MPEG Movie (Motion Pictures Experts Group)

MPE is an extension of files that store digital video material. Data in such files is compressed using the MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 standard. In both cases it is a lossy compression. The MPE format has been used frequently for the distribution of video over the Internet. The codecs for the MPEG-1 standard allowed to obtain an image resolution of 352x240 (bandwidth 1.5 Mb / s), and MPEG-2 standard 1920x1152 points (bandwidth 3 - 13 Mb / s).

Files of this type, apart from the MPE extension, more often received the MPEG extension.

Updated 09/06/2022

.aaf Advanced Authoring Format Multimedia Format
.aec DataCAD Drawing Format
.aep Adobe After Effects Project Format
.aepx Adobe After Effects XML Project Format
.aet Adobe After Effects Template Format
.aetx Adobe After Effects Format
.ajp AJP Player Video Format
.ale Avid Log File Format

Last updated

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