Estensioni di file - lettera S

Estensioni di file - lettera S

.s Source Code Format
.s#+a RagTime 2
.s00 Split Multi-volume ZipSplitter Compressed File Archive (part 1)
.s01 Corel WordPerfect Distribution Format
.s02 Corel WordPerfect Distribution Format
.s03 Corel WordPerfect Distribution
.s04 Split Multi-volume ZipSplitter Compressed File Archive (part 5)
.s05 Split Multi-volume ZipSplitter Compressed File Archive (part 6)
.s06 Split Multi-volume ZipSplitter Compressed File Archive (part 7)
.s07 Split Multi-volume ZipSplitter Compressed File Archive (part 8)
.s08 Split Multi-volume ZipSplitter Compressed File Archive (part 9)
.s09 Split Multi-volume ZipSplitter Compressed File Archive (part 10)
.s10 Brasfoot Saved Game Format
.s19 Motorola EEPROM Programming Format
.s1j Sealed
.s1p Touchstone 1 S-parameter Data
.s2 Stranded II Map
.s28 Genesis Or Sega32X ROM Image
.s2a SEAL Program Format
.s2d Agilent EEsof EDA S-parameter Data
.s2e SWF To EXE Converter Project Format
.s2k Subtitle
.s2m Stronghold 2 Map Format
.s2ma Starcraft 2 Map
.s2mh StarCraft 2 Map Header Format
.s2mi Starcraft 2 Cache
.s2ml StarCraft 2 Map Localization Format
.s2mv Starcraft 2 Map Preview Image
.s2p Touchstone 4 S-parameters Data
.s2qh StarCraft 2 Localisation Header Format
.s2ql StarCraft 2 Unit Localisation Format
.s2s Spike2 Script
.s2t Scia2Tekla Plugin
.s2z S2Games Savage Game Format
.s31 SmartWhois
.s3d Philips 3D Solutions 3D Displays That Show 3D Content
.s3db MySQL Database
.s3i ScreamTracker V3 Instrument Format
.s3m Scream Tracker V3 Module
.s3p Touchstone 9 S-parameters Data
.s3t Scorched 3D Tankpack
.s3z Amiga And Pc Tracker Module Format
.s43 IAR Assembly Source
.s4e Airplay SDK Header
.s4m SWAT 4 Map Format
.s4p Touchstone 16 S-parameters Data
.s57 International Hydrographic Organization Vector Image
.s5x Heritage Of Kings: The Settlers Map Format
.s6bn Word 6 For Mac Template
.s7 Sibelius Music Notation
.s7p SubSeven Trojan
.s7z 7-zip Compressed Format
.s85 SABRE StaffPlan Chart Format
.s8bn Word 98 For Mac Template
.s8l SAP GUI
.s98 NEC PC-98 Audio
.sa1 Nintendo Game Boy Emulator Save Format
.sa2 Suprise! Adlib Tracker Music Module
.sa4 Delorme Street Atlas USA
.sa5 SecretAgent Archive
.sa7 Street Atlas Map Document
.sa8 Street Atlas 8 Map Document
.sa9 Hue And Cry Adobe Photoshop Plug-in Format
.saa SecretAgent Encrypted Archive
.saas Sass Indented Syntax
.sab 3D ACIS Binary Format
.sab2 NVision 3D Scanner
.sabl Call Ot Duty: Black Ops II Audio Library
.sabs Call Ot Duty: Black Ops II Sounds
.sacred2save Sacred 2 Save Game
.sad Lucas Arts Sound Format
.saf Street Atlas USA Map Format
.safariextz Apple Safari Extension Format
.safe WM Keeper CLASSIC Purse File Backup
.safetext Encrypted Text
.sah Seti@home Data
.sai PaintTool SAI Image
.saj Sage 50 Folder
.sak Postal Game Archive
.sal SQL Application Language
.sam Ami Pro Document Format
.sam07 SAM 2007 Package Format
.samba3 Gnome Desktop
.sami Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange Format Format
.samrc SAM Default Parameters
.san LucasArts Smush Animation Format
.sap Atari XL/XE Audio Format
.sapssd SAP Related
.sar SAR Compressed Format Archive (SAPCAR Archive)
.sas SAS Source Code Format
.sas7bdat SAS Database
.sas7bndx SAS Index
.sass Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets Indented Syntax
.sat 3D ACIS Model Format
.sav Saved Game Format
.sav2 SuperPower Save Game
.save Nano Temporary Saved Format
.saveddeck Nokia Saved Web Page Format
.savedsearch Spotlight Saved Search
.savedstate Virtual Router Saved State Format
.saver Mac OS X Screen Saver
.save_multiplayer Total War Multiplayer Save
.savf AS400Manager JAVA
.saw Living Scenes Jigsaw Puzzles
.sax Sedona Framework XML Application
.say Saya Matrix Accounting Database
.saz Fiddler Session Archive ZIP
.sb Scratch Finished Product Format
.sb1 MemoryMixer Album
.sb7 SetupBuilder Project
.sba SpeedBalance Accounting Data
.sbb Microsoft Office Accounting Company Backup Format
.sbc Microsoft Office Accounting Company Shortcut Format
.sbd Mozilla Mail Subdirectory Format
.sbe Spybot Excludes
.sbf Google Android Mobile Phone Backup Format
.sbg SBaGen Binaural Beat Format
.sbi Creative Labs SoundBlaster Instrument
.sbk Creative Labs EMU SoundFont V1 Bank Format
.sbl Arquitienda Graphic Symbol Library
.sbml Systems Biology Markup Language Source
.sbn ArcView Spatial Index For Read-write Shapefiles
.sbo SAP Business One SDK Add-on Related
.sbp OpenSBP CNC Program Format
.sbproj OpenGL Shader Builder Project
.sbq Superbase Query Definition Format
.sbr Microsoft Visual Studio Visual C++ Source Browser Intermediate Format
.sbrz Sky Ebook Reader E-book
.sbs Spybot Search And Destroy Includes Format
.sbsc Adobe Soundbooth Score Document
.sbst Adobe Soundbooth Score Template
.sbstore Mozilla Firefox
.sbt Suberbase Record Notes Format
.sbu Samsung Kies Backup
.sbv Superbase Form Definition Format
.sbw US Treasury Savings Bonds Wizard Format
.sbx Adobe Illustrator Tsume Format
.sbz ShowBiz Project
.sc Framework II Display Driver
.sc1 SimCity
.sc2 Sample Cell II PC/Mac Instrument Format
.sc2000 Sim City 2000 Tileset
.sc2archive StarCraft 2 Archive Format
.sc2assets StarCraft 2 Game Assets Format
.sc2bank StarCraft 2 Bank Format
.sc2data Starcraft 2 A.I. Game Format
.sc2locale StarCraft 2 Localization Format
.sc2ma StarCraft 2 Map Data Format
.sc2map StarCraft 2 Map Format
.sc2mod StarCraft 2 Game Mod Format
.sc2replay Starcraft 2 Game Replay Format
.sc2save StarCraft 2 Game Saved Format
.sc2scene StarCraft 2 Cut Scene Format
.sc3 Renamed DBASE III Screen Mask Format
.sc4 Game File Format
.sc45 SuperCard Project Format
.sc4desc SimCity 4 Description Format
.sc4lot SimCity 4 Lot Format
.sc4model SimCity 4 Model Format
.sc5 Chris Sawyer Locomotion Scenario
.sc6 RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Scenario Format
.sc? ColoRix Bitmap Image
.sca Scala InfoChannel Script Format
.scacfg SuperCard Application Configuration Format
.scad OpenSCAD CAD Model Format
.scala Scala Source
.scap EFI Firmware Format
.scar SCAR Script Format
.scat RealView Scatter-loading
.scb Command & Conquer World Builder Script Format
.scc Visual SourceSafe Control Format
.scd Scribus Document Format
.scdoc SpaceClaim 3D CAD
.sce SoftCuisine Data Exchange
.scea Marathon 2 Aleph One Map Format
.scene VCollab Scene Format
.scexcludb Spring Cleaning Exclusions Format
.scf Windows Explorer Shell Command Format
.scg MyPM SCG Definition Format
.sch CAD Schematics Format
.schdoc Altium Designer Schematic Capture Binary
.schemas GConf Schema Definition Format
.schematic MCEdit Schematic Format
.scheme Sothink Logo Maker Color Scheme
.sci Virtumonde / Vundo Trojan Infected Format
.scl Scala Scale
.scm StarCraft Campaign Map Format
.scmt GXS Application Integrator XML Constraint
.scn Game Scenario Format
.sco Game Score Format
.sconscript SCons SConscript Configuration
.sconstruct SCons Makefile
.score Learning Score
.scp ColoRix Bitmap Image
.scpcfg SuperCard Project Configuration Format
.scprt Surfcam 3D Format
.scpt AppleScript Script Format
.scptd AppleScript Script Bundle
.scq SAS Sequential Access
.scr Microsoft Windows Screensaver Format
.scrabblehasbrosavedgame Hasbro Scrabble Save Game
.scratch Scratch Finished Product Format
.screem SCREEM
.screenflow ScreenFlow Document
.screstorelog Spring Cleaning Restore Log Format
.scresults Spring Cleaning Results Format
.script Generic Script Format
.script editor Apple Mac OS X AppleScript Script
.scriptsuite AppleScript Script Suite Format
.scriptterminology AppleScript Script Terminology Format
.scriv Literature & Latte Scrivener Document Format
.scrivx Literature & Latte Scrivener Document Format
.scro Amira Script Object
.scs SimCity Societies Saved Game Format
.scs11 Show Cue System Cue Format
.scspack SimCity Societies Transfer Package
.scss Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets Syntax
.sct Microsoft Windows Script Component Format
.scu ColoRix Bitmap Image
.scut2 Sure Cuts A Lot
.scv ScanVec CASmate Sign Format
.scvinfo Windows Communication Foundation WCF Metadata
.scw Movie Magic Screenwriter Document Format
.scx ColoRix Bitmap Image
.scy ReaGeniX Security
.scz Wingz Script Format
.sd Audio Format
.sd0 Dali Raw Image
.sd1 Dali Raw Image
.sd2 Sound Designer 2 Format
.sd2f Sound Designer 2 Format
.sd3 Hy-Tek Meet Manager Database Related
.sd4 Smart Diary Suite Database
.sd7 Spring RTS Engine Data Format
.sda StarOffice Drawing Format
.sdat Nintendo DS Sound Data Format
.sdb OpenOffice Base Database Format
.sdbn Microsoft Word 4/5 For Mac Template
.sdbz Symantec Support Tool Information
.sdc Spreadsheet Format
.sdd Impress Presentation Format
.sde Drumbeat Exported Data
.sdef AppleScript Dictionary Scripting Definition
.sdexp Creo Elements/Direct Model
.sdf SQL Server Compact Edition Database Format
.sdfa Exocad 3D
.sdg StarOffice Gallery Image Format
.sdi System Deployment Image Format
.sdif Sound Description Interchange Format
.sdii Sound Designer 2 Audio Format
.sdinstall Speckie Dictionary Format
.sdir Apple Logic Space Designer Impulse Response
.SDIRproj Apple Impulse Response Utility Project
.sdk Roland S-550/S-50/W-30 Disk Image
.sdkmesh Microsoft DirectX Vertex Mesh
.sdl Corel Paradox Script Format
.sdlprofile TRADOS Exported User Settings
.sdltm SDL Trados Studio
.sdlxliff SDL Trados Studio Format
.sdm StarOffice Mail Format
.sdmdocument Microsoft SDM Document
.sdn Smart Diary Suite Ingredients Format
.sdnf Steel Detailing Neutral Format
.sdo Signed Document
.sdoc Microsoft Word Sealed Document Format
.sdp Presentation Format
.sdpc Cocreate SolidDesigner Data
.sdpx Kodak Cineon Image Format
.sdq SAS Data Format
.sdr SmartDraw Drawing Format
.sdr2 H.264 MICRO DVR Camera Movie
.sds Chart Format
.sdsk SafeHouse Private Storage Volume Format
.sdt SmartDraw Template Format
.sdv Pinnacle Studio DV Video Editing Project
.sdw Text Document Format
.sdx Sample Sound Format
.sdy StarMoney
.sdz Spring RTS Engine Data Format
.se SEwin Project
.se1 CT Summation IBlaze Database
.sea StuffIt Expander Archive Format
.seam Seam Framework Java Servlet Format
.search-ms Microsoft Windows Index Search Data Format
.searchconnector-ms Microsoft Windows Search Connector Description Format
.searchindexcache Mac OS X Cache
.sec Pretty Good Privacy Secret Key Ring Format
.secstore Adobe Secstore
.secure Septium Secured Document
.securedownload Safari Download
.security Javasoft Jre 1.3 Lib Security
.securitysettings Alpha Five Security Settings
.sed Self Extracting Directive Format
.sedprj Ashampoo Slideshow Studio Project Format
.see LISCAD Plus
.seed Linux Preseed Format
.seek Word List Expert Seek List
.seestyle Coda For Mac Style Sheet Format
.sef Steganos Encrypted Format
.seg Eragon Audio Format
.seg1 StuffIt Segment
.seg2 Stuffit Mac File Type
.seg3 StuffIt Segment
.segn StuffIt Segment
.SEGY SEG-Y Geophysical Data
.sel Corel PaintShop Photo Pro Selection Format
.sem Alpha Five Set Objects
.seman Xtext Semantics
.sen Scifer Archiver Internal Archive Format
.seo SEO Note Format
.sep ChemSep Separation Case Format
.seplugin Apple Mac OS X AppleScript Editor Plugin Format
.seq Power Tracks Pro Music Sequencer Format
.sequ Adobe Acrobat Sequence Format
.sequencediagram Microsoft Visual Studio Sequence Diagram
.ser GeneMapper Project Format
.server Bonobo Activation API
.serverdef Server Definition
.ServerStyle ESRI ServerStyle
.service Mac OS X Service Application
.ses Adobe Audition Session Format
.session CATIA V4 Session Format
.sesx Adobe Audition Audio Session Format
.set Microsoft Backup File Set
.settingcontent-ms Microsoft Windows 8.1 Configuration
.settings Microsoft Visual Studio Settings Format
.setup CryENGINE Character Format
.sev SevenUp Picture
.sew Janome Sewing Machine Stitch Format
.sex Alpha Five Set Index
.sf IRCAM / MTU SoundFile Format
.sf0 Windows Sytem Check
.sf2 Creative Labs SoundFont 2.0 Bank Format
.sf7 Sega SF-7000 ROM
.sfa Sony Sound Forge
.sfap0 Sony Sound Forge Proxy Format
.sfar Mass Effect 3 DLC Add-on Format
.sfark Melody Machine Compressed SoundFont
.sfb Sony Playstation 3 Game Disc Description Format
.sfc Nintendo SNES9x ROM Format
.sfcache ReadyBoost Cache Format
.sfd SoundStage Sound Data Format
.sff Structured Fax Format Image Format
.sfi Corel Ventura Publisher HP LaserJet Printer Font
.sfil Macintosh System Sound
.sfk Sound Forge Audio Peak Format
.sfl Sony Sound Forge Sound Data Format
.sfm Dart PRO Soundtree Structure
.sfn EasySIGN Font
.sfo CuteFTP Search Format
.sfp Soft Font Printer Format
.sfpack SFPack Compressed Soundfont Format
.sfr Sonic Foundry Sample Resource
.sfs Squashfs Format
.sft Microsoft App-V Sequencer Format
.sfv Simple File Verification Checksum Format
.sfvidcap Sony Vegas Video Capture Format
.sfw Seattle Film Works Graphics Format
.sfx Self-extracting Compressed Archive Format
.sfz SoundFont Compressed Audio
.sg SnapGraphix User
.sg2 Band-in-a-Box Audio
.sg3 ChessDB Game
.sg4 Band-in-a-Box Song
.sga Relic Entertainment SGA Archive Format
.sgaa Aleph One Marathon 2 Save Game Format
.sgb Warhammer 40K Dawn Of War Map Format
.sgcpo Case CATalyst
.sgd SameGame Data
.sgf StarOffice Document With Graphics
.sgh Guitar Hero 3 Setlist Settings
.sgi Silicon Graphics RGB Bitmap Image
.sgl Master Document
.sgm Visual Boy Advance Saved State Format
.sgml Standard Generalized Markup Language Format
.sgn Sierra Print Artist Sign Format
.sgngl Case CATalyst
.sgo ECU Update
.sgp STATGRAPHICS Plus Statistics Format
.sgr SGR Genome Data Format
.sgstn Case CATalyst
.sgt Microsoft DirectMusic Producer Segments Format
.sgu Band-in-a-Box MIDI
.sgv StarOffice StarDraw 2.0 Picture Image
.sgw N-Track Studio Packed Song
.sgx IBM Rational XDE
.sgz Sigza’s SigzaLock Encrypted Format
.sh Unix Bourne Shell (Bash) Format
.sh2 Stronghold 2 Saved Game Format
.sh3 Harvard Graphics 3.0 Presentation
.sh3d Sweet Home 3D Design Format
.sh3f Sweet Home 3D Model Library Format
.sha Unix SHAR Archive
.sha1 SHA-1 Hash Text Format
.sha256 FileVerifier++ SHA-256 Hashes Format
.sha512 SHA512 Hash Text Format
.shader Quake 3 Arena Id Tech 3 Game Engine Shader Format
.shadercache Space Marine Shader Cache
.shaderlib Stronghold 3 Shader
.shadow FontTwister Shadow
.shadowIndexCompactDirectory Mac OS X Spotlight
.shadowIndexGroups Mac OS X Spotlight
.shadowIndexTermIds Mac OS X Spotlight
.shape Dia Diagram Editor Shape
.shar Unix Self Extracting Bourne Shell Archive Format
.shb Microsoft Windows Shortcut Into A Document
.shc Adobe Photoshop Contours
.shd Microsoft Windows Shadow Spooler Format
.shdc ArmA: Armed Assault
.she Medusa 2D CAD
.sheet Dia Sheet
.shf Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Share
.shft Shift Work Calendar
.shg Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap Format
.shh Adobe Photoshop Shadow Or Highlight Settings Format
.shipsection Sword Of The Stars Ship Data
.shit Bourne Shell Server Page
.shk ShrinkIt Compressed Apple II File Archive
.shlb Mozilla
.shm Corel WordPerfect Shell Macro Library
.shmap Stronghold 3 Map
.shn Shorten Compressed Audio Format
.sho Show Pro Show Flow
.shortcut Asutype Shortcut Format
.show Hancom Office Hanshow Presentation Format
.shp ESRI ArcView Shape Format
.shpa Marathon 2 Aleph One Shape Format
.shr Unix Shell Archive Format
.shs Microsoft Windows 95/98 Clipboard Format
.shsh Apple IPhone ECID SHSH Format
.sht HTML Server Side Include Format
.shtm HTML Server Side Include Format
.shtml HTML Server Side Include Format
.shutdownStall Mac OS X Log
.shv Husqvarna Viking Designer 1 Sewing Machine Embroidery Design Format
.shw Corel Presentations Slide Show
.shx AutoCAD Shape Compiled Format
.shy ShyFile Encrypted Format
.si AutoDesk Softimage Image Format
.sia Silo 3D Model
.sib Sibelius Music Notation Format
.sic Quicken 2002 Order
.sid LizardTech MrSID Image File Format
.sidb ITunes Authorization Data Format
.sidd ITunes Authorization Data Format
.sidn Apple ITunes Authorization Data
.sidx SharpMap Spatial Index Format
.sif Microsoft Windows NT Setup Installation Format
.sig Microsoft Office OneNote Signature Format
.sign GNU Privacy Guard
.signed Apple Safari
.sik Microsoft Word Backup
.sil SmartInspect Log
.silk Microsoft Excel Symbolic Link Format
.silo VisIt Hydrodynamical Numerical Simulation Data
.sim Intel VTune Performance Monitor Format
.sim3 The Sims 3
.simg Synclavier Disk Image Format
.simple Simple Compiler Source Code
.sims2pack The Sims 2 Package Format
.sims2skin Sims 2 Skin
.sims3 The Sims 3 Save
.sims3pack The Sims 3 Game Package Format
.sin SiN Game
.sinf Apple IOS Digital Rights Management
.sip Scopetrax Compressed Sample
.sir Bitmap
.sis Symbian Installation Format Nokia Ovi Store Protected Program Format
.sisx Symbian OS Program Installation Executable Format Nokia Ovi Store Protected Program Format
.sit StuffIt Expander Archive Format
.sit! StuffIt Expander Archive Format
.sit5 StuffIt 5 Archive Format
.sitd StuffIt Archive
.site Adobe GoLive Site Specific Format
.sitemap ASP .NET Site Map
.sites Apple IWeb Domain Format
.sites2 Apple IWeb Domain Format
.sithqx StuffIt Compressed Archive
.sitl StuffIt Library
.sito StuffIt Translator
.sitx StuffIt Archive Format
.siv Silicon Imaging Video Format
.siz Oracle 7 Configuration
.sj1 SEGA SJ-1 DIGIO Image
.sjava Synchronous Java Source Code Format
.sjc Sothink JavaScript Web Scroller Definition
.sjd Scrapbook Factory Deluxe Saved Journal Format
.sjpg Sealed JPG
.sjs Simcity 3000 Buildings Add-on
.sj_ SuperJAM Audio
.sk Safari Saved Browsing History Format
.sk1 SK1 Vector Drawing Format
.sk2 ACD/ChemSketch Drawing Format
.ska Happy99 Virus
.skb SketchUp Backup Format
.skc SideKick For Windows Database Format
.skcard Starfish Sidekick Card Format
.skd Autodesk Autosketch Drawing Database
.ske Battlefield Skeleton
.sketch Sketch Drawing
.skf Autodesk AutoSKETCH Thumbnail Format
.skg Skrooge Data
.ski Motorola Mobile Phone Skin Format
.skim Skim Notes Format
.skin Skin Format
.skindex Apple Mail Index Format
.skinnedmesh Battlefield Skinned Mesh
.skitch Skitch Graphics Format
.skk SmartSketch Drawing
.skl Adobe Authorware Resource Format
.skm SketchUp Materials Format
.skn Skin Format
.sko Sage Accounting Executable
.skp SketchUp Graphic File Format
.skr PGP Pretty Good Privacy Private Keyring Format
.sks Show.kit Template
.skse The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Script Extender Data
.skt SSEYO Koan
.SkuDef Command & Conquer Archive Description Package
.skv Semicolon Separated Values Format
.skx XLANG Schedule Format
.sky Microsoft Multiplan SYLK Spreadsheet
.skypechatstyle Skype Chat Style Format
.skypeemoticonset Skype Emoticon Set Format
.skz SuperKaramba Theme Format
.sl Unix Software License Format
.sl00 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl01 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl02 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl03 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl05 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl06 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl07 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl08 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl09 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl10 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl11 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl12 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl13 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl14 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl15 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl16 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl17 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl18 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl19 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl20 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl21 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl23 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl24 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl25 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl26 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl27 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl28 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl29 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sl30 HLSW Game Server Tool
.sla Scribus Document Format
.sla.gz Scribus Compressed Document
.slackbuild Slackware Linux Script
.slb PSpice Symbols Library Format
.slc 3D Systems SLiCe Format
.sld Autodesk AutoCAD Slide Format
.sld3 Microsoft PowerPoint 3/4 For Mac Slide
.sld8 Microsoft PowerPoint 98 For Mac Slide
.sldasm SolidWorks Assembly Format
.sldblk SolidWorks Blocks
.sldbombt SolidWorks BOM Template
.sldclr SolidWorks Colour Palette
.slddrt SolidWorks General Table Template Format
.slddrw SolidWorks Drawing Format
.slddwg SolidWorks Drawing 2D Vector Graphics
.sldgtolfvt SolidWorks Geometric Tolerance Style
.sldholtbt SolidWorks Hole Table Template
.sldlfp SolidWorks Library Part
.sldm Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010 Macro-enabled Open XML Slide
.sldmat SolidWorks Material Database
.sldprt SolidWorks Part Format
.sldreg SolidWorks Settings
.sldrevtbt SolidWorks Revision Table Template
.slds Microsoft PowerPoint 2 For Mac Slide
.sldsffvt SolidWorks Surface Finish Style
.sldstd SolidWorks Drafting Standard
.sldtbt SolidWorks General Table Template
.sldtm SDL Translation Memory Format
.sldweldfvt SolidWorks Weld Style
.sldwldtbt SolidWorks Weldment Cutlist Template
.sldx Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010 Open XML Slide
.sle Sisulizer Exchange Format
.slf Symantec License Format
.slg Chromeleon Audit Trail
.sli ENVI Spectral Library
.slib Synopsys Interface Timing Specification Model
.slidesaver Mac OS X Screensaver
.slife Slife Database
.slim Slim Script
.slip CodeGear Licence
.slk Microsoft Symbolic Link Format
.sll Static Link Library
.slm Second Life Mesh Asset
.sln Microsoft Visual Studio Solution Format
.slnk SAP Business All-in-One Extension
.slo RenderMan Compiled
.slogo StarLogo Programming Project Format
.slogt StarLogo Template Format
.slp SpectraLayers Pro Audio Project Format
.slr ArcSWAT Solar Radiation Input
.sls Image Playlist Format
.sls3 Microsoft Excel 3 For Mac Template
.sls4 Microsoft Excel 4 For Mac Template
.sls5 Microsoft Excel 5 For Mac Template
.sls8 Microsoft Excel 98 For Mac Template
.slst Game Data Format
.slt Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird User Profile Folder Format
.sltng StarLogo TNG Project Format
.slupkg-ms XrML Digital License Package
.slv Silva Import And Export
.slw Settler LITE Data
.slx SpectraLayers Pro Audio Project Format
.sly Lilypond Guitar
.slz Adobe RoboHelp Screen Layout
.sm ScriptMaker Script Format
.sm2 RHK Technology Proprietary
.sm3 DataCAD Symbol
.sm4 RHK Technology Proprietary
.sma AMX Mod Plugin Source Format
.smaf SMAF Synthetic Music Mobile Application Format
.smali Google Android Smali Assembly Language Developer Format
.smb Autodesk Symbol Library
.smbp Mobipocket EBook Secured Auxiliary
.smc Super Nintendo Game-console ROM Image
.smcl Stata Log
.smd Sega Genesis ROM Emulator Format
.smdl SQL Server Updated Model
.sme SmartEncryptor Encrypted Archive
.smf Standard MIDI File Format
.smh Sealed MHT Document
.smht Sealed MHT Archive
.smi Microsoft SAMI Subtitles Format
.smil Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language Format
.smk RAD Video Tools Smacker Compressed Video
.sml SMIL Slideshow Presentation
.smm Samsung Galaxy S Memo Exported Format
.smo Sumotori Dreams Level Format
.smol Spartan Molecule Data
.smp Autodesk Sampled Station List Format
.smpak SuperMemo UX
.smpd Sc2gears Mouse Print Data Format
.smpf Sprite Monkey Project
.smpo Scalado SpeedView Meta Object
.smprf System Mechanic Microsoft Windows Startup Profile
.smpx Finale Accompaniment
.smr Smedge2 Job Settings
.smrd Adobe InDesign Format
.sms Sony Ericsson Exported SMS Format
.smst Adobe Soundbooth Music Score Toolkit
.smt Samsung Mobile Phone Theme Format
.smtmp Trojan:Win32/FakeSysdef Folder
.smv VideoLink Saved Mail Video
.smw SIMPL Windows Source
.smwt Adobe InDesign Filter Format
.smx Rational XDE
.smz IBM SPSS Graphboard Template Chooser Shape Format Format
.smzip StepMania Package Format
.sn Sound Club Editor Compressed Song
.sn1 Drive Snapshot First Differential Backup Format
.sn2 Drive SnapShot Partial Disk Image Format
.sn4 Drive SnapShot Partial Disk Image
.sna ZX80 Spectrum Mirage Emulator Snapshot Format
.snag SnagIt Capture Format
.snagitstamps SnagIt Archive
.snagproj SnagIt Project Format
.snagstyles SnagIt Style
.snap ZX Spectrum Emulator Mirage Microdrive Snapshot
.snapdoc Ashampoo Snap
.snapfireproject Corel Snapfire Project
.snapfireshow Corel Snapfire Show Format
.snapshot ZX Spectrum Emulator Mirage Microdrive Snapshot Format
.snapx Snapform XML Form
.snb Shanda Bambook EBook
.snc ACT! E-mail/folder Synchronization
.snd Sound Format
.snda Marathon 2 Aleph One Sound Format
.sndclipping Apple Mac OS X Finder Sound Clip
.sndh Atari ST Audio
.sndr Sounder Sound
.sndt Sndtool Sound
.snf Starry Night Document
.sng Song Format
.sngw Devil May Cry 4 Audio
.sni MDK Game Archive
.snippet Microsoft Visual Studio Code Snippet Format
.snk Microsoft Visual Studio Strong Name Key Format
.snm Netscape Communicator E-Mail Or News Messages Index Format
.snoop Sun SNOOP Capture
.snp Microsoft Access Report Shapshot Format
.snr Mail.Dat Seed Name
.sns Save-N-Sync Backup Project Format
.snsf SNES Audio Format
.snt Microsoft Windows Sticky Notes Data Format
.snu AVG Anti-Virus
.snw Sweave Source
.snx Starcraft Saved Game
.so ELF Shared Library Format
.so-abi AbiWord Plug-in Format
.so.0 Unix Shared Library Format
.soa Sage MAS 90 Accounting Software Data
.soap Simple Object Access Protocol Message (SOAP) Message
.sob Impress Bimap Styles Format
.soc Colour Palettes And Various Style Elements
.socialphonebook Sony Xperia Google Android Contact
.sod Wolfenstein 3D Spear Of Destiny Game Data
.soe Star Wars Shadows Of The Empire
.sof Quartus II SRAM Object
.soi MENSI (Trimble) 3D Laser Enhanced 3D Scanner
.sol Adobe Flash Shared Object Format
.solidconfig STAR WARS: The Old Republic Launcher Config
.solitairesave-ms Windows Solitaire Saved Game Format
.som Corel Paradox Sort Information
.son Notator SL Audio
.song System 7 Sound
.sonic SonicArranger Audio Format
.sopt Synclavier Optical Disk Image Format
.sor Corel Paradox Sort Definition
.sos Dynamite VSP Swept Object Style
.sou Lucas Arts Sound Format
.soundpack Stardock SoundPackager Sound Package Format
.sounds Quake 3 Id Tech 3 Sound Definition Format
.soundscript Rigs Of Rods Sound Script Description
.soundstudiopreset Sound Studio Preset
.sov 3DCS Advanced Analyzer/Optimizer SOVA Model
.sow Renamed ARJ Archive Format
.sox Unix Sox Native Raw Sound
.sp SPICE Data Format
.sp1 Microsoft Windows XP With Service Pack 1 Installation
.sp2 Super Ball 2 Level Format
.sp3 Microsoft Windows XP With Service Pack 3 Installation Format
.sp4 Roller Coaster Tycoon Saved Game
.sp45 SuperCard Player Format
.sp7 SAS Permanent Utility
.sp? LoseThos C+ Source
.spa FutureSplash Movie (Adobe Flash)
.spar Spartan Chemical Modeller Output
.sparc Skype Extra Plug-in Format
.sparsebundle Apple Mac OS X Time Machine Dynamic Image Format
.sparseimage Apple MAC OS X Sparse Disk Image Format
.sparsimage Mac OS X Image
.spawn S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Game
.spb Samsung Kies Phone Contacts Library
.spc Atari Compressed Spectrum Bitmap Format
.spd Bitstream Speedo Scalable Font
.spdata Microsoft Visual Studio
.spdb IGO Primo Speedcam Database
.spdesignasax SharePoint Designer
.spdesignasmx SharePoint Designer
.spdesignbar SharePoint Designer
.spdesignbot SharePoint Designer
.spdesignconfig SharePoint Designer Configuration
.spdesigncss SharePoint Designer
.spdesigndoclib SharePoint Designer Design Library
.spdesignfile SharePoint Designer
.spdesignhomeop SharePoint Designer
.spdesignhomepg SharePoint Designer
.spdesignhtml SharePoint Designer
.spdesignhtt SharePoint Designer
.spdesignlist SharePoint Designer
.spdesignlistdata SharePoint Designer
.spdesignmaster SharePoint Designer
.spdesignnav SharePoint Designer
.spdesignnopub SharePoint Designer
.spdesignopen SharePoint Designer
.spdesignpiclib SharePoint Designer
.spdesignresx SharePoint Designer
.spdesignsitemap SharePoint Designer Site Map
.spdesignskin SharePoint Designer Skin
.spdesignsurvey SharePoint Designer
.spdesigntheme SharePoint Designer Theme
.spdesigntxt SharePoint Designer
.spdesignunknown SharePoint Designer
.spdesignweb SharePoint Designer
.spdesignwfdoclib SharePoint Designer
.spdesignxml SharePoint Designer
.spdesignxoml SharePoint Designer
.spdesignxslt SharePoint Designer
.spdf Sealed PDF Document Format
.spe WinSpec CCD Capture Format
.spec RPM Specification Format
.spentry Spartan Database
.spf Still Picture Interchange File Format
.spfx Squeeze Preset Format
.spg TCP Optimizer Saved Settings Format
.sph Ribbons Sphere Format
.spi ShadowProtect Incremental Disk Changes Format
.spidersolitairesave-ms Microsoft Spider Solitaire Save Format
.spiff SPIFF Still Picture Interchange File Format
.spin Apple Mac OS X Console Spin Report
.spinput Spartan Job
.spj Microsoft ICE Panorama Project
.spk SpyProof! Encrypted Symmetric Key Format
.spkz Scribe Template
.spl Microsoft Windows Printing Spool Format
.spl7 SPlan Data
.split Split
.splsp SmartPLS Project
.splt YDecode Split
.splx Code Package
.spm Corel WordPerfect
.spmo SpeedView Meta Object
.spn Corel WordPerfect Distribution
.spo SPSS Output Document Format
.spp Serif PhotoPlus Format
.sppack SPPack Sound Sample
.sppt Sealed Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
.spq SPSS Database Query Format
.spr Microsoft FoxPro Form Source Format
.spreporter Mac OS X System Profiler Reporter
.sprg Synclavier Program Format
.sprite SuperTux Sprite Format
.sprj Microsoft Application Virtualization Sequencer Project
.sprx Sony Playstation 3 SPRX Firmware
.sps SPSS Proprietary Syntax Format
.spss SPSS
.spt SpeedTree Tree Data Format
.spu Atari Spectrum Bitmap Image Format
.spub BeLight Disc Cover Format
.spv American McGee Alice Saved Game Format
.spw SLIM-Master Plan Workbook
.spx Ogg Vorbis Speex Format
.spy SEO SpyGlass Project
.sq Sysquake Program Format
.sqb SQL Backup Compact MS SQL Server Backup Format
.sqd Sysquake Session Data Format
.sqf Sothink SWF Quicker Project Format
.sqfs SquashFS Bootable Format
.sqh Harbinger Game
.sql Structured Query Language Data SQL Format
.sqldataprovider DotNetNuke Script
.sqlite SQLite Database Format
.sqlite-journal Mozilla Firefox
.sqlite-shm SQLite Shared Memory
.sqlite-wal SQLite Quasi-persistent
.sqlite3 SQLite 3 Database Format
.sqlite3-journal SQLite Temporary
.sqlitedb SQLite Database Format
.sqlitedb-shm SQLite Database Shared Memory
.sqljet Eclipse JET SQL Template
.sqlproj Microsoft Visual Studio SQL Server Project Format
.sqm Microsoft Service Quality Monitoring Format
.sqn SAS Sequential Access
.sqr SQL Structured Query Language Program Format
.sqs Operation Flashpoint Game Script
.squ LabWindows/CVI Test Executive Toolkit Sequence
.squashfs Squashfs-tools Disk Image Format
.sqx SQX Archiver Compressed Archive Format
.sqy Xaira Query
.sqz Squeeze Project Format
.sr Sun Raster Bitmap Graphics Format
.sr0 Sony SecuROM Analysis Format
.sr2 Sony Digital Camera RAW Image Format
.sr4 SIR Database
.sra Powerbuilder Application
.src Generally Source Code Format
.src.rpm Red Hat Package Manager Source Format
.srd PowerBuilder Data Window
.sre Windows CE 5.0
.srep SuperREP Archive Format
.srf Sony Digital Camera RAW Image Format
.srfmap Terragen Map
.srg Microsoft PowerPoint Self-registration Data Format
.sri Dragon NaturallySpeaking Audio
.srj PowerBuilder Project
.srk Sub Rosa Client Format
.srl Arquitienda Local Database
.srm Super Nintendo ROM Saved Game Emulator Format
.srp Checkpoint Exported VPN Client Information
.srpm Linux Source RPM Package
.srq Microsoft Windows Server Unprocessed Request
.srr ReScene Data Recovery Archive Format
.srs Microsoft Outlook Server Request Setting Format
.srt SubRip Video Subtitle Format
.srt0 Nintendo Wii Animation Format
.sru PowerBuilder User Object
.srv FBB Initialization
.srw Samsung Raw Picture Image Format
.srx SPARQL Query Results XML Format Result
.srz DataFlex Source
.ss Scheme Source Code Format
.ss0 GameBoid First Saving Slot
.ss4 SigScribe4 Design
.ssa SubStation Alpha Subtitle Format
.ssage Inbound Internet Email Message
.ssb SmartSync Pro Program Setting
.ssc SourceSafe Status Format
.sscs Saropa Smart Copy Script
.ssd Stardock WindowBlinds Skin File List
.ssd01 Unix SAS Data Sets
.ssdl Sonicfire Pro Music
.sse StrataSearch
.sseq Nintendo DS Sound Format
.ssf Trimble Standard Storage Format
.ssfsav Super Smash Flash Saved Game Format
.ssg Single-Step Goal Template
.ssh Data Fellows Secure Shell Document
.ssi HTML With Server Side Includes
.ssif Blu-ray Stereoscopic Interleaved Movie
.ssii ProReveal Data Format
.ssis ProReveal Settings Format
.ssisdeploymentmanifest Microsoft Visual Studio Deployment
.ssiw Corel WordPerfect 4 For Mac Document
.sskd On Schedule Schedule
.ssl Sunlight ScanLibrary Format
.ssl2 Sunlite Suite 2 ScanLibrary Settings Format
.sslf HLSW Game Server Tool Format
.ssm RealAudio Standard Streaming Metafile
.ssml Speech Synthesis Markup Language Source
.ssmssqlproj Microsoft SQL Server Project
.ssn Shutdown Scheduler Shared Notes Data
.ssnd Synclavier Sound Format
.sso ChessDB Search Options
.ssp SAS Transport Data Format
.sss WindowBlinds Substyle Format
.sss~ WindowBlinds Temporary
.sst Serialized Certificate Store Format
.ssu Systems Management Server Hierarchy Manager Site Update
.ssv ShadowFlare Saved Game Format
.ssw Sealed Flash Format
.sswf Sealed SWF Flash
.ssx IBM Rational XDE
.ssy W32/Sober-AD
.ssz Spider Player Skin
.st Atari Disk Image Format
.st0 SPICE Status
.st1 SPICE Status
.st2 SPICE Status
.st3 SPICE Status
.st4 Pinnacle Studio 400 Project
.st45 SuperCard Trial Project Format
.st5 SBIG CCD Camera ST-x Image
.st6 SBIG CCD Camera ST-x Image
.st7 SBIG CCD Camera ST-x Image
.st8 SBIG CCD Camera ST-x Photo
.st9 SPICE Status
.sta Abaqus/CAE Information Summary Format
.stap Apple Soundtrack Pro Project Format
.startupinfo E-Prime 2.0 Startup Info Format
.stat Statistics
.state Windows Photo Gallery User
.states IconX Preset
.staticmesh Battlefield Static Mesh
.stats FreeSurfer Statistics Format
.status UDraw(Graph)
.stb AutoCAD R2000 Plot Style Table
.stbom CATIA Stbom
.stc Calc Spreadsheet Template Format
.std Adobe Acrobat Exchange Plug-in Format
.stdl Swift To-Do List Database
.ste Adobe Dreamweaver Backup Site Settings Format
.steamstart Valve Steam Start Format
.step ISO-10303 STEP Product Data
.stf Microsoft ACME Setup Table Format
.stfx SampleTank Settings
.stg Microsoft ActiveSync Backup Format
.sth Lotus Domino Stash Format
.sti StarOffice Presentation Template Format
.stip SampleTank Instrument Preset
.stk Personal Stock Monitor Format
.stl Stereolithography Format
.stm HTML Server Side Include Format
.stmb Synclavier Timbre Format
.stml HTML Server Side Include Format
.stmp Apple Soundtrack Pro Project
.stn ArcView Geocoding Standardization
.stn= Genuine Fractals STING
.sto PRO100 Project Format
.story Storyist Document
.storyboard Interface Builder Storyboard Document
.storyisttheme Storyist Application Theme Format
.storymill StoryMill Project Format
.stot Mac OS Help Index
.stp ISO-10303 STEP Product Data Format
.stproj Samsung Theme Designer Project Format
.stq StatSoft Statistica Text
.str DBase Structure List Object Format
.strd Octatrack Project
.streamed Rage Id Tech 5 Game Language
.strg E-Viewer Recorded Video Copy Backup
.strings Text Strings Format
.strk Geologger Track Format
.strm Plex Media Server Settings
.struct Microsoft XPS Document Structure
.sts ScreamTracker Song Format
.stsg SuperTux Saved Game
.stt Microsoft Streets & Trips Map Template Format
.sttpl Samsung Theme Designer Template Format
.stu Pinnacle Studio Video Project Format
.stub Mac OS X Stub Library
.stuff Eve Online Game Archive
.stvproj Microsoft Visual Studio
.stw Text Document Template
.stwm SuperTux Map Format
.stx Pinnacle Studio Project Format
.stxt Sealed Text Document
.sty LaTeX Style Format
.styk Stykz Stick Figure Format
.stykz Stykz Animation Format
.styl Stylus CSS Script
.style SketchUp Style Format
.styles Steam Client GUI Resource
.stz Screamtracker 2 Module Format
.su SUwin Project
.su3 Su3De
.su? Standard Mail Archive
.sua SeeYou Airspace
.sub DivX Movie Subtitle File Format
.sublime-build Sublime Text Build
.sublime-completions Sublime Text Completions
.sublime-keymap Sublime Text Keymap
.sublime-menu Sublime Text Menu
.sublime-mousemap Subliem Text Mousemap
.sublime-package Sublime Text Compressed Extension Package
.sublime-project Sublime Text Project Format
.sublime-session Sublime Text Session
.sublime-settings Sublime Text Settings
.sublime-theme Sublime Text Theme
.sublime-workspace Sublime Text Workspace Settings Format
.suc Softrans Hello Engines! 2.1
.sucatalog Apple Mac OS X Software Update SUCatalog
.suck SiteSucker Website Format
.sud WISCO Word Power Sudoku Number Puzzle Format
.suf Ccrypt Encrypted Format
.sugar Espresso Plug-in Format
.sui StarSplatter User Interface Format
.suit Apple Mac OS Font Format
.suite Stardock WinStyles Suite
.sul Gfa Raytrace Image
.sum Summary Format
.sumo Sumo Paint Image Format
.sun Sun Raster Bitmap Image Format
.sun4 SunOS Solaris 4
.suniff Sun TAAC Bitmap Image Format
.suo Microsoft Visual Studio Solution User Options Format
.sup Subtitle Bitmap Format
.supp Apple IOS Format
.supported MAC OS X
.sur Freelancer Three Dimensional Collision Zone Data
.surf Surf 3D Scanner
.surfplace Microsoft Money User Profile
.sus Synergy Accounts Update Script
.sut ELITEpro Data Logger
.sv$ AutoCAD Autosave Format
.sv1 RollerCoaster Tycoon Saved Game
.sv2 RollerCoaster Tycoon Saved Game
.sv2i Symantec Backup Exec System Index Format
.sv4 RollerCoaster Tycoon Saved Game
.sv4cpio System V Release 4 CPIO Archive
.sv4crc GnuWin32 CPIO Checksum Data
.sv5 BigJig Saved Puzzle Format
.sv6 RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Saved Game Format
.sv8 RollerCoaster Tycoon
.sva Sharp Manga Browser Comic Format
.svc Microsoft Visual Studio ASP.NET WCF Web Service Format
.svclog Microsoft Visual Studio Diagnostics
.svcmap Windows Communication Foundation WCF Reference
.svd Microsoft Word Document Autosave Format
.sve Simutrans Format
.svf Simple Vector Format
.svg XML Based Vector Graphics Format
.svgz Compressed SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) Format
.svh Fly! Simulated Vehicle Specification
.svi Samsung Video Format
.svl Scramdisk Volume
.svm StarView Metafile
.svn Personal Paint Slovenian Language User Interface
.svn-base Apache Subversion Base Format
.svn-work CollabNet Subversion Cache Format
.svp Virtual DJ Visualization Effects
.svq Roland Keyboard Midi Sequence
.svr Compressed Virtual World
.svs Microsoft Word Style Sheet Autosave Format
.svt Torchlight Saved Game Format
.svw SpecView Format
.svx Sound File (Amiga 8SVX Format)
.svz Savez
.sw 16-bit Audio Sound Raw Signed PCM Data Format
.sw0 SPICE Sweep Operations Output
.sw1 SPICE Sweep Operations Output
.sw2 SPICE Sweep Operations Output Format
.sw3 SPICE Sweep Operations Output
.sw4 SPICE Sweep Operations Output
.sw5 SPICE Sweep Operations Output
.sw6 SPICE Sweep Operations Output
.sw7 SPICE Sweep Operations Output
.sw8 SPICE Sweep Operations Output
.sw9 SPICE Sweep Operations Output
.swa Adobe Shockwave Music Format
.swav Nintendo DS Audio Format
.swb Adobe Photoshop
.swc Adobe Flash Component Distribution Format
.swd Adobe Flash Debug Format
.swdb ClarisWorks 3 And 4 Database
.swe NHL Ice Hockey 2002 Required
.sweb SpiderWEB Document
.swf ShockWave Flash, Animated Vector Format For The Internet
.swf2 Flash
.swfl Shockwave Flash
.swg SWAG Pascal Snippets (SWAG Reader)
.swgr ClarisWorks Version 3/4 Drawing
.swi SWiSH Format
.swidtag Software Identification Tag
.swift Apple Swift Programming Language Source Code
.swish-e SWISH-E
.switch Egress Switch Package Format
.switchboard Adobe SwitchBoard Server
.swj SolidWorks Journal Format
.swk StudyWorks Save Format
.swl Macromedia Flash Format [Alternate]
.swlt SafeWallet
.swm Windows Imaging Format Split Archive Format
.swn Vim Temporary
.swo Vim Temporary
.swp Swap Format
.swq SWAT Stream Water Quality Input
.sws SWiSh Studio
.swss ClarisWork Spreadsheet
.swt Swift Generator Template Format
.swtag Adobe Creative Suite Software Tag
.swv Microsoft Sidewinder Game Voice Settings Format
.sww ANNO Saved Game Format
.swz Adobe Flash Player Signed RSL Format
.sx SimplexNumerica Data Format
.sxc 1.0 Spreadsheet Format
.sxd OpenOffice/StarOffice Drawing
.sxe ProfiCAD Document
.sxg Master Document Format
.sxi Presentation Format
.sxl Sealed Excel Worksheet
.sxls Sealed Excel Spreadsheet
.sxlsx Sealed Microsoft Excel 2007 Worksheet
.sxm 1.0 Math Format
.sxml Sealed XML Document
.sxs SAS Stat Studio Module Source Code
.sxt Propellerheads Reason 2 NN-XT Sound Format
.sxv Action Repeater Macro
.sxw Writer Document Format
.sxx SAS Stat Studio Module Executable
.sy Simplexety Data Format
.sy0 WordExpress
.sy1 Synth 1 Patch
.sy3 Harvard Graphics Symbol Format
.sy7 Synchro Studio 7 Output
.syb Syberia II Game Archive Format
.syc Sniffer Capture
.syd SYSTAT Data
.syg SYSTAT Graph
.syh Synchomatic Instrument Format
.syk Microsoft Excel Symbolic Link Format
.sylk Microsoft Excel For Mac Symbolic Link Format
.sym Symbols Library Format
.syn Synthesis Audio Format
.sync Apple ColorSync
.syncdb ITunes Saved Contact Database
.syndarticle Paralllels Desktop
.synk5licence Synk 5 Licence
.synklicence Synk Licence
.synu Synthetic Universe Image Format
.syp SYP Source
.sys System Format
.sys-old Cygwin Terminfo
.sysk Cygwin Terminfo
.system Vega Strike Virtual System Format
.systemIncludeDirectoriesList Java Language
.syv Outline 4D
.syw Yamaha SY-85/SY-99 Wave Format
.syx MIDI System Exclusive Message
.sy_ Korg Dw8000 Compressed Format
.sy~ CorelDRAW
.sz Winamp Skin Format
.sz3 ScreamTracker V3
.sza HiCAD NeXt Construction
.szf SilverDAT II Data Exchange Format
.szp SecureZIP Policy
.szs Mario Kart Wii Game Archive Format
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