Autodesk AutoCAD Action Macro Format

ACTM is a CAD file used by 2D/3D design application tool AutoCAD developed by Autodesk. ACTM stores macros for AutoCAD.

ACTM files are generated by a built-in action recording tool AutoCAD's Action Recorder. The tool records sequences of action and commands performed by user. However, not all commands can be captured by the recorder as they cannot be a part of a macro. Macros allow users to automate repetitive task.


.a6p Adobe Authorware Application Format
.action Mac OS X Automator Action Format
.actm Autodesk AutoCAD Action Macro Format
.ahk AutoHotkey Script Format
.air Adobe AIR Rich Internet Applications
.apk Google Android Package Format
.app MAC Application Package Or Core System Service Format
.applescript AppleScript Script Format

Last updated

.mmf 04/13/2023
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