows Organization Chart |
.opx | Microsoft Office Organization Chart File Format |
.opxt | OrpPlus Template |
.opy | OptiY Model |
.op_ | GKSetup Support |
.oqy | Microsoft Excel OLAP Query Format |
.or2 | Lotus Organizer 2 Format |
.or3 | IBM Lotus Organizer 97 Format |
.or4 | Lotus Organizer Data Format |
.or5 | IBM Lotus Organizer Format |
.or6 | Lotus Organizer Data Format |
.or8 | Rational Rose Oracle8 Database Model Report |
.ora | Oracle Database Parameter Configuration Format |
.orb | Original EBook Reader Ebook |
.orc | CSound Orchestra Midi Format |
.orderedtest | Microsoft Visual Studio Ordered Test Format |
.ore | Ore Executable Format |
.orf | Olympus Digital Camera Raw Image Format |
.org | Lotus Organiser Format |
.org2+ | Lotus Organizer |
.ori | Original Format |
.orig | Original Format |
.original | Netobjects Fusion Components Bbscomp Message |
.original_epub | EPUB Ebook Backup |
.original_mobi | MOBI Ebook Backup |
.ork | Warhammer Mark Of Chaos Game Archive |
.orl | Object-Relational Language |
.ormdesigner | ORM Designer Project |
.ors | DSP Group TrueSpeech Audio Format |
.ort | COREX Orthographic Transcriptions Format |
.orv | Oracom Video Format |
.orx | RadiantOne Virtual Directory Server Database Schema |
.orz | Holic Game |
.os | ObjectScript Source Format |
.os2 | Os2 System |
.os3 | OS/2 Warp 3 |
.osa | W32/Sober-AD |
.osas | Apple Script Library Tani Script |
.osax | FindFile OSAX Mac Format Type |
.osb | OpenStreetMap Binary Map Format |
.osbx | OneSafe Exported Backup |
.osc | Remote Installation Services Client Installation Wizard Format |
.oscd | TouchOSC Interface Editor Template |
.osd | Open Software Description |
.osdx | Microsoft Windows Search Connector Format |
.osf | Descent 3 Sound |
.osg | OSGJS JSON Input |
.osk | Osu! Skin Format |
.osl | OckamSoft Log |
.osm | OpenStreetMap Data Format |
.osp | OpenShot Project Format |
.osr | Osu! Game Replay Format |
.oss | Microsoft Office Saved Search Format |
.ost | Microsoft Outlook Inbox Off-line Folder Format |
.osu | Osu! Dialog Format |
.osw | ONESWING Contents |
.osx | Apple Mac OS PowerPC Executable Format |
.osz | Osu! Beatmap Format |
.ot | TheWord Text Module Format |
.ota | OTA Bitmap Format |
.otb | Nokia OTA Bitmap Format |
.otc | OpenDocument Chart Template Format |
.otd | OpenIV Texture Data |
.otf | OpenType Font File Format |
.otg | OpenOffice.org Graphics Document Template |
.oth | OpenOffice.org OpenDocument HTML Text Template |
.oti | OpenDocument Image Template Format |
.otl | Super NoteTab Template Format |
.otln | Opal Outline Format |
.otm | Microsoft Outlook Macro Format |
.otp | OpenOffice.org Presentation Template Format |
.otr | IRIX Complied FTR |
.otrkey | OTRKEY Encoded Video Format |
.ots | OpenOffice.org OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template Format |
.ott | OpenOffice.org Text Document Template Format |
.otv | Rotor-Disc OTV Kit OTV Calibration |
.otx | TheWord Encrypted Module Format |
.otz | OpenLP Theme Format |
.out | Output Format |
.outline | FontTwister Letter Outline |
.outlook97 | Microsoft Outlook Custom Mail |
.oux | Bibexcel |
.ov | OpenInsight Database Overflow |
.ov1 | Overlay |
.ov2 | TomTom Navigator Point Of Interest Format |
.ov3 | Overlay |
.ov4 | Overlay |
.ov5 | Overlay |
.ova | Open Virtual Machine Format |
.ovd | ObjectVision Data |
.ove | Overture Music Score Format |
.ovf | Open Virtualization Format Package |
.ovg | ObjectVision Converted Graphic |
.ovh | OMSI Bus Settings |
.ovl | Overlay Format |
.ovolog | OoVoo Log |
.ovp | The Overlay Maker Package Format |
.ovpn | OpenVPN Config Format |
.ovr | Overlay Format |
.ovs | Ovation 1 Style Sheet |
.ovw | Logic Pro Overview Format |
.ow | Free Pascal For Windows Object Format |
.owc | OutWit Hub OutWit Catch Db Format |
.owg | OutWit Hub OutWit Gear Outwit Thesaurus Db Format |
.owl | OWL (Obfuscated Weird Language) Source Code Format |
.owm | OutWit Hub OutWit Mashup XML Format |
.owr | PeopleSoft Results Archive |
.ows | Web Studio Project |
.owt | Ancestry.com OneWorldTree |
.ox | Ox Object-Oriented Matrix Programming Language |
.oxd | PS3 Proxy Server |
.oxf | IBM Rational Rhapsody |
.oxo | Ox Object-Oriented Matrix Programming Language |
.oxps | Windows 8 OpenXPS Document Format |
.oxt | OpenOffice.org Extension Help Format |
.oxygene | Oxygene Project Format |
.oyx | IBM Lotus Approach Alternate Database Index Format |
.oyz | Lotus Approach Alternate DBASE Index |
.oz | Opera Job Management Compressed Format |
.ozf2 | OziExplorer Map |
.ozfx3 | OziExplorer Image |
.ozj | Mu Online Graphic |
.ozp | Orgadata LogiKal |
.ozt | Mu Online Texture |
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