Sketch Drawing
Bohemian Coding

Files with the .SKETCH extension contain vector graphics saved by the dedicated graphic software of the Mac OS X system – Sketch.

They can encompass several layers that contain elements such as images, shapes, and text. SKETCH files are unique to the Sketch program, which is available only on Apple’s operating system – as such, when the graphic project is finished, it can be exported to a different format that can be viewed by software for other operating systems, as well as moved to the Sketch cloud storage service.

Mac OS

.ac5 ArtCut 5 Document Format
.ac6 Artcut Software Graphics Design Format
.af2 Micrografx FlowCharter 2.0 Flowchart Format
.af3 Micrografx FlowCharter Flowchart Format
.ai Adobe Illustrator Graphics Format
.artb Artboard Vector Drawing Format
.asy LTspice IV Circuit Diagram Format
.cag Microsoft Clip Gallery Catalog Format

Last updated

.mmf 04/13/2023
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