Quaanta Interactive Media Desktop Format

QVD is an extension given to files associated with a media playback program called Quaanta Interactive Media Desktop. QVDs are files that are used to store internal program data. They should not be opened and modified by the user.

Quaanta Interactive Media Desktop is a product of GalaxyBeing that can also convert files into various formats. It also allows you to play several files at the same time.

Updated 01/30/2022

.abw AbiWord Document Format
.ac AC3D Geometry Format
.aim AIMMS ASCII Model Format
.ans ANSI Text File (ANSI Art)
.apt Almost Plain Text Format
.asc ASCII Text Characters Format
.ascii ASCII Text Characters Format
.aty Association Type Placeholder

Last updated

.mmf 04/13/2023
.mup 04/13/2023
.itl 04/13/2023
.scs 04/10/2023
.crypt 04/10/2023
.pnp 04/10/2023
.tap 04/10/2023
.btr 04/03/2023