Winfunktion Mathematik V8.0 Julia Fractal
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205 is the file extension that is characteristic of a program called Winfunktion Mathematik v8.0. The program version is indicated here on purpose, as there is no information that other versions of this software also support this format. It is a mathematical software from the German company bhv Publishing with many advanced functions.

205 are files used to store data related to Julia fractals. These are characteristic structures that Winfunktion Mathematik can visualize with the given data.

Updated 06/18/2022

.!c Graphics Converter Pro
.#$# ULead Photoimpact Temporary
.$ Visual Basic Symbol
.$$a OS/2
.$? TR-DOS ZX Spectrum File In HOBETA Format
.$b TR-DOS Basic
.$d TR-DOS Data
.$d$ OS/2 Planner Data

Last updated

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