.c | C/C++main Source Code File Format |
.c# | Microsoft Visual C# |
.c++ | C++ Source Code |
.c-- | Sphinx C-- Language Source Code |
.c-map | C-map |
.c00 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c01 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c02 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c03 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c04 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c05 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c06 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c07 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c08 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c09 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c1 | Pov-Ray For Windows 3.x Scenes Advanced Newltpot |
.c10 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c11 | CARE-S InfoWorks User Defined Pollutant Detail |
.c16 | C16 Creatures 3/Docking Station Image |
.c18 | Dassault Systemes Catia V4 Sequential |
.c1s | Photo Cache |
.c2 | Pov-Ray For Windows 3.x Scenes Advanced Newltpot |
.c21 | CARE-S InfoWorks Defined Pollutant Detail |
.c24 | Drive Image Ace |
.c2c | CopyToDVD Project |
.c2d | WinOnCD Image Format |
.c2e | Chinese Dictionary Index |
.c2k | Microsoft Project Holidays |
.c2r | Microsoft Windows Media Center Click-to-record Format |
.c2u | Texas Instruments CBL 2 Format |
.c2v | WellSight Systems License Information |
.c2w | WaterCAD |
.c2x | WinOnCD |
.c3 | Pov-Ray For Windows 3.1 Scenes Advanced Newltpot |
.c32 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c39 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c3d | Coordinate 3D Format |
.c3d1 | Chem3D Cartesian 1 Chemical Modeller |
.c3d2 | Chem3D Cartesian 2 Chemical Modeller |
.c3e | CYPE Related |
.c3t | Chemical Template |
.c3xml | Chem3D XML Format |
.c3z | OpenQwaq 3D Model Format |
.c4 | JEDMICS Bitmap Image Format |
.c40 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c41 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c42 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c43 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c44 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c45 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c46 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c47 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c48 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c49 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c4d | CINEMA 4D File Format |
.c4dupdate | Cinema 4D Update |
.c4f | Clonk Game Round |
.c4g | Clonk Game System |
.c4k | Clonk Key Format |
.c4p | CrossOver Software Installer Format |
.c4s | Clonk Game Scenario |
.c4u | OpenClonk Update System |
.c4v | Clonk Game Video |
.c50 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c51 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c52 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c53 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c54 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c55 | Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive |
.c6 | Organic 2D/3D Drafting & 3D Modelling |
.c64 | Commodore 64 ROM Image |
.c85 | RISC OS JPEG Bitmap Image |
.ca | Telnet Server Initial Cache Data Format |
.ca1 | Delphi Install Disk |
.ca2 | Delphi Install Disk12 |
.ca4 | Delphi Installation |
.ca5 | Delphi Installation |
.caa | CleanApp Archive Format |
.cab | Windows Cabinet Compressed Archive |
.cabal | Haskell Cabal |
.cac | DBASE IV Executable |
.cache | Generally Cache Format |
.cache-2 | VLC Media Player Font Cache |
.cache-3 | VLC Media Player Font Cache |
.cache2 | Pro/ENGINEER |
.caction | Apple Mac OS X Automator Conversion Action Format |
.cad | CAD Drawing Format |
.cadc | Corpatla Baudadministration Data Format |
.cadrg | Compressed ARC Raster Graphic |
.cae | Abaqus CAE Model |
.caf | Apple Core Audio Format |
.caff | Apple Core Audio Format |
.cag | Microsoft Clip Gallery Catalog Format |
.cah | Ulead Photo Explorer Thumbnail Cache |
.cai | SeeYou Flight Data |
.caj | China Academic Journals Full-text Database |
.cakewalkwindowlayout | Cakewalk Window Layout |
.cal | CALS Raster Image Format |
.calb | Coolect Album Format |
.calibre | Calibre Device Data Format |
.calibz | Chief Architect Symbol |
.cals | CALS Raster Group 1 Image Format |
.calx | Calendar Printing Assistant Template |
.cam | Casio QV Digital CAMera Image Format |
.camm | Espresso Mind Map Mind Map Format |
.camp | WCS CAMP |
.camproj | Camtasia Studio Project Format |
.camrec | Camtasia Studio Recorder Format |
.camthtr | Camtasia Studio Theater |
.camv | Camtasia Screencast Video Format |
.can | Canon Navigator Fax Format |
.canf | CanOpener |
.canim | Shank Game |
.cannedsearch | Apple Mac OS X Finder Predefined Search |
.caos | CanOpener Preference |
.cap | PacketView Pro Packet Trace Data Format |
.capfile | Ruby Capistrano Instruction |
.caproj | Construct Game Project Format |
.caps | CaptureSaver |
.capx | Construct Game Project Archive Format |
.car | Biosym Chemical Modeller Input Format |
.carb | Apple Mac OS X Carbon Package |
.carc | Nintendo DS Compressed Archive Format |
.card | Funkiball Adventure |
.caro | Adobe Acrobat Creatorcode |
.cas | Autodesk AutoCAD License Format |
.cascii | CACTVS Chemical ASCII Format |
.case | SlipCover For Mac Template Format |
.cat | Microsoft Security Catalog Format |
.cat4d | Cinema 4D Catalog |
.catalog | CATIA Catalog |
.CATAnalysis | CATIA Analysis |
.CATDrawing | CATIA Drawing |
.CATfct | CATIA CATfct |
.CATKnowledge | CATIA CATKnowledge |
.CATMaterial | CATIA CATMaterial |
.catom | Chief Architect Catalogue |
.catpart | CATIA Part Format |
.catpreferences | CATIA Preferences |
.CATProcess | CATIA Process |
.catproduct | CATIA Product Format |
.CATRaster | CATIA Raster |
.CATResource | CATIA Resource |
.CATSettings | CATIA Settings |
.CATShape | CATIA Shape |
.CATSystem | CATIA Functional Systems |
.cav | Comodo Virus Definitions Format |
.cawr | Espresso Workreport Format |
.cax | VCollab 3D Model |
.cb | Microsoft Clean Boot |
.cb1 | CARE-S InfoWorks Biochemical Oxygen Detail |
.cb4 | Actuate Analytics |
.cb7 | CDisplay 7-Zip Comic Book Format |
.cba | CDisplay ACE Comic Book Format |
.cbb | ChessBase Search Booster |
.cbc | Comic Book Collection |
.cbcp | CodeBaby Production Studio Character Package |
.cbd | Corel WordPerfect Dictionary |
.cbds | Comic Book DS Format |
.cbf | ChessBase Game Information Format |
.cbg | CyberGauge Data Format |
.cbh | ChessBase Chess Database Format |
.cbk | Backup Configuration Format |
.cbl | Cobol Language Source Code Format |
.cbm | Bitmap Image Format |
.cbmv | Comic Book Millennium Collection |
.cbn | PaperMaster Cabinet |
.cbo | Microsoft Interactive Training |
.cbp | Code::Blocks Project Format |
.cbplugin | Code::Blocks Plugin |
.cbproj | C++ Builder Project |
.cbq | StarOS Script |
.cbr | Comic Book Archive Format Or ComicBook Reader Format |
.cbs | Comodo Backup Script Format |
.cbt | CDisplay TAR Comic Book Format |
.cbu | Comodo Backup Backup Format |
.cbv | ChessBase Archive Format |
.cbw | ComicRack Webcomics |
.cbx | Rational XDE |
.cbxml | CodeBox XML Library |
.cbz | Comic Book Archive Format Or ComicBook Reader Format |
.cc | C++ Language Source Code Format |
.cc1 | Briggs Softworks Calendar Commander |
.cca | CC: MAil Data Format |
.ccb | Visual Basic Animated Button Configuration |
.ccbjs | CopperCube JavaScript Scene |
.ccc | Microsoft Internet Chat Conversation Log |
.ccd | CloneCD Track Description Format |
.cce | Calendar Creator 2 Event |
.ccf | CryptLoad Container Format |
.ccgame | Microsoft XNA Game Studio Game Package Format |
.cch | Photomodeler Photochip Thumbnail Format |
.ccip | Curse Client 4 Addon Download Protocol Format |
.ccj | Crossword Compiler Compiled Crossword Applet |
.cck | Corel Clipart |
.ccl | CCTools Levelset |
.ccm | Multimedia Fusion Custom Menu |
.ccn | Multimedia Fusion Development Format |
.cco | Apple Cocoa |
.ccp | CloneCD Profiles Format |
.ccr | HealthFrame ASTM Continuity Of Care Record Format |
.ccrf | Calcomp Raster Bitmap Image |
.ccs | TrialDirector Clip Script Format |
.ccscc | ClearCase Source Control Info Format |
.cct | Macromedia (Adobe) Director Shockwave Cast Format |
.ccw | Crossword Compiler Saved Puzzle |
.ccwsln | Connected Components Workbench |
.ccx | Click & Create Extension |
.ccxml | Call Control EXtensible Markup Language |
.cd | ClassDiagram Format |
.cd2 | DATAIR Cafeteria Document System Custom Text |
.cd5 | Chasys Draw Image |
.cda | CD Audio Track |
.cdata | Command & Conquer 3 Audio |
.cdb | Windows Mobile Pocket Access Database Format |
.cdc | Autodesk AutoCAD DesignCenter Preview Cache Format |
.cdd | ConceptDraw Drawing Diagram Format |
.cdda | Apple ITunes AIFF Audio Format |
.cddx | Circuit Diagram Diagram Format |
.cde | CADKEY Dynamic Extension |
.cdem | CompeGPS Land Landscape |
.cdf | Cyberspace Description Format |
.cdf-ms | ClickOnce Deployment Binary Manifest Format |
.cdfx | Cindex |
.cdg | DART Karaoke Studio Lyrics Format |
.cdi | DiscJuggler Image Format |
.cdj | DiscJuggler CD-ROM Data |
.cdk | Calamus SL Document |
.cdl | CADKey CAD Language Format |
.cdlx | Adobe Audition Audio CD Project Format |
.cdm | NTI CD&DVD-Maker Image Format |
.cdmedia | Boxer For Mac Cd-rom |
.cdmm | ConceptDraw MINDMAP Document |
.cdmp | WCS CDMP |
.cdmt | ConceptDraw MINDMAP Template |
.cdmtz | Compressed ConceptDraw MINDMAP Template |
.cdmz | ConceptDraw MINDMAP Compressed Document Format |
.cdo | Crescendo Music Score Format |
.cdoc | DigiDoc Client Container |
.cdp | Trainz Simulator Content Dispatcher Pack Format |
.cdp2 | Trainz Classics Content Dispatcher Pack 2 Format |
.cdpx | ConceptDraw PROJECT XML Format |
.cdpz | ConceptDraw PROJECT Document |
.cdr | CorelDRAW Vector Or Bitmap Format |
.cdr3 | CorelDRAW 3 For Mac Vector Or Bitmap Image |
.cdr4 | CorelDRAW 4 For Mac Vector Or Bitmap Image |
.cdr5 | CorelDRAW 5 For Mac Vector Or Bitmap Image |
.cdr6 | CorelDRAW 6 For Mac Vector Or Bitmap Image |
.cdrw | CorelDRAW For Mac |
.cdrx | Bosch Crash Data Retrieval Data Format |
.CDRZIP | DICOM Compressed Image |
.cds | ChemDraw Stationery Document |
.cdsg | DrawMusic Chord Song |
.cdt | CorelDRAW Template Format |
.cdt6 | CorelDRAW 6 For Mac Template |
.cdt_ | CorelDRAW For Mac Template |
.cdu | CDU Paint Image Format |
.cdv | CatDV Catalog |
.cdw | KOMPAS CAD Drawing Format |
.cdx | CorelDRAW Compressed Drawing Format |
.cdxml | ChemDraw XML Format |
.cdz | ROM With A View Project Format |
.ce | Digital Vision ComputerEyes IFF Bitmap Format |
.ce0 | Winewar Worm |
.ce1 | Computer Eyes Raw Image Format |
.ce2 | Computer Eyes Raw Image Format |
.cea | DAZ 3D Carrara Pro Export |
.ceb | Apabi EBook Format |
.ced | JVC Corrupted Video Format |
.cedata | Pogoplug |
.cedprj | Ashampoo CoverEditor Cover Project Format |
.cef | CenturionMail Format |
.cei | CRiSP Harvest |
.ceimg | CeRegEditor Registry Image |
.cel | Lumena CEL Bitmap Image Format |
.cell | CASTEP Supercell Material Data |
.celtx | Celtx Project Format |
.celx | Celestia Script |
.cem | Empire Earth Game Format |
.ceo | Winewar Worm |
.cer | Internet Security Certificate |
.cert | Netscape Certificate Index |
.certauthorityconfig | Apple Mac OS X Certificate Assistant Configuration |
.certsigningrequest | Apple Mac OS X Certificate Assistant |
.cet | Hitachi Cobol |
.cetrainer | DBVM |
.cex | SolidWorks Enterprise PDM Vault Export Format |
.cf | Sendmail Configuration Format |
.cf2 | Common File Format 2 |
.cf5 | DocuWare |
.cf7 | Toshiba ConfigFree Profile Handling Module |
.cfa | Adobe Premiere Pro Audio Format |
.cfb | Disk Drill Recovered |
.cfc | Adobe ColdFusion Component Format |
.cfd | CryptoForge Document |
.cfdi | Comprobante Fiscal Digital Por Internet |
.cfe | CryptoForge Encrypted |
.cff | ColorImpact Color Formula Format |
.cff2 | Kodak Pandora Exported |
.cfg | Configuration Files |
.cfge | Jewel Quest Configuration Format |
.cfi | CleverForm Script |
.cfk | Microsoft Developer Studio Diagram |
.cfl | IMVU Product Format |
.cfm | Adobe ColdFusion Template Format |
.cfml | Adobe ColdFusion Markup Language Format |
.cfn | Calamus Font Data |
.cfo | Turbo C Utilities C Form Object |
.cfp | Bitmap Native Format For CoverFactory |
.cfpreset | SA Color Finesse Plugin For Adobe After Effects |
.cfr | Cross Fire Replay Format |
.CFReplay | Crossfire Europe Replay |
.cfs | INMOS Configuration Format |
.cft | CFast Graphics |
.cfw | ChemFinder Form |
.cfx | Magix Movie Edit Pro |
.cfxr | Cocoa Sfxr Format |
.cfxxe | Possibly Malware |
.cfz | Compressed Archive |
.cg | NVidia CgFX Format |
.cg3 | Cabri 3D Document |
.cg4 | CALS Group IV Bitmap Graphics |
.cga | Ventura Publisher CGA Display Font |
.cgd | CricketGraph Data |
.cgdb | Microsoft Clip Art Package |
.cgf | Asm Objasm Format |
.cgfx | CgFX Shader Format |
.cgi | Common Gateway Interface Script Format |
.cginc | Unity Custom Shader Include |
.cgk | BlueSoleil |
.cgm | Computer Graphics Metafile |
.cgmap | CityGuide Region Map |
.cgo | Railroad Tycoon 3 Car Properties |
.cgp | PixelCryptor Encrypted Format |
.cgr | CATIA MultiCAx Plug-in Conversion Format |
.cgrp | Pro Tools Clip Group Format |
.cgt | Gold Parsing System Compiled Grammar Table |
.cgvp | NVidia Cg Programming Language XML |
.cgx | ARM RL-TCPnet HTTP Web Server XML Web Page Update Script |
.cgz | AssaultCube Map Format |
.ch | OS/2 Configuration |
.ch1 | IBM Freelance Graphics Chart |
.ch10 | Irig 106 Original Recording |
.ch3 | Harvard Graphics V3.0 Chart/image Format |
.ch4 | WSxM |
.ch5 | VisIt |
.cha | Online Chat Configuration Format |
.cham | Compiled HAM Format |
.chap | MP4 Movie Chapter |
.charmm | CHARMm Chemical Modeller Input |
.charset | Character Set Format |
.chart | Feedback Chart Format |
.chat | Online Chat Configuration Format |
.chatlog | Adium Chat Log |
.chc | HCFR Colorimeter Data Format |
.chd | MAME Compressed Hard Disk Format |
.che | CHwinEHE Project |
.chef | Chef Source Code Format |
.chesstitanssave-ms | Chess Titans Save Game Format |
.chf | PcAnywhere Remote Control |
.chg | Quicken Online Data Format |
.chh | C++ Header |
.chi | Microsoft Help Index |
.chj | IBM SPSS Interview Cache |
.chk | ScanDisk File Fragment |
.chkn | IMVU Create Mode Temporary |
.chksplit | Incredible Bee Archiver Checksum |
.chl | Microsoft Internet Explorer Channel Information Format |
.chm | Microsoft Compiled HTML Help Format |
.chml | Chameleon Encrypted Format |
.chn | Ethnograph Data Format |
.cho | Animation:Master Choreography |
.chord | Song Chords Format |
.chp | Ventura Publisher Chapter Document |
.chq | Microsoft Help Combined Full-text Search |
.chr | Borland Language Stroke Font Format |
.chrparams | CryENGINE Character Paramters Format |
.chs | Windows Chinese Noise-Word List Format |
.cht | ZSNES Cheat Code Format |
.chtml | Compact HTML Document |
.chunk001 | File Splitter Split File (part 1) |
.chv | ChView Star Map Format |
.chw | Microsoft Help HTML Help General Index Format |
.chx | Autodesk AutoCAD Standards Check Format |
.ci | CitectSCADA Format |
.cid | CoDiagnostiX User Defined Implant |
.cidb | Apple ITunes CD Information Format |
.cif | Easy CD Creator CD Image Format |
.cii | Caesar II |
.cik | Corel Graphics 10 Custom Dual Tone |
.cil | Microsoft Office Clip Gallery Download Package |
.cim | CimPack Design Drawing |
.cimg | CImg Image Format |
.cin | Kodak Cineon Image Format |
.cin96lm | Microsoft Cinemania |
.cin96upd | Microsoft Cinemania Format |
.cine | Vision Research Phantom Cine Camera Video Format |
.cinema4D | Cinema 4D For Amiga |
.cio | SWAT Master Watershed |
.cip | CryptoBuddy Encrypted Format |
.cipo | Cartesian Products Compressed Internet Document |
.cir | Supermax ECAD Command Save |
.circ | Logisim Circuit |
.circuit | KTechlab Circuit Design Format |
.cis | CheckInbox |
.ciso | Wii Compressed Game Image |
.cit | Intergraph Scanned Image |
.civ | Empire Earth Custom Civilization Information |
.civ5map | Civilization 5 Map |
.civ5save | Civilization 5 Saved Game Format |
.ciw | Web Of Science Export |
.cix | Rational XDE |
.cjstyles | Skin Builder Project |
.ck1 | Commander Keen 1 Game Data |
.ck2 | Commander Keen 2 Game Data |
.ck3 | Commander Keen 3 Game Data |
.ck4 | Commander Keen 4 Game Data |
.ck5 | Commander Keen 5 Game Data |
.ck6 | Commander Keen 6 Game Data |
.cka | Comfort Keys Database |
.ckb | Cricket Audio Sound Bank Format |
.ckbx | Cricket Audio XML Bank Description Format |
.ckd | CADKEY Design Format |
.ckf | Casio Keyboard Audio Format |
.ckp | Ingres Database Checkpoint Data |
.cks | Microsoft Windows CE Image Info |
.ckt | B2 Spice Circuit Design Format |
.ckz | QuickSFV File Verification Database |
.cl | IconUtils Mouse Cursor Library Format |
.cl2 | HY-TEK Meet Results Format |
.cl2arc | Comic Life 2 Document Archive Format |
.cl2doc | Comic Life 2 Document Format |
.cl2lyt | Comic Life 2 Layout Format |
.cl2tpl | Comic Life 2 Template Format |
.cl3 | Easy CD Creator CD Layout |
.cl4 | Easy CD Creator CD Layout Format |
.cl5 | Easy CD Creator Saved Project Format |
.cla | Clarion For DOS Source Code |
.claf | Claris Font |
.clam | Adobe InDesign Dictionary |
.clarify | Blue Mango Clarify Document Format |
.clas | Java Class |
.class | Java Bytecode Class Format |
.classdiagram | Microsoft Visual Studio Class Diagram |
.classlist | SMART Notebook Class List Format |
.classpath | Eclipse IDE JAVA Project Related |
.clb | Super NoteTab ClipBook Template Format |
.clbx | MP3 Automagic CD Cover Creator Label |
.clc | Microsoft Schedule+ 7 Habits Mission Statement |
.cld | Canon CD-Label Print Label Layout Format |
.cldcvt | CD-LabelPrint Converted Data |
.cldlyr | TerraGen Cloud Layer |
.cle | Icon Lock-iT Locked File Indicator |
.cleo | Grand Theft Auto Vice City Mod Format |
.clf | ListPro |
.clg | QIP List Of Ignored Contacts Format |
.clgx | Collage Maker Collage |
.cli | Client Management System Customer |
.clipping | Apple Mac OS X Finder |
.clips | Coda For Mac Clips Format |
.clix | CLIX Command Format |
.clj | Clojure Source Code |
.clk | CorelDRAW Corel R.A.V.E. Animation Format |
.clkk | Clicker Keyboard Format |
.clkt | Clicker Template Format |
.clkw | Clicker Word Bank Format |
.clkx | Clicker Grid Set Format |
.cll | Crick Software Clicker |
.clm | Micrografx Picture Publisher Macro Format |
.cln | Microsoft Windows 3.x Configuration Backup |
.clo | Cloe Ray-Tracer Image |
.cloe | Cloe Ray-Tracer Image |
.cloud | GOM Atos Scanner |
.clp | Microsoft Windows Clipboard Format |
.clpi | Blu-Ray Clip AV Stream Format |
.clpprj | CodeLobster PHP Edition Project |
.clr | Adobe Flash Color Table Format |
.clr0 | Nintendo Wii Color Swapping Animation |
.cls | JavaScript Class Definition Format |
.clt | VisualBoyAdvance Cheat List Format |
.clu | Broken Sword 2 Dialogue |
.clv | QIP Visible List |
.clw | Microsoft Visual C++ MFC Class Wizard Information Format |
.clx | Adobe Standard Dictionary Format |
.cly | CorelDRAW Custom Layout |
.clz | Tomb Raider: The Angel Of Darkness Game |
.cm | Grand Theft Auto CLEO Custom Mission Format |
.cm10 | CaseMap Case Format |
.cm2 | Poser Camera Set Format |
.cm3 | CaseMap Data |
.cm4 | ClipMate Data |
.cm5 | LexisNexis Case Analysis |
.cm8 | CaseMap Case |
.cma | Applix TM1 Database Format |
.cmake | CMake Module |
.cmap | CmapTools Concept Map Format |
.cmb | Xtree For Windows Button Bar |
.cmbl | Logger Pro Data Format |
.cmc | Comic Collector Collection Data |
.cmd | Microsoft Windows Command Script Format |
.cmdb | ANSYS CFX Mesh Database |
.cmdf | CrystalMaker Data |
.cmdt | Claris Dictionary |
.cme | Crazy Machines Level Format |
.cmf | Creative Labs FM-synthesis Music Format |
.cmg | ChessMaster Saved Game |
.cmi | The Dig Bundle |
.cml | Chemical Markup Language Document Format |
.cmm | Corel Multimedia Manager Album Format |
.cmmcd | Camtasia Studio MenuMaker Project |
.cmmp | Camtasia MenuMaker Project |
.cmmtheme | CleanMyMac Theme Format |
.cmmtpl | Camtasia MenuMaker Template |
.cmn | Systems Management Server (SMS) Update |
.cmo | Spanish Whiz Sound |
.cmod | Celestia Model Format |
.cmp | PKWare Compression Library Archive Format |
.cmproj | Camtasia For Mac Project Format |
.cmp_xml | Solid Edge XML Design |
.cmr | Coach Saved Results |
.cmrbk | CaseMap ReportBook Definition |
.cmrec | Camtasia For Mac Record Format |
.cms | CaseMap Case Script Format |
.cmt | Chinon ES-1000 Digital Camera Image Format |
.cmtx | E-Sword Commentary |
.cmu | CMU Window Manager Bitmap Image |
.cmv | CorelDRAW CorelMove Animation |
.cmw | Microsoft Office Custom Maintenance Wizard Data |
.cmx | Corel Presentation Exchange Format |
.cmy | CorelDraw Custom |
.cmz | Poser Compressed Camera Set Format |
.cn | CNwin/MLwin Account |
.cn1 | CNR Modem Initialization Data Format |
.cn3 | CN3D |
.cna | Catena Project Format |
.cnb | Pegasus Mail Noticeboard Mail Stored Message |
.cnc | CNC Machine Tool Path Format |
.CNC3Campaign | Command And Conquer 3 Campaign Save Game |
.cnd | Melco Condensed Embroidery Format |
.cndx | Avery DesignPro For Mac Label Format |
.cnf | Network Configuration Format |
.cng | CryptoNG Encrypted Format |
.cni | CWBench |
.cnk | Microsoft Dynamics GP Chunk |
.cnm | NoteMap Outline Format |
.cnn | ADO-network Connection Configuration |
.cno | INet-Server Error Description |
.cnq | WebShop Platinum Project |
.cnr | Pegasus Mail Mail Message Stored In Systemwide Folder |
.cns | Windows 2000 Client Connection Manager Export Format |
.cnt | Help Contents Format |
.cntk | Microsoft Outlook Express Contact |
.cntl | GoCart Control |
.cnv | Canvas Drawing Format |
.cnx | Pegasus Mail |
.co | Cobalt 3D |
.coa | Caligari TrueSpace 3D Object |
.cob | COBOL Programming Language Source Format |
.coc | Bibexcel |
.cod | Blackberry Compiled Java Code |
.codaplugin | Coda For Mac Plugin Format |
.codasite | Coda For Mac Web Project Format |
.coe | Xilinx BRAM Initialization |
.cof | AutoDesk Data Format |
.coffee | CoffeeScript Script Format |
.cok | INet-Server Error Report |
.col | Autodesk Colour Palette |
.collection | Adobe Bridge Collection Format |
.collisionmesh | Battlefield Collision Mesh |
.colloquytranscript | Colloquy Chat Transcript |
.color | Amaya Config |
.colorpicker | Apple Mac OS X Color Picker Component |
.colors | SAM Makelogo Color |
.colourscheme | J&ASoft Speedy Browser Color Scheme Settings |
.colr | Kaleidoscope Scheme |
.colz | Adobe Collage Moodboard Format |
.com | Command Executable Format |
.comfycakessave-ms | Comfy Cakes Saved Game Format |
.comicdoc | Comic Life Document Format |
.command | Apple Mac OS X Terminal Format |
.commanderDoc | Apple Qmaster |
.common | Unix Script |
.comp | CodeWarrior Compiler |
.comparison | Merge Comparison Report |
.complete | SendSafe Deciphered E-message |
.compo | DAZ 3D Carrara Pro 7 Or 8 Temporary |
.component | Mac OS X System Component |
.componentdiagram | Microsoft Visual Studio Component Diagram |
.components | Mac OS X System |
.compositefont | Composite Font Format |
.compositionmodel | Invantive Composition Data Model |
.compress | Microsoft Compress |
.compressed | WordCompress Compacted Web Format |
.con | Corel WordPerfect Concordance Format |
.conf | Configuration Information Format |
.config | Configuration Format |
.configprofile | Apple Configuration Profile |
.configure | Bash |
.confluence | Eclipse Mylyn WikiText Confluence |
.conform | Conformalizer Change List Format |
.console | Widows NT Console |
.cont | Panasonic Camcorder Extra |
.contact | Microsoft Windows Contact Format |
.contentproj | XNA Game Studio Game Content Project |
.contents | MAC OS X |
.contentsofclipboard | WinXP Powertoy |
.contour | Contour Screenplay Format |
.controls | OpenBVE Keyboard Settings Format |
.converterx | SiMX TextConverter Project |
.coo | AutoCAD Bounding Coordinates Cookie |
.cook | Netscape For Mac Cookie |
.cool | QB - Text Analyzer Vocabulary List |
.coords | Ribbons Coords |
.cop | Sam Coupé Sound |
.copreset | Capture One Preset Format |
.copy | Sony Ericsson Protected Content Format |
.cor | CorelDRAW Format |
.cos | Creatures Source Code Format |
.cos2 | Pinnacle Studio Cache Format |
.costyle | Capture One Style Format |
.counter | Netobjects Fusion Components Bbscomp Message |
.cov | Microsoft Cover Page Editor Fax Cover Page Format |
.coverage | Microsoft Visual Studio Code Coverage |
.coveragexml | Microsoft Visual Studio Code Coverage |
.cow | Thief Game |
.cox | Click & Create Extension |
.cp | Xcode C++ Source Code Format |
.cp1 | CARE-S InfoWorks Phosphorus Detail |
.cp2 | ChessBase Theme Classification |
.cp3 | Grand Prix 3 Cockpit Shape Format |
.cp8 | CP8 256 Gray Scale Image |
.cp9 | ChoicePoint Encrypted Format |
.cp? | LoseThos C+ Source |
.cpa | Adobe Premiere Conformed Audio Format |
.cpb | Comicino Studio Project Format |
.cpbitmap | Apple IPhone Bitmap Wallpaper Format |
.cpc | Cartesian Perceptual Compression Compressed Image |
.cpct | Compact Pro Archive |
.cpd | CorelDRAW Corel PrintOffice Drawing Format |
.cpdt | Adobe Captivate Design Template |
.cpe | Win95 Cover Page Editor Fax Cover Sheet Format |
.cpf | Cognos Project Format |
.cpg | Manga Studio Drawing |
.cpgz | Compressed UNIX CPIO Archive |
.cph | Corel Print House Printing Project Format |
.cpi | AVCHD Clip Information Format |
.cpio | Unix CPIO Archive Format |
.cpk | DTM Test Log Format |
.cpl | Microsoft Windows Control Panel Format |
.cpmz | Miradi Project Format |
.cpn | Age Of Empires Campaign Format |
.cpo | Corel Print House Data |
.cpp | C++ Main Source Code File Format |
.cpq | Compaq OEM Disc Configuration Format |
.cpr | Cubase Project Format |
.cprr | Adobe Captivate XML Script |
.cps | Corel Photo House Image Format |
.cpt | Corel PHOTO-PAINT Bitmap Format |
.cpt2 | M-Tron Pro Library |
.cptl | Adobe Captivate Project Template Format |
.cptm | Adobe Captivate Theme |
.cptx | Adobe Captivate Project Format |
.cpu | SiSoftware Sandra |
.cpx | Oracle Application Development Framework ADF Binding Context Format |
.cpy | ECopy Desktop Scanned Document Format |
.cpz | LoseThos C+ Source |
.cql | XDCC Catcher Queue List |
.cqt | MAIL.DAT Container Quantity Data |
.cr | CRiSP Source Code |
.cr1 | LoggerNet CRBasic Source |
.cr2 | Canon Digital Camera RAW Image Format Version 2.0 |
.cr5 | Survey Pro Coordinate |
.craft | KSP Spacecraft Format |
.crash | Apple Mac OS X Console Report Format |
.crashed | AbiWord Crash-saved Document Format |
.crb | BigOven Recipe Database |
.crc | Total Commander CRC Format |
.crd | Microsoft Windows Cardfile Database Format |
.crdownload | Google Chrome Incomplete Download Format |
.crds | Microsoft Windows CardSpace Backup Format |
.crec | Microsoft Lync 2010 Recording |
.creole | Creole Source |
.crev | Adobe Captivate Review Format |
.crf | Enhanced Dark Engine Game Archive Format |
.crg | Calamus Picture Image |
.crh | EN-CC Truss Geometry |
.cri | Crystal Reports |
.crl | Certificate Revocation List |
.crmlog | Microsoft Windows CRM Log |
.crp | CorelDRAW Corel Presents Run-time Presentation |
.crs | Corel WordPerfect Conversion Resource Format |
.crs3 | OmniPage Lite |
.crt | Internet Security Certificate |
.crtr | MultiAd Creator Pro Document Format |
.crtx | Microsoft Office 2007 Chart Template Format |
.crv | CorelDRAW Corel PHOTO-PAINT 10 Custom Gradients Format |
.crw | Canon Digital Camera RAW Image Format |
.crwl | Microsoft Windows Crawl Format |
.crx | Google Chrome Extension Installer File Format |
.cry | CryENGINE Map Format |
.crypt | WhatsApp Messenger Encrypted Message Database Backup |
.crypt5 | WhatsApp Messenger Encrypted Message Database Backup |
.crypt6 | WhatsApp Messenger Encrypted Message Database Backup |
.crypt7 | WhatsApp Messenger Encrypted Message Database Backup |
.crypted | Ashampoo WinOptimizer Encrypted Format |
.cryptomite | CryptoMite Encrypted Archive |
.cryptra | Cryptra Encrypted Format |
.crysisjmsf | Crysis Saved Game Format |
.crysispsf | Crysis Warhead Saved Game Position Format |
.crz | Compressed Poser Character Rigging Format |
.cs | Microsoft Visual Studio Visual C#.NET Source Format |
.cs1 | Sinar CaptureShop |
.cs2 | CyberStep2 |
.cs4 | Sinar CaptureShop 4-shot Image |
.cs8 | Unix Graphics Format |
.csa | Agilent PNA Code Calset Format |
.csac | Web Research Collection Optimization Temporary |
.csaplan | SPSS Analysis Plan Format |
.csassembly | ICQ 6 |
.csattr | Microsoft Visual Studio Attractor |
.csb | Corel PHOTO-PAINT Script |
.csc | 18 Wheels Of Steel: Pedal To The Metal Game |
.cscpkt | Sample Packet |
.csd | Compact Shared Document |
.csdproj | C# Device Project |
.cse | Web Research Document Package |
.csf | Adobe Photoshop Color Settings Format |
.csgrad | Microsoft Visual Studio Gradients |
.csh | Adobe Photoshop Shapes Format |
.cshrc | UNIX Command |
.cshtml | ASP.Net Web Page |
.csi | ContentServ CS EMMS Suite Include Format |
.csj | RIM CSJ Registration |
.csk | Claris Works |
.cskin | CD Art Display Skin Format |
.csl | CineStyle Color Settings Format |
.csm | 3ds Max Character Studio Maker Format |
.csmanifest | ICQ 6 Settings |
.csml | Chemical Style Markup Language |
.csn | Adobe Dreamweaver Snippet Format |
.cso | CISO Compressed ISO Format |
.csom | Eudora For Mac |
.csp | CorelDRAW Service Bureau Profiler Format |
.csplan | SPSS Sampling Plan Format |
.csproj | Microsoft Visual Studio Visual C# Project Format |
.csq | Microsoft FoxPro Queries |
.csr | Certificate Signing Request Format |
.css | Cascading Style Sheets Format |
.css1 | Cascading Style Sheet |
.csstore | Apple Mac OS X Cache |
.cst | Commonspace Document Format |
.csv | Comma Separated Value Format |
.csview | Microsoft Visual Studio Views |
.csvx | XML CSV |
.csw | Corel WordPerfect Setup Information |
.csx | Microsoft Visual C# Primary Script Format |
.csy | Canvas Symbol Library Format |
.csz | The Core Media Player Skin |
.ct | IRIS CT Image Format |
.ct0 | Tajima TBF Condition |
.ct1 | SMS Proposed Site Control |
.ct7 | CaseMap Case Analysis Template |
.ct8 | CaseMap Case Template |
.cta | ColorTouch Assistant Settings |
.ctb | AutoCAD Colour-dependent Plot Style Table Format |
.ctbl | Xamine NSCL |
.ctbodyfitting | CrazyTalk Animator Format |
.ctc | SeeYou Flight Data |
.ctd | Tomahawk Gold Compressed Tomahawk Document |
.cte | Classical Text Editor Document |
.ctf | AVG Antivirus Update Control Format |
.ctfsys | OS X Mach Kernel System |
.ctg | BMC Software PATROL Format |
.cti | Collectorz.com Template Info |
.ctit | RAR Archive |
.ctk | TeKton3D Project |
.ctl | Visual Basic Control File (Active X Control File) |
.ctm | Crazy Talk Face Model Format |
.ctmdpi | MRMC Markov Reward Model Checker Matrix |
.ctn | Cadterns Sloper Format |
.cto | Microsoft Visual Studio Binary Command Table Output |
.ctp | CakePHP Template Format |
.ctproject | CrazyTalk Animator Project |
.ctr | BrainVoyager QX Contrast |
.cts | CrazyTalk Audio Format |
.ctsym | Microsoft Visual Studio Command Table Output |
.ctt | Windows Live Messenger Contact List Format |
.ctv | Citavi Project Format |
.ctv3 | Citavi 3 Project Format |
.ctx | Microsoft Windows Terminal Server INI Backup Format |
.ctxt | BlueJ Information Format |
.cty | SimCity City Format |
.ctz | Custody Toolbox Compressed Backup |
.cu | CUDA Source Code Format |
.cu1 | Photoline 4 Curve |
.cu3 | Photoline Curves Clut |
.cu? | Photoline Clut |
.cub | Windows Installer Validation Module Format |
.cube | Antaeus |
.cue | Cue Sheet Description Format |
.cuf | Turbo C Utilities Form Definition |
.cui | AutoCAD Customization Format |
.cuix | Autodesk AutoCAD Custom User Interface Format |
.cul | IconForge ImageForge Cursor Library |
.cup | SeeYou Waypoint |
.cur | Windows Cursor Format |
.current | WhatsApp Messenger Encrypted Message Database |
.cursemod | Curse Client Mod |
.cursor | Sun Cursor |
.cursorfx | CursorFX Cursor Theme Format |
.curxptheme | CursorFX Theme Format |
.cus | AutoCAD Custom Dictionary Format |
.cust | QuarkXPress Mac File Type |
.customdestinations-ms | Microsoft Windows 7 Jump List |
.cut | Dr. Halo Bitmap Format |
.cutecutproject | Cute Cut Project |
.cuv | Origin Sample Curve |
.cu_ | Microsoft Windows Winhelp Compressed |
.cv | Microsoft CodeView Information Screen |
.cv5 | Canvas 5 Drawing Format |
.cva | HP Compaq Diagnostics Format |
.cvc | CVideo Format |
.cvd | Clam AntiVirus Database Format |
.cvf | CPU-Z Validation Format |
.cvg | Calamus Vector Image File Format |
.cvi | CassiniVision Map Image Format |
.cvm | Odin Sphere |
.cvn | Sonic CineVision Encoding Session Format |
.cvp | Portrait Image Format |
.cvr | Microsoft Office Crash Report Format |
.cvs | CVS And VMS Sound Files (continous Variable Slope) |
.cvsignore | Eclipse CVS Settings |
.cvsrc | TortoiseCVS CVS Command |
.cvt | Canvas External Tool Format |
.cvw | CaseView Document Format |
.cvx | Canvas Drawing Format |
.cvz | Card Vault Inventory |
.cw | CardWorks Template Format |
.cw3 | Claris Works Document |
.cw7 | COMPRESS Related |
.cwb | Cakewalk Bundle |
.cwc | CADfix Wizard Configuration |
.cwdb | ClarisWorks Database |
.cwf | CorelDRAW Workspace Format |
.cwgr | ClarisWorks Drawing |
.cwie | CodeWarrior |
.cwk | ClarisWorks Document Format |
.cwks | ClarisWorks |
.cwl | ClarisWorks Library |
.cwlink | CodeWarrior |
.cwm | WebSphere Map Designer Express Map Definition |
.cwms | CompeGPS Land Remote Map |
.cwp | Cakewalk Sonar Audio Project Format |
.cwpt | ClarisWorks Painting Drawing |
.cwr | Crystal Reports Report |
.cws | ClarisWorks Template Format |
.cwss | ClarisWorks Spreadsheet |
.cwt | ClarisWorks Texture Format |
.cww | Crossword Weaver Format |
.cwwp | ClarisWorks Document |
.cwx | Sonar Track Template |
.cwz | Circuit Wizard Format |
.cw_ | CorelDRAW Workspace |
.cx | CodeMapper Script |
.cx3 | CMS Video Format |
.cxa | ANSYS Fluent Animation Metadata |
.cxarchive | CrossOver Bottle |
.cxb | Custody X Change Data |
.cxd | SimplePCI Graphics Data Format |
.cxe | Common XML Envelope |
.cxf | Google Picasa Collage Format |
.cxl | Business Integrator Extract Schema |
.cxml | Microsoft Silverlight Server Side Data |
.cxp | Omron CX Programmer Format |
.cxq | SillyDl.CXQ Downloading Trojan |
.cxr | CX-Programmer Settings |
.cxt | Adobe Director Protected Cast Format |
.cxv | Custody X Change Data |
.cxx | C++ Main Source Code File Format |
.cya | Cyana Macro |
.cyberducklicense | Cyberduck For Mac OS License Format |
.cyberduckprofile | Cyberduck Connection Profile |
.cyi | Clustify Input Format |
.cyl | Ribbons Cylinder |
.cyo | Clustify Output Format |
.cyp | Home Designer Pro Project Format |
.cyr | Crysis Level |
.cys | Clustify Summary Statistics Format |
.cyw | Rbot.CYW Worm Format |
.cz | Czech Language Translation |
.czd | The Crash Zone Drawing Format |
.czi | Carl Zeiss Image Data Format |
.czip | ZG Encrypted Zip Archive |
.czn | RMCProfile Atom List |
.czp | ClozePro Archive Format |
.c_ | Microsoft Winhelp Compressed |
.c__ | C++ Source Code |
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