Estensioni di file - lettera W

Estensioni di file - lettera W

.w OpenEdge Architect Source Code Format
.w01 Yamaha Dog Audio Sample Format
.w02 Yamaha Cat Audio Sample Format
.w03 Yamaha Pig Audio Sample
.w04 Yamaha Cattle Audio Sample
.w05 Yamaha Horse Audio Sample
.w06 Yamaha Lion Audio Sample
.w07 Yamaha Elephant Audio Sample
.w08 Yamaha Goat Audio Sample
.w09 Yamaha Sea-lion Audio Sample
.w20 Windows 2000 Related
.w2a Yamaha Motif All Format
.w2d Autodesk Design (Drawing) Web Format 2D
.w2e Motif Rack ES Voice Editor
.w2m Solo Explorer Transcription
.w2p Webit
.w2v Yamaha Motif Voices Format
.w2w Yamaha Motif Waveforms Format
.w30 Ventura Publisher Printer Font
.w31 Windows 3.1 Startup
.w32 WinCAPs Subtitle Format
.w3d Adobe Shockwave 3D Scene Export Format
.w3e Motif Rack ES Voice Editor
.w3g Blizzard Warcraft III Game Replay Format
.w3i Warcraft III Map Related
.w3l W3launch
.w3m Warcraft 3 Map Format
.w3n Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Campaign Format
.w3p Warcraft 3 Progress
.w3u Warcraft 3 Custom Units
.w3v Warcraft 3 Campaign Progress Record
.w3x Blizzard Warcraft III Expansion Map Format
.w3z Blizzard Warcraft III Saved Game Format
.w40 Windows 95 Backup Format
.w44 DBASE Temporary
.w4a Audio
.w51 Corel WordPerfect 5.1 Document
.w5s Winamp CDDB Database
.w60 Corel WordPerfect 6.0 Document
.w61 Corel WordPerfect 6.1 Document
.w64 Sonic Foundry Wave-64 Format
.w6bn Microsoft Word 6 For Mac Document
.w6e Motif Rack ES Voice Editor
.w6w Microsoft Word 6 Document
.w7a Yamaha Motif ES Format
.w7e Motif Rack ES Voice Editor
.w7v Yamaha Motif ES Voices Format
.w7w Yamaha Motif ES Waveforms
.w8bn Microsoft Word 98 For Mac Document
.w8e Motif Rack ES Voice Editor
.w8tn Microsoft Word 98 For Mac Template
.w8v Yamaha Motif ES Sample Data
.w95 Windows 95 Data
.w98 Microsoft Windows 98 Related Data
.w9e Motif Rack ES Voice Editor
.w?? Yamaha SY-series And TX16W Wave
.wa! GigaStudio/GigaSampler Compressed Wave
.wa0 Magix Music Studio
.wa2 Wonderland Adventures Custom Game Format
.wab Microsoft Windows Address Book Format
.wac WISCO Accounts Storage
.wad Doom Wad Format
.waf Microsoft Internet Explorer For Mac Cache
.waff IE Saved Web Page
.wag Train Simulator Wagon
.wagame Worms Armageddon Game Replay
.wai Warcraft 3 AI Data
.waj WinAutomation
.wal Winamp 3 Skin Format
.wand Apple GarageBand Project Format
.wap Wireless Bitmap (level 0) Image Format
.war Java Web Archive Format
.wat IBM Voice Type Languages Map
.wav WAVe PCM Sound, Standard Windows Sound Format
.wave WAVe PCM Sound Format
.wax Windows Media Audio Redirector Format
.wa~ Microsoft Address Book
.wb Apple Logic Studio WaveBurner Document
.wb0 Corel Quattro Pro Spreadsheet
.wb1 Corel Quattro Pro Spreadsheet Format
.wb2 Corel Quattro Pro Spreadsheet Format
.wb3 Corel Quattro Pro Spreadsheet Format
.wb4 WindowBlinds Default Skin
.wb? Corel Quattro Pro Spreadsheet
.wba WindowBlinds Desktop Visual Style
.wbb WinBackup Backup Format
.wbc Webshots Collection Image Format
.wbcat Microsoft Windows Backup Information Format
.wbd Microsoft Works Database Format
.wbdp ANSYS Workbench Project Global
.wbf Microsoft Windows Batch
.wbfs Nintendo Wii Backup Format System Format
.wbk Microsoft Word Auto-backup Document Format
.wbm Wireless Bitmap Image Format
.wbmp Wireless Bitmap Image Format
.wbo DataFlex Web Business Object
.wbp Webshots Image
.wbpj ANSYS Workbench Project
.wbpz ANSYS Update Package
.wbs WebExpress Website
.wbt WinBatch Script Format
.wbu Samsung PC Studio Backup
.wbverify Microsoft Windows Backup
.wbx Webshots
.wbxml WAP Binary XML Format
.wbz Webshots Image Format
.wc Total Commander File Tree Info
.wcat WinCatalog Collection Format
.wcd Microsoft Works Calendar Format
.wcf WebEx Saved Chat Session Format
.wch Corel WordPerfect Macro Facility
.wcinv-ms-p2p Windows Meeting Space
.wck WaterCAD
.wcl WellCAD Log
.wcm Microsoft Works Communications Script Format
.wcp WinDVD Creator Project Format
.wcpl Webcopier Project Settings
.wcst Wirecast Document
.wct WordCast Project
.wcx Total Commander Plug-in
.wcxf WorldCard Exchange
.wcz Chameleon Clock Wallpaper Format
.wd Earth 2140-2160 Game Archive
.wd0 WordExpress Document
.wd1 WordExpress Document
.wd2 Info Select Database
.wd3 Offline Explorer Directory Index Format
.wdb Microsoft Works Database Format
.wdbn Microsoft World For Mac Document
.wdcd Word 5 For Mac Custom Dictionary
.wdd AutoCAD Electrical Description List
.wdf Microsoft Windows Driver Foundation Format
.wdgp Word For Mac Add-in
.wdgt Apple Mac OS X Dashboard Widget
.wdgtproj Dashcode Widget Project
.wdi WINDEV Component Description
.wdic Word 5 For Mac Extension
.wdk WINDEV Component
.wdl World Definition Language Script
.wdll Word 6 For Mac Add-in
.wdm BASINS Meteorological Database
.wdn AutoCAD Electrical Project-related
.wdoc WriteOnline Document
.wdp Windows Media HD Photo
.wdproj Microsoft Visual Studio Web Deployment Project
.wdq WDQ Offline Explorer Queue Format
.wdr Star Wars: Tie Fighter Media
.wdseml Mozilla Thunderbird Mail Message Format
.wdt WinSQL Schema Diff Template
.wdv TracePlus Web Detective
.wdw WINDEV Window Format
.wdx Total Commander Content Plugin
.wdx9 Microsoft Word For Mac Wizard
.wdy WINDEV Run-time Template
.we Fifa2000 Be Game
.we? Standard Mail Archive
.wea Ecotect Weather Format
.weap Quake 3 Id Tech 3 Game Engine Weapon Format
.web Xara Web Document Format
.weballowblocklist Windows Vista Parental Control Settings
.webarchive Apple Safari Web Archive Format
.webarchivexml Android 3.1 Browser Saved Website Format
.webbookmark Apple Safari Bookmark Format
.webdoc Box Service Document Format
.webhistory Apple Safari History Item Format
.webinar GoToWebinar Session
.webinfo Visual Studio .NET
.webintents Webintents
.webloc Apple Mac OS X Finder Internet URL
.webm Matroska WebM Video Format
.weboogl Web Object Oriented Graphics Library
.webp WebP Image
.webpart Microsoft SharePoint Web Part
.webpnp Web Point And Print Format
.webpublishhistory Alpha Five
.websettings JEE2 Web Project Settings
.website Internet Explorer 9 Pinned Site Shortcut Format
.webtemplate Apple IWeb Template Format
.webtest Microsoft Visual Studio Web Test
.webtestresult Microsoft Visual Studio Web Test Result
.webtheme Apple IWeb Theme Format
.webz Web Format Compressed EBook Format
.wed BioWare Infinity Game Engine Graphic Display Info
.wef Exchange File System Format
.weightoutput SAM Sequence
.weights SAM Sequence Weights
.wem Wwise Encoded Media Audio Format
.wep EPublisher Stationery Design Project
.wer Microsoft Windows Application Error Report
.wet WinSQL Export Template
.wf FIFA 2000 Play
.wf1 EViews Work
.wf4 Creo Parametric Symbol
.wfb Turtle Beach WaveFront Bank Format
.wfc Windows Wireless Network Settings Format
.wfd Turtle Beach WaveFront Drum Set Format
.wff Dataplore Wavelet Filter
.wfk Delphi
.wfl Offline Design For Workflow Process
.wflow Apple Mac OS X Automator Workflow
.wfm DBASE Form Format
.wfo Delphi Runimage
.wfp Turtle Beach WaveFront Audio Format
.wfs Microsoft Windows Installation Script
.wft GTA 4 Car Model Format
.wfv DataSet Vision Query Report
.wfw Windows Firewall Policy Export
.wfx WinFax
.wg Fifa 2000 Game
.wg1 Lotus 1-2-3 Worksheet
.wg2 Lotus 1-2-3 For OS/2 Worksheet
.wgameprofile X-Men Origins: Wolverine Profile
.wgf Widelands Game Format
.wgn SWAT Wather Generator Input
.wgom CompeGPS Land Google Earth Remote Map
.wgp Web Gallery Project Format
.wgs Walk-Graph Segment
.wgt Opera Widgets Format
.wgz S60 Web Runtime Widget Package Format
.whb Apple IPod Backup Image
.whd Hitman Game Archive
.whirld Unity Whirld Format
.whlp Microsoft Word For Mac Help
.whm Warhammer 40,000: Dawn Of War Model
.wht Microsoft NetMeeting White Board Document
.whtt WinHTTrack Project
.wi Wavelet Compressed Image Format
.wia Nintendo Wii ISO Archive
.wic J Wavelet Image Codec Image Format
.WiCSaveGame World In Conflict Saved Game
.wid Corel Ventura Publisher Width Table Format
.widget Yahoo! Widget Format
.wif Weaving Information Format
.wiff AB SCIEX Windows Interchange File Format
.wii Nintendo WII Raw Disk Image Format
.wiki Wiki Markup Source
.wil WinImage Data Format
.wim Windows Imaging Format Archive Format
.wimp Microsoft Windows Icon Palette
.win Windows Backup Format
.win32manifest Microsoft Win32 Manifest
.wince Microsoft Windows CE Program Executable
.winclone Winclone Disk Image Format
.windowslivecontact Microsoft Live Messenger Format
.windowslivegroup Windows Live Mail
.winmd Windows Runtime Metadata Output
.wip CyberScrub Privacy Suite Wipe
.wipeinfo Norton Utilities Sendto
.wipeslack Norton Utilities Sendto
.wiq Microsoft Visual Studio Format
.wire Wavefront Studio Wireframe
.wis InstallShield Install Help
.wit WebIdeaTree Project
.wix Xara Internal Graphics Data
.wixlib WiX Library
.wixmsp WiX XML Patch
.wixmst WiX Transform
.wixobj WiX Object
.wixout WiX XML Output
.wixpdb WiX Debug
.wixproj WiX Windows Installer XML Project
.wiz Microsoft Office Wizard Format
.wizhtml Microsoft Access HTML Template
.wj Fifa 2000 Game
.wje WinJournal Entry Format
.wjf WinZip Job Format
.wjr ReGet Deluxe Data Format
.wk! Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet
.wk1 Lotus 1-2-3 Version 2.x Spreadsheet Format
.wk2 Lotus 1-2-3 Version 2 Spreadsheet Format
.wk3 Lotus 1-2-3 Version 3.x Spreadsheet Format
.wk4 Lotus 1-2-3 Version 4.x Spreadsheet Format
.wk5 Lotus 1-2-3 Version 5 Spreadsheet Format
.wkb Corel WordPerfect Document
.wke Lotus 1-2-3 Educational Version Spreadsheet Format
.wkf KF Web Server Default Control
.wki Lotus 1-2-3 Version 2 Spreadsheet Format
.wkp Web CEO Database Backup
.wkq Corel Quattro Pro For MS-DOS Spreadsheet
.wks Microsoft Works Spreadsheet Document Format
.wkt Garmin Training Schedule
.wku Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet Format
.wkz Wingz Spreadsheet
.wl WISCO Word Power Word Lists And Definitions
.wl1 Wolfenstein 3D Shareware Version Format
.wl3 Wolfenstein 3D Registered Version
.wl6 Wolfenstein 3D Registered Version Format
.wlc Microsoft Live Mesh
.wld ArcView CAD Datasets World Format
.wlf Microsoft Windows Dr. Watson Log
.wlg Well Logger V1
.wlk Weatherlink Data
.wll Microsoft Word Add-in Format
.wlm CompW Image Format
.wlmp Microsoft Windows Live Movie Maker Video Project Format
.wlp Label Designer Format
.wls 602Tab Document
.wlt Words Of Worship
.wlx FileMaker Pro Plug-in
.wlz WinImage Format
.wm Windows Media Audio Or Video Format
.wm2d Working Model 2D Data
.wm3 VisualNastran Movie
.wma Windows Media Audio
.wmb 3D GameStudio Map Entity
.wmc Corel WordPerfect Macro
.wmd Windows Media Player Download Package
.wmdb Windows Media Player Database Format
.wme Microsoft Windows Media Encoder Session Profile
.wmf Windows Metafile Format
.wmg SecureDoc Encrypted Hard Drive Control
.wmga Web Manga Comics Document Format
.wmi WorldMate Itinerary Data
.wmk WebMake Documentation Source
.wml Wireless Markup Language Document (WAP)
.wmlc Wireless Markup Language Bytecode Document (WAP)
.wmls Wireless Markup Language Script File (WAP)
.wmlsc Wireless Markup Language (WAP) Bytecode Script
.wmmp Windows Movie Maker Project Format
.wmn DART Pro 98 Playlist
.wmo World Of Warcraft WoW Map Object
.wmp Microsoft Windows Media HD Photo Format
.wmr Windows Media Recorder
.wms Windows Media Player Skins
.wmt WinMount Format
.wmu WIND Tunnel WIND
.wmv Windows Media Video Format
.wmv3 Video
.wmw Likno Web Modal Windows Builder
.wmx Windows Media Redirector
.wmz Windows Media Player Compressed Skins Format
.wn NeXT WriteNow Text Document
.wna WIND Tunnel Assignment
.wnd SWAT Wind Speed Input
.wnf CorelDRAW Outline Font Description
.wnk Wink Screen Capture Format
.wnt Soldier Of Fortune II Waypoint
.wnu WIND Tunnel UMTS Measurement Data
.wo DataFlex Web Object
.woa WebObjects Script Format
.wock Route 66 For Mac
.wod Apple WebObjects Web Application Method
.woff Web Open Font Format Package Format
.wog WAsP Obstacle Group
.wolf WOLF Document
.wolfquest WolfQuest Saved Game
.woo Apple WebObjects
.wop Wonderland Adventures Object Preset Format
.wor MapInfo Workspace Format
.word MacWrite Document
.wordlist Desktop Poet Word List Format
.work Bibble Work Queue Format
.workflow Mac OS X Automator Format
.worksheet BBEdit Shell Worksheet Format
.workspace Adobe Applications Workspace Setting
.world WorldPainter Minecraft Map Format
.wos Words Of Worship Output Settings
.wot Web Of Trust Format
.wotreplay World Of Tanks Battle Recording Format
.wov Cakewalk SONAR Cache Clip
.wow Grave Composer Module Format
.wowpreplay World Of Warplanes Replay
.wowproj AddOn Studio For World Of Warcraft Project Format
.wowsl WOW Slider Plugin
.wp WordPerfect Document Format
.wp1 MODAWEC Output Data
.wp2 Winplot
.wp3 Microsoft Photo Story Project Format
.wp4 Corel WordPerfect 4 Format
.wp42 Corel WordPerfect 4 For Mac Document
.wp5 WordPerfect 5 Document Format
.wp50 Corel WordPerfect 5 For Mac Document
.wp6 Corel WordPerfect 6 For Mac Document Format
.wp7 WordPerfect 7 Document Format
.wp? Corel WordPerfect Document
.wpa ACT! Word Processor Document Format
.wpb Windows Phone Device Manager Backup Format
.wpc Microsoft Word And Write Windows 95 WordPad Format Converter Format
.wpc2 Corel WordPerfect 2/3 For Mac Document
.wpd Corel WordPerfect Document Format
.wpd0 Corel WordPerfect 1 For Mac Document
.wpd1 Corel WordPerfect 1 For Mac Document
.wpd2 Corel WordPerfect 2 For Mac Document
.wpd3 Corel WordPerfect 3 For Mac Document
.wpe OpenCanvas Record Format
.wpf Corel WordPerfect Form Format
.wpg Corel WordPerfect Graphic Format
.wpg2 Corel WordPerfect Image
.wph WAsP Project Format
.wpj Microsoft Works Wizard
.wpk Corel WordPerfect Macro Format
.wpl Microsoft Windows Media Player Playlist Format
.wpm Corel WordPerfect Macro Format
.wpn Schedule24 Schedule
.wpo Holux MapShow Format
.wpost Microsoft Windows Live Writer Post Format
.wpostx Microsoft Windows Live Writer Post
.wpp Corel WordPerfect Color Palette Format
.wpr Apple Logic Studio WaveBurner Plug-in Preset
.wprd Microsoft Word For Mac Print
.wproj Wwise Project
.wps Microsoft Works Document Format
.wpt Corel WordPerfect Document Template Format
.wpw Corel WordPerfect Document Format
.wpx Adobe Printer Description For Postscript Printing Format
.wpz WinAmp SkinZip
.wq! Corel Quattro Pro Compressed Spreadsheet
.wq0 Corel Quattro Pro For MS-DOS Spreadsheet
.wq1 Corel Quattro Pro For MS-DOS Spreadsheet Format
.wq2 Corel Quattro Pro For MS-DOS Spreadsheet Format
.wq? Corel Quattro Pro For MS-DOS Spreadsheet
.wql Microsoft Office
.wr! Compressed Lotus Spreadsheet
.wr1 Lotus Symphony Spreadsheet
.wrap ShrinkWrap MAC
.wrapper Gnome Desktop
.wrc FreeArc Archive
.wrd COREX Manually Verified Word Segmentation
.wrf WebEx Recording Format
.wrg WAsP Resource Grid
.wri Windows Write Document Format
.wrk Cakewalk Music Project Format
.wrl VRML Worlds Format
.wrlk Web Research Document Link
.wrm WinRAdiO Memory Format
.wrp Geomagic 3D Wrap Format
.wrpl Widelands Saved Game Format
.wrpl.wgf Widelands Initial Saved Game Format
.wrr WAsP Roughness Rose
.wrs Corel WordPerfect Windows Printer Driver
.wrz Cosmo Player VRML Worlds
.ws Microsoft Windows Script Format
.ws1 WordStar For Windows 1 Document
.ws2 WordStar 2000 Document
.ws3 WordStar For Windows 3 Document
.ws4 WordStar For Windows 4 Document
.ws5 WordStar For Windows 5 Document
.ws6 WordStar For Windows 6 Document
.ws7 WordStar For Windows Document
.wsa Corel PaintShop Photo Pro Animation Shop Workspace
.wsb Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 Temporary
.wsc Microsoft Windows Scripting Component Format
.wsd WordStar 2000 Document
.wsdd Apache Axis Web Service Deployment Descriptor (WSDD)
.wsdl Microsoft Visual Studio Web Service Description Language Format
.wse Wise File Format
.wset Microsoft Word For Mac Settings
.wsf Microsoft Windows Scripting Format
.wsg WAsP Site Locations
.wsh Microsoft Windows Scripting Host Format
.wsi Wise Windows Installer Project Format
.wsil IBM Web Services Inspection Language
.wsk Whisset Media Player Skin
.wsl Win-Situ Data Logger
.wsm Symantec Wise Package Studio Merge Module Format
.wsmdi Microsoft Visual Studio Test List
.wso Sims 3 Mesh
.wsp Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Solution Framework Format
.wspak WebsitePanel Backup Format
.wsq UTAU
.wsr Crossword Genius
.wss Microsoft Windows Sound System
.wssp CommuniGate Custom Website Definition
.wsstyles Microsoft Windows Vista Sidebar Style
.wst NextSTART Theme
.wsv Konica Minolta SpectraMagic Data
.wsw WorkShelf Theme
.wsx SysEx Librarian For Mac OS X
.wsym ArchiCAD For MAC Geometric Description Language
.wsz Winamp Skin Zip Format
.wt0 WordExpress Template
.wt6 602Pro PC Suite Extension
.wta WinTune DLL Dynamic Link Library
.wtb Win-Test Binary Log Format
.wtbn Word For Mac Template
.wtc Logitech Web Camera Format
.wtd Grand Theft Auto IV Textures Format
.wtf World Of Warcraft Server Configuration Text Format
.wtfav Watchtower Library Favourite
.wtg WAsP Wind Turbine Generator
.wth ContamX Weather
.wti WebTranslateIt Configuration
.wtk WinTalk URL Address
.wtl Windows Test Log
.wtmp Microsoft Word For Mac 5 Temporary
.wtp Wink Template
.wtpl WireTap Studio Library
.wtpt WireTap Studio Packaged Track
.wtr Microsoft Encarta Format
.wts WebPlus Template
.wtt Likno Web/HTML Tooltips Builder
.wtv Microsoft Windows Media Center Recorded Television Format
.wtx WinTune Export Text Document Format
.wui WhatsUp Gold Network Map Polling Statistics
.wul WinUHA Language Format
.wup WhatsUp Gold Network Map
.wus WUTG Tagged Audio Format
.wusiksnd Wusik Station Multisampled Sound
.wut WUTG Editor Tag Format
.wv WavPack Lossless Compressed Audio Format
.wvc WawPack Lossless Compressed Audio Format Format Correction Format
.wvd StarMoney Filter Zvl32
.wve DivX Movie Conversion Component Format
.wvl Wavelet Bitmap Format
.wvm WAVE Input
.wvp Symantec Virtual Package Editor Virtual Software Project Format
.wvx Windows Media Video Redirector Format
.wvxml AudioPlayer XML Playlist
.ww6 Nolo Willmaker 6 Will
.wwa WebSite-Watcher Archive
.wwb Corel WordPerfect Button Bar
.wwcx Adobe InCopy
.wwd Microsoft Works Wizards Format
.wwf WWF Rant Pakk Sound Format
.wwg CARE-S InfoWorks Wastewater Data
.wwh WAsP Workspace
.wwk Corel WordPerfect Keyboard Layout
.wwl Microsoft Word Add-in
.wwp Microsoft Works Wizards
.wwq SWAT Watershed Water Quality Input
.wwr WAsP Resource Grid
.wws Writing With Symbols Document
.wwt WinDev Page Template
.wwu Wwise Work Unit Format
.wx Flight Simulator Weather Format
.wxd Homeworld Musc Resource Game
.wxf WinSQL Scheduled Task
.wxi WiX Include
.wxl WiX Localization
.wxmx WxMaxima Document
.wxp EXP For Windows Document
.wxr WxWindgets Resource
.wxs Code::Blocks XML
.wyc WyBuild Version Number
.wyp WyBuild Definitions
.wys WyBuild Server
.wyu WyBuild Update
.wyz WYZTracker Format
.wz MapleStory Game Data Archive
.wza Encryption Wizard Archive
.wzconfig WinZip E-mail Configuration Format
.wzmul WinZip Multi-user Registration Format
.wzn WhizFolders Document
.wzs Microsoft Word Wizard
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