AirNav Image

ANV is an older image format associated with AirNAV software. ANV is an uncompressed bitmap image file format, and thus ANV files can be quite large in size.

ANV fies typically store aerial photos of airports a their vicinities, taken by professional photographers. ANV format and AirNAV mobile app are no longer actively developed. ANV images can be opened using free image viewer XnView.


.!s ZX Spectrum Hobetta Picture Format
.$c ZX Spectrum Hobetta Picture Format
.$s ZX Spectrum Hobetta Picture Format
.0-r PNG Image
.00_jpg_srz Wix Compressed Picture Image
.100 Toyota Embroidery Format
.10o Toyota Embroidery Format
.16 ISOLINUX Splash Screen Graphic (LSS16)

Last updated

.mmf 04/13/2023
.mup 04/13/2023
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.crypt 04/10/2023
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