VDOLive Script Video Image

VDO is a video streaming file format popular in 1990s. VDO was a major breakthrough in video streaming technology. Its biggest advantage was dynamic image quality adjustment algorithm that adjusted video quality to user’s internet connection bandwidth.

VDO format was discontinued in 1998 and since then most websites that used it for streaming have slowly abandoned it for more viable solutions. Server-side VDO applications were available purchasing a license that could cost up to 120 U.S dollars per one stream. VDO players were available for free.

Mac OS

.aaf Advanced Authoring Format Multimedia Format
.aec DataCAD Drawing Format
.aep Adobe After Effects Project Format
.aepx Adobe After Effects XML Project Format
.aet Adobe After Effects Template Format
.aetx Adobe After Effects Format
.ajp AJP Player Video Format
.ale Avid Log File Format

Last updated

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