Markdown Markup Language Format
John Gruber

The MARKDOWN extension is used in files storing text which is code written in the MARKDOWN markup language. This language allows you to easily format text and convert such documents to HTLM or XHTML format. The MARKDOWN file also makes it possible to easily read the text itself in a file written in that language.

The MARKDOWSN markup language was developed by John Gruber and Aaron Swartz. It uses simple tags, e.g. the notation "

Updated 08/16/2022

.a Unix Static Object Code Library Format
.a2w Alice Program World Format
.actx DS Game Maker Action Description Format
.ada ADA Language Source Code Format
.addin Microsoft Visual Studio Addin Format
.ads Ada Package Specification
.agi Asterisk Gateway Interface Format
.alb Alpha Five Data Dictionary

Last updated

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