Valve Hammer Object Layout
Valve Corporation

OL file extension is associated with Valve Hammer Editor, a software tool for creating and editing level maps for such games as Counter-Strike or Half-Life. Valve Hammer Editor was compatible with heavily-modified Quake II game engine called Goldsource.

Valve Hammer used OL files for storing object models and textures for such models. Valve Hammer Editor was developed by Valve Corporation.

Updated 12/15/2021

.!s ZX Spectrum Hobetta Picture Format
.$c ZX Spectrum Hobetta Picture Format
.$s ZX Spectrum Hobetta Picture Format
.0-r PNG Image
.00_jpg_srz Wix Compressed Picture Image
.100 Toyota Embroidery Format
.10o Toyota Embroidery Format
.16 ISOLINUX Splash Screen Graphic (LSS16)

Last updated

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